android Programming Glossary: screenshots
Heterogeneous GridLayout problem is it does not resize itself properly here some screenshots with different screen configurations http LjqSr http..
Spinner does not wrap text — is this an Android bug? cut off. This is only the case for API level 11 . Here are screenshots of Android 4.2.2 left which shows the wrong behavior and Android..
Improve Android Audio Recording quality? project http p ringdroid Look at the screenshots and you'll see the monitor. For making the audio higher quality..
Slow Android emulator which results in very fast emulator. Refer the given below screenshots for more information. Creating a new AVD with the save snapshot..
Failed to import new Gradle project in android studio a new Project using android studio. below i attached a screenshots of error message.. I am using windows 7 64 bit Please help me...
preserve google maps settings screen until user takes action for this Can anyone help please Thanks I am uploading some screenshots The screen to enable GPS The screen which starts loading immediately..
Android: ScrollView Problem size the scroll appears Thank you Edit Below are the screenshots of the layout android layout uiscrollview share improve this..
android: quality of the images resized in runtime I have a problem with quality of result image. You can see screenshots and test code below. How can I resize images in runtime with..
How to take emulator screenshots using Eclipse? to take emulator screenshots using Eclipse I need to take screenshots of an android application.. to take emulator screenshots using Eclipse I need to take screenshots of an android application running on an emulator in Eclipse..
Android API like java.awt.Robot analogous to java.awt.Robot i.e. an API allowing to take screenshots java android share improve this question java.awt.Robot.. is not available in the Android SDK. If you want to make screenshots by your own during development you can use DDMS. If your application.. you can use DDMS. If your application should make screenshots I think this requires root. There are application that can do..
How to layout a 'grid' of images in the center of the screen resources res layout main.xml The example used in the screenshots above xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android..
How to disable GridView scrolling in Android? bug does not occur on my Nexus One. One user produced some screenshots of the problem. How could I lock the GridView in place Is there..
Difference between android dimension: pt and dp of the screen and resolution in the editor. Here are some screenshots from the editor left is 2.7in QVGA slider right is 10.1in WXGA..
Add facebook SDK to IntelliJ Android project? to your Android application module. Here are the screenshots for the Facebook SDK Android Module configuration in IDEA Note..
Awful background image quality in Android Comparison between different approaches these are all screenshots from the resulting application My source images 64 colors to..
Find out if ActionBar is stacked way to find out whether this happened I've attached two screenshots of the YouTube app. The first one shows the normal ActionBar..
How to force use of overflow menu on devices with menu button displayed at the bottom of the screen. You'll note in the screenshots phones with a physical menu button don't have an overflow menu..
Heterogeneous GridLayout implementation The XML code http J7Tpr However the problem is it does not resize itself properly here some screenshots with different screen configurations http LjqSr http yHUyF http 9b4m5 TLDR Can someone show me a heterogeneous..
Spinner does not wrap text — is this an Android bug? long to fit into a single line the text is not wrapped but cut off. This is only the case for API level 11 . Here are screenshots of Android 4.2.2 left which shows the wrong behavior and Android 2.3.3 right where it looks as expected. android singleLine..
Improve Android Audio Recording quality? includes an input monitor download the open source Ringdroid project http p ringdroid Look at the screenshots and you'll see the monitor. For making the audio higher quality you'd need a better mic. The built in mic can only capture..
Slow Android emulator the AVD. Also I have increased the Device RAM Size to 1024 which results in very fast emulator. Refer the given below screenshots for more information. Creating a new AVD with the save snapshot feature. Launching the emulator from the snapshot. share..
Failed to import new Gradle project in android studio Gradle project in android studio I got the error when i create a new Project using android studio. below i attached a screenshots of error message.. I am using windows 7 64 bit Please help me. android android studio share improve this question I..
preserve google maps settings screen until user takes action but it can't because services are off . What should i do for this Can anyone help please Thanks I am uploading some screenshots The screen to enable GPS The screen which starts loading immediately after the previous screen Maybe this is some kind of..
Android: ScrollView Problem parent control and in case the user's input exceeds the control size the scroll appears Thank you Edit Below are the screenshots of the layout android layout uiscrollview share improve this question Your EditText should have a height of wrap_content..
android: quality of the images resized in runtime But before I want to resize it according screen dimensions. I have a problem with quality of result image. You can see screenshots and test code below. How can I resize images in runtime with a good quality Thank you for solutions. Original image Result..
How to take emulator screenshots using Eclipse? to take emulator screenshots using Eclipse I need to take screenshots of an android application running on an emulator in Eclipse Galileo. Is there.. to take emulator screenshots using Eclipse I need to take screenshots of an android application running on an emulator in Eclipse Galileo. Is there a built in feature for this or do I have to..
Android API like java.awt.Robot API like java.awt.Robot Is there an Android API analogous to java.awt.Robot i.e. an API allowing to take screenshots java android share improve this question java.awt.Robot is not available in the Android SDK. If you want to make screenshots.. java android share improve this question java.awt.Robot is not available in the Android SDK. If you want to make screenshots by your own during development you can use DDMS. If your application should make screenshots I think this requires root... SDK. If you want to make screenshots by your own during development you can use DDMS. If your application should make screenshots I think this requires root. There are application that can do that e.g. http get Others Screenshot..
How to layout a 'grid' of images in the center of the screen attr name childAspectRatio format float declare styleable resources res layout main.xml The example used in the screenshots above xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android xmlns app http..
How to disable GridView scrolling in Android? on Samsung Galaxy Vibrant phones running 2.2 This bug does not occur on my Nexus One. One user produced some screenshots of the problem. How could I lock the GridView in place Is there a way to disable scrolling android gridview share improve..
Difference between android dimension: pt and dp editor. The dp and sp sizes wavered depending on the size of the screen and resolution in the editor. Here are some screenshots from the editor left is 2.7in QVGA slider right is 10.1in WXGA clipped It would be interesting to see if these editor renders..
Add facebook SDK to IntelliJ Android project? content and source roots and then add this module as a dependency to your Android application module. Here are the screenshots for the Facebook SDK Android Module configuration in IDEA Note that the root of the module is set to the facebook subdirectory..
Awful background image quality in Android .setBackgroundDrawable new BitmapDrawable gradient Comparison between different approaches these are all screenshots from the resulting application My source images 64 colors to the left 24 bit to the right image1 and image2 1 Raw 64 color..
Find out if ActionBar is stacked stacked ActionBar on phones in portrait mode. Is there an easy way to find out whether this happened I've attached two screenshots of the YouTube app. The first one shows the normal ActionBar with the tabs in it the second one shows the tabs in a stacked..
How to force use of overflow menu on devices with menu button the menu hardware key. The resulting actions popup... is displayed at the bottom of the screen. You'll note in the screenshots phones with a physical menu button don't have an overflow menu in the ActionBar. This avoids ambiguity for the user essentially..