android Programming Glossary: screen_name
Open page in Facebook,Twitter and Google Plus app from other app - Android new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse twitter user screen_name user_name startActivity intent catch Exception e startActivity..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) params getData https 1 followers ids.json screen_name TwitterApp.UserName for int i 0 i Friends_ID.size i getmethodFriendprofile.. name String FriendScreename_ jsonobject.getString screen_name catch Exception e Log.d A3 7 now u have got Friend ScreenName.. params1 mHttpOauthprovider.getResponseParameters String screen_name params1.getFirst screen_name Log.d screen_name screen_name..
Open page in Facebook,Twitter and Google Plus app from other app - Android my fan page. For Twitter I use the next code try Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse twitter user screen_name user_name startActivity intent catch Exception e startActivity new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse https
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) data. @Override protected Void doInBackground Integer... params getData https 1 followers ids.json screen_name TwitterApp.UserName for int i 0 i Friends_ID.size i getmethodFriendprofile Friends_ID.get i return null @Override protected.. profile_image_url String Friendname_ jsonobject.getString name String FriendScreename_ jsonobject.getString screen_name catch Exception e Log.d A3 7 now u have got Friend ScreenName FriendScreename_ .this ScreenName use for post tweet to.. user name UserName Log.d user ID user.getId HttpParameters params1 mHttpOauthprovider.getResponseParameters String screen_name params1.getFirst screen_name Log.d screen_name screen_name oauth_verifier verifier what 0 catch Exception e Log.d TAG..