android Programming Glossary: system's
Adding an action bar to Theme.Black.NoTitleBar Android the top of an activity's window when the activity uses the system's Holo theme or one of its descendant themes which is the default...
Android Studio Project Structure (v.s. Eclipse Project Structure) was HelloWorld 4. gradle This is where the gradle build system's jar wrapper i.e. this jar is how AS communicates with gradle..
How to use SMS content provider? Where are the docs? Where are the docs I'd like to be able to read the system's SMS content provider. Basically I wanted to make an SMS messaging..
How to customize the look of a SeekBar in Android? Then you can set up a custom drawable based on the android system's progress_horizontal.xml it's in the frameworks base core res..
How to get the connection strength of Wifi access points? I can see that there are several APs available in the system's wifi setting. I.e. configs is an incomplete list. I don't know..
Android Animate Rotate use this animate rotate feature My task is to replace the system's default indeterminate progress bar. I'd like to do it with as..
Android HttpClient Doesn't Use System Proxy Settings Android does have a Proxy class that allows me to read the system's proxy settings. Is there a way I can use the proxy settings..
Difference between iPhone Simulator and Android Emulator environment they otherwise have access to all of the host system's hardware resources such as disk space memory and processor speed...
Android Min SDK Version vs. Target SDK Version prevent the user from installing the application if the system's API Level is lower than the value specified in this attribute...
How to call Android contacts list AND Select one phone number from its details screen? already posted solutions but they dont tell how do I use system's contact details screen to select any ONE number to use I am..
How do you force AccountManager to show the “Access Request” screen after a user has already allowed access? I've found is to manually clear out the data stored in the system's accounts.db. Run the following from the command line to clear..
Android: How to change the DatePicker view date format from MM/dd/yyyy to dd/MM/yyyy? in your region specific folder. Since the system's layout is Month Day Year people in other places may expect that..
Bring task to front on android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT 11 Honeycomb a moveTaskToFront method is added to the system's ActivityManager service that might probably be the better way..
Can an activity receive an unordered broadcast(incoming call) intent before system's default receiver? receive an unordered broadcast incoming call intent before system's default receiver Here is the scenario An activity is displayed..
Adding an action bar to Theme.Black.NoTitleBar Android with Android 3.0 API level 11 the action bar appears at the top of an activity's window when the activity uses the system's Holo theme or one of its descendant themes which is the default. You may otherwise add the action bar by calling requestFeature..
Android Studio Project Structure (v.s. Eclipse Project Structure) project. ex HelloWorld if your application name you gave was HelloWorld 4. gradle This is where the gradle build system's jar wrapper i.e. this jar is how AS communicates with gradle installed in Windows the OS in my case . 5. External Libraries..
How to use SMS content provider? Where are the docs? to use SMS content provider Where are the docs I'd like to be able to read the system's SMS content provider. Basically I wanted to make an SMS messaging app but it would only be useful if I could see past threads..
How to customize the look of a SeekBar in Android? 10dip item item name android maxHeight 10dip item style Then you can set up a custom drawable based on the android system's progress_horizontal.xml it's in the frameworks base core res drawable folder of an AOSP checkout . Here's an example from..
How to get the connection strength of Wifi access points? In debugging configs only contains one connection. However I can see that there are several APs available in the system's wifi setting. I.e. configs is an incomplete list. I don't know how to get the signal strength in WifiConfiguration . btw..
Android Animate Rotate that frameDuration is a private attribute. Is there a way to use this animate rotate feature My task is to replace the system's default indeterminate progress bar. I'd like to do it with as little code as possible just change few attributes if possible..
Android HttpClient Doesn't Use System Proxy Settings I don't see anywhere where I can specify a proxy though Android does have a Proxy class that allows me to read the system's proxy settings. Is there a way I can use the proxy settings in an HttpClient android proxy httpclient share improve this..
Difference between iPhone Simulator and Android Emulator Simulators on the other hand only mimic the software environment they otherwise have access to all of the host system's hardware resources such as disk space memory and processor speed. Apple always harps on the importance of device testing..
Android Min SDK Version vs. Target SDK Version required for the application to run. The Android system will prevent the user from installing the application if the system's API Level is lower than the value specified in this attribute. You should always declare this attribute. android targetSdkVersion..
How to call Android contacts list AND Select one phone number from its details screen? one phone number from its details screen I have read the already posted solutions but they dont tell how do I use system's contact details screen to select any ONE number to use I am developing an sms sending android app which offers to choose..
How do you force AccountManager to show the “Access Request” screen after a user has already allowed access? share improve this question The only solution I've found is to manually clear out the data stored in the system's accounts.db. Run the following from the command line to clear out all account grants on the system. For the emulator adb..
Android: How to change the DatePicker view date format from MM/dd/yyyy to dd/MM/yyyy?
Bring task to front on android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT
Can an activity receive an unordered broadcast(incoming call) intent before system's default receiver? an activity receive an unordered broadcast incoming call intent before system's default receiver Here is the scenario An activity is displayed active . If a phone call comes the activity should receive..