android Programming Glossary: system_server
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? held 3 Getting CPU info ~ adb shell dumpsys cpuinfo Output Load 0.08 0.4 0.64 CPU usage from 42816ms to 34683ms ago system_server 1 1 user 0 kernel faults 16 minor 0 0 user 0 kernel faults 160 minor tiwlan_wq 0 0 user 0 kernel usb_mass_storag..
How to set mobile system time and date in android? system user account. For all the other kids in town there's the alarm manager. It's a system service running in the system_server process under the guess what system user account. It exposes the mentioned setTime method but enforces the SET_TIME permission..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android procrank . Output of this on the same system looks like PID Vss Rss Pss Uss cmdline 890 84456K 48668K 25850K 21284K system_server 1231 50748K 39088K 17587K 13792K 947 34488K 28528K 10834K 9308K 987 26964K 26956K..
Ideal way to set global uncaught exception Handler in Android Android handler is still getting called. It's possible that your version is being called but failing fatally and the system_server is showing a generic dialog when it sees the process crash. Add some log messages at the top of your handler to see if it's..
Android - Key Dispatching Timed Out 7373ms to 1195ms ago INFO ActivityManager 88 package name 6 1 user 5 kernel faults 7 minor INFO ActivityManager 88 system_server 5 4 user 1 kernel faults 27 minor INFO ActivityManager 88 tiwlan_wifi_wq 3 0 user 3 kernel INFO ActivityManager 88 mediaserver..
How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android? libdl libsqlite3_phone_number_utils_test swt CtsPermission2TestCases libdrm1 libsqlite3_phonetic_string_utils_test system_server CtsPermissionDeclareApp libdrm1_jni libSR_AcousticModels tcpdump CtsPermissionTestCases libdrm2 libSR_AcousticState TelephonyProvider.. libsurfaceflinger test opengl gralloc CustomLocale libFFTEm libsvoxpico test opengl linetex daemonize libfst libsystem_server test opengl swapinterval dalvikvm libft2 libsysutils test opengl textures dasm libgetactualaacconfig libterm test opengl..