android Programming Glossary: screenpts.x
How to put JSON lOutput (latitude and longitude) on the map getResources R.drawable.pin_red canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 50 null mapView.setSatellite true return true @Override..
setting custom font for sherlock action bar tab android
draw object/image on canvas getResources R.drawable.pushpin canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 50 null Well actually it's working on my 1st code..
MapView adding pushpins on touch getResources R.drawable.map_flag canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 48 null return true @Override public boolean onTouchEvent..
How to implement google maps search by address in Android? getResources canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 32 null return true Where please change
if i want to add overlay items on map using gps getResources R.drawable.dotred canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 24 null 24 is the height of image return true ..
adding multiple marker on google map in android getResources R.drawable.pushpin canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 50 null return true I have two question here...
How can I use a custom bitmap for the “you are here” point in a MyLocationOverlay? rotated marker to the canvas canvas.drawBitmap rotatedBmp screenPts.x rotatedBmp.getWidth 2 screenPts.y rotatedBmp.getHeight 2 null..
Android : how to capture a image of GPS location getResources canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 50 null return true public boolean onTouchEvent..
How to put JSON lOutput (latitude and longitude) on the map screenPts tambah marker Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.pin_red canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 50 null mapView.setSatellite true return true @Override public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event MapView..
setting custom font for sherlock action bar tab android
draw object/image on canvas draw doesn't work Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.pushpin canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 50 null Well actually it's working on my 1st code but when I've transfered this to another class called MarkOverlay..
MapView adding pushpins on touch add the marker Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.map_flag canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 48 null return true @Override public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event MapView mapView when user lifts..
How to implement google maps search by address in Android? screenPts add the marker Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 32 null return true Where please change . Put your any drawable. Now please write below code..
if i want to add overlay items on map using gps screenPts add marker Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.dotred canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 24 null 24 is the height of image return true whats wrong i'm doing i want to add other overlay rather than..
adding multiple marker on google map in android add the marker Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.pushpin canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 50 null return true I have two question here. When i tried to add only one marker it works but draw method..
How can I use a custom bitmap for the “you are here” point in a MyLocationOverlay? arrowBitmap.getHeight matrix true add the rotated marker to the canvas canvas.drawBitmap rotatedBmp screenPts.x rotatedBmp.getWidth 2 screenPts.y rotatedBmp.getHeight 2 null public void setOrientation float newOrientation mOrientation..
Android : how to capture a image of GPS location screenPts add the marker Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 50 null return true public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event MapView mapView when user lifts his finger..