android Programming Glossary: screenwidth
How to get screen dimensions width and screen height and then set position int px screenWidth m int py screenWidth n Does anyone know how to get screenWidth.. height and then set position int px screenWidth m int py screenWidth n Does anyone know how to get screenWidth and screenHeight in.. m int py screenWidth n Does anyone know how to get screenWidth and screenHeight in the main Activity android android layout..
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getSize size int screenWidth size.x int screenHeight size.y int halfScreenWidth int screenWidth.. size.x int screenHeight size.y int halfScreenWidth int screenWidth 0.5 int quarterScreenWidth int halfScreenWidth 0.5 Spec row1.. new GridLayout.LayoutParams row1 colspan2 first.width screenWidth first.height quarterScreenWidth 2 twoByTwo1.setLayoutParams..
Full screen videoview without stretching the video videoProportion float videoWidth float videoHeight int screenWidth getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getWidth int screenHeight.. .getDefaultDisplay .getHeight float screenProportion float screenWidth float screenHeight android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp surfaceViewFrame.getLayoutParams.. if videoProportion screenProportion lp.width screenWidth lp.height int float screenWidth videoProportion else lp.width..
Android: Scrolling an Imageview amount based on center of image int maxX int bitmapWidth 2 screenWidth 2 int maxY int bitmapHeight 2 screenHeight 2 set scroll limits..
Developing an Android Homescreen return true private void snapToDestination final int screenWidth getWidth final int whichScreen mScrollX screenWidth 2 screenWidth.. int screenWidth getWidth final int whichScreen mScrollX screenWidth 2 screenWidth Log.i LOG_TAG from des snapToScreen whichScreen.. getWidth final int whichScreen mScrollX screenWidth 2 screenWidth Log.i LOG_TAG from des snapToScreen whichScreen public void..
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Android Homescreen return true private void snapToDestination final int screenWidth getWidth final int whichScreen mScrollX screenWidth 2 screenWidth.. int screenWidth getWidth final int whichScreen mScrollX screenWidth 2 screenWidth Log.i LOG_TAG from des snapToScreen whichScreen.. getWidth final int whichScreen mScrollX screenWidth 2 screenWidth Log.i LOG_TAG from des snapToScreen whichScreen public void..
Android animate drop down/up view proper .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics int screenWidth metrics.widthPixels int heightMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec.. int widthMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec screenWidth MeasureSpec.EXACTLY view.measure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec..
How to get screen dimensions m pixels from the right edge therefore I need to get the screen width and screen height and then set position int px screenWidth m int py screenWidth n Does anyone know how to get screenWidth and screenHeight in the main Activity android android layout.. edge therefore I need to get the screen width and screen height and then set position int px screenWidth m int py screenWidth n Does anyone know how to get screenWidth and screenHeight in the main Activity android android layout layout screen android.. width and screen height and then set position int px screenWidth m int py screenWidth n Does anyone know how to get screenWidth and screenHeight in the main Activity android android layout layout screen android screen share improve this question..
How to use the gridlayout to fit screen size of the tiled layout in the Google Play app. Point size new Point getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getSize size int screenWidth size.x int screenHeight size.y int halfScreenWidth int screenWidth 0.5 int quarterScreenWidth int halfScreenWidth 0.5 Spec.. .getDefaultDisplay .getSize size int screenWidth size.x int screenHeight size.y int halfScreenWidth int screenWidth 0.5 int quarterScreenWidth int halfScreenWidth 0.5 Spec row1 GridLayout.spec 0 2 Spec row2 GridLayout.spec 2 Spec row3 GridLayout.spec.. twoByTwo1 new TextView this GridLayout.LayoutParams first new GridLayout.LayoutParams row1 colspan2 first.width screenWidth first.height quarterScreenWidth 2 twoByTwo1.setLayoutParams first twoByTwo1.setGravity Gravity.CENTER twoByTwo1.setBackgroundColor..
Full screen videoview without stretching the video int videoHeight player.getVideoHeight float videoProportion float videoWidth float videoHeight int screenWidth getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getWidth int screenHeight getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getHeight float screenProportion.. .getWidth int screenHeight getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getHeight float screenProportion float screenWidth float screenHeight android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp surfaceViewFrame.getLayoutParams if videoProportion screenProportion.. android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp surfaceViewFrame.getLayoutParams if videoProportion screenProportion lp.width screenWidth lp.height int float screenWidth videoProportion else lp.width int videoProportion float screenHeight lp.height screenHeight..
Android: Scrolling an Imageview scrolling at the edges of the image... set maximum scroll amount based on center of image int maxX int bitmapWidth 2 screenWidth 2 int maxY int bitmapHeight 2 screenHeight 2 set scroll limits final int maxLeft maxX 1 final int maxRight maxX final int..
Developing an Android Homescreen cancel mTouchState TOUCH_STATE_REST mScrollX this.getScrollX return true private void snapToDestination final int screenWidth getWidth final int whichScreen mScrollX screenWidth 2 screenWidth Log.i LOG_TAG from des snapToScreen whichScreen public.. return true private void snapToDestination final int screenWidth getWidth final int whichScreen mScrollX screenWidth 2 screenWidth Log.i LOG_TAG from des snapToScreen whichScreen public void snapToScreen int whichScreen Log.i LOG_TAG snap.. return true private void snapToDestination final int screenWidth getWidth final int whichScreen mScrollX screenWidth 2 screenWidth Log.i LOG_TAG from des snapToScreen whichScreen public void snapToScreen int whichScreen Log.i LOG_TAG snap To Screen whichScreen..
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Android Homescreen cancel mTouchState TOUCH_STATE_REST mScrollX this.getScrollX return true private void snapToDestination final int screenWidth getWidth final int whichScreen mScrollX screenWidth 2 screenWidth Log.i LOG_TAG from des snapToScreen whichScreen public.. return true private void snapToDestination final int screenWidth getWidth final int whichScreen mScrollX screenWidth 2 screenWidth Log.i LOG_TAG from des snapToScreen whichScreen public void snapToScreen int whichScreen Log.i LOG_TAG snap.. return true private void snapToDestination final int screenWidth getWidth final int whichScreen mScrollX screenWidth 2 screenWidth Log.i LOG_TAG from des snapToScreen whichScreen public void snapToScreen int whichScreen Log.i LOG_TAG snap To Screen whichScreen..
Android animate drop down/up view proper view DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics activity.getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics int screenWidth metrics.widthPixels int heightMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec 0 MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED int widthMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec.. MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec 0 MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED int widthMeasureSpec MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec screenWidth MeasureSpec.EXACTLY view.measure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec int height view.getMeasuredHeight view.getLayoutParams..