android Programming Glossary: screw
How can I securely (indirectly) query a postgresql database within android? runs. Avoid the temptation to implement your own authentication and user management at the web services layer you will screw it up use the auth at the HTTP layer that's already written and tested. This may require the use of something like Apache's..
BluetoothSocket.connect() throwing exception “read failed” now nearly constant makes me suspect multithreading but that's a relatively simple topic in Java compared to C hard to screw up if you know what you're doing. Plus the majority of this code in particular the parts dealing with synchronizing the..
How to popup list like a spinner without spinner in android?
Need a Fragments Example Eclipse and have it run. I usually learn quicker if I have a basic example in front of me that I can play with and screw up and learn from etc. So can anyone point me to a Fragments example that will just give me the xml documents and the java..
Android 2.3 wifi hotspot API is no official API but you can use reflection to handle it. I know some say it's not recommended however imho I say screw it if Google doesn't want to provide an API for whatever reason. Below is the code of an activity I used in my application..
HandlerThread vs Executor - When is one more appropriate over the other? is more limited is because Android gives you access to the main Handler it uses for the UI and you could really screw up the OS if you started canceling OS tasks. In general if you need a pool of threads or lots of power use the Executor...