android Programming Glossary: red
RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate application at the moment if you look more logs before and after this red error in Logcat you can see the full story and find that the..
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget but I need to change the blue background drawable to a red colour. I've tried many things short of rolling my own search.. In SDK the background for text field in SearchView is declared through nine patches so we'll do it the same way. You can find.. nine patches to your need i.e. changing blue color to red one . You can take a look at file using draw 9 patch tool to..
How to change colors of a Drawable in Android? that source image to create several new Drawables say blue red green orange etc I'm guessing that I'll want to use a ColorMatrix.. 0xffff0000 Mode.MULTIPLY . This would set white pixels to red but I don't think it would affect the transparent pixels. See..
Importing google-play-service library showing a red X next to this reference android google play service library showing a red X next to this reference android Am trying to add google play.. import For Google map . After adding the path am getting red X next to this reference and the reference is not adding . Know.. eclipse google maps share improve this question The red X means its a broken link path. http google..
set the absolute position of a view in Android More examples Places two 30x40 ImageViews one yellow one red at 50 60 and 80 90 respectively RelativeLayout rl RelativeLayout.. one 30x40 yellow ImageView at 50 60 and another 30x40 red ImageView 80 90 relative to the yellow ImageView RelativeLayout..
Android color xml resource file #FFFF00 color color name fuchsia #FF00FF color color name red #FF0000 color color name silver #C0C0C0 color color name gray..
How to add a footer in ListView? process please refer image1 and imgae2.I mention footer in red rectangle Fig1 Footer like More News Fig2 Add additional 10..
Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue what I've found so far on this is as follows 1 0 0 0 0 red 0 1 0 0 0 green 0 0 1 0 0 blue 0 0 0 1 0 alpha Where this matrix.. be dotted with the transformation matrix. So to double the red intensity of an image you would use a matrix such as 2 0 0 0.. class that would read the image and convert the colors and redraw the image with the new colors. This creates ANOTHER problem..
How to set text color of TextView in code? set in strings. But it shows different color rather then red. So I'm wandering that what kind of parameter we can pass in.. because I had a project open anyway and yes it's nice and red D This is a surprisingly popular question so lets make this..
Making sense of LayoutInflater and layout_height values from my resources XML not honored android android layout share improve this question I've.. this container is a separate TextView visible as small red square if layout parameters are successfully applied from xml.. layout parameters are successfully applied from xml smallred.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 TextView xmlns android http..
In eclipse, unable to reference an android library project in another android project library project starts off green and then changes to a red cross. This implies that there must be something wrong missing..
How to display input errors in popup? 3 indicator_input_error.png I am able to display the red error indicator inside the right side of the EditText by using..
ActionBar text color
How to change an application icon programmatically in Android? android icon @drawable icon android name .MainActivity Red android enabled false android targetActivity .MainActivity intent.. Red PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP..
Android gridview keep item selected View v int position long id Toast.makeText Project.this Red position Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show position al catelea element..
Gridview with two columns and auto resized images inflater LayoutInflater.from context items.add new Item Red items.add new Item Magenta R.drawable.magenta..
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? mBitmap Paint mPaintBlack Paint mPaintYellow Paint mPaintRed Paint mPaintGreen Paint mPaintBlue Paint mPaintGray byte mYUVData.. mYUVData int mRGBData int mImageWidth mImageHeight int mRedHistogram int mGreenHistogram int mBlueHistogram double mBinSquared.. Color.YELLOW mPaintYellow.setTextSize 25 mPaintRed new Paint mPaintRed.setStyle Paint.Style.FILL mPaintRed.setColor..
Android listview row delete animation Quesadilla Rabacal Raclette Ragusano Raschera Reblochon Red Leicester Regal de la Dombes Reggianito Remedou Requeson Richelieu..
Embedding image in email in Android vr4MkhoXe0rZigAAAABJRU5ErkJggg alt Red dot If you want to attach an image to the email you use the..
Android - Get value from HashMap String meMap new HashMap String String meMap.put Color1 Red meMap.put Color2 Blue meMap.put Color3 Green meMap.put Color4..
Android color xml resource file color color name Tomato #FF6347 color color name OrangeRed #FF4500 color color name DeepPink #FF1493 color color name Fuchsia.. #FF00FF color color name Magenta #FF00FF color color name Red #FF0000 color color name OldLace #FDF5E6 color color name LightGoldenrodYellow.. color name Crimson #DC143C color color name PaleVioletRed #DB7093 color color name Goldenrod #DAA520 color color name..
Android example which uses onResume, onStart and onRestart n if flag 1 RED.setText Log.d Pick Color Red Error if flag 2 GREEN.setText Log.d Pick Color Green..
Android ListView Adapter OnClickListener issue DataItem newItem new DataItem 2008 Ferrari F430 Red ASX772 dataItems.add 0 newItem newItem new DataItem 2008 Ferrari.. 0 newItem newItem new DataItem 2009 Ferrari F430 Red MIDAS dataItems.add 0 newItem aa.notifyDataSetChanged public.. DataItem newItem new DataItem 2008 Ferrari F430 Red ASX772 dataItems.add 0 newItem newItem new DataItem 2008 Ferrari..
How to set text color of TextView in code? I tried something like holder.text.setTextColor R.color.Red Where holder is just a class and text is of type TextView ... holder is just a class and text is of type TextView . Red is RGB value #FF0000 set in strings. But it shows different..
Creating a table/grid with a frozen column and frozen headers Key White Do not scroll at all Blue scroll vertically Red scroll horizontally Purple scroll both vertically and horizontally..
How to Get Pixel Colour in Android? if blueValue 0 if greenValue 0 textViewCol.setText It is Red return true Now what I need to do is to get the colour RGB.. value in each channel. So all you have to do is check if Red is 255 and green and blue are 0 than set the textView text to.. channel is the greater than zero. 'Cos 255 Green and 255 Red is yellow of course. You can also just compare the pixel to..
click event on pie chart in android [closed] is matching if color Color.RED Toast.makeText mContext Is Red Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show if color Color.CYAN Toast.makeText..
OutOfMemoryError in game with many small images CardView.loadCardImages CardView.EAlone.RED mCardWidth mCardHeight r.getDrawable CardView.loadCardImages.. canvas new Canvas mAloneGreen break case RED mAloneRed Bitmap.createBitmap widthPixels heightPixels Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888..
How to show multiple markers on MapFragment in Google Map API v2? BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED Log.i TAG RED break case 1 bitmapMarker BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker.. BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED Log.i TAG RED break case 1 bitmapMarker BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker.. BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED Log.i TAG DEFAULT break mMarkers.add mMap.addMarker new..
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? Paint.Style.FILL mPaintRed.setColor Color.RED mPaintRed.setTextSize 25 mPaintGreen new Paint mPaintGreen.setStyle.. maxR 0 int maxG 0 int maxB 0 PERFORMING SUMMESION OF ALL RED GREEN AND BLUE VLAUES GRADUALLY TO TAKE AVERAGE OF THEM NSLog.. Blue private int NUMBER_OF_COLOURS 3 public final int RED 0 public final int GREEN 1 public final int BLUE 2 private int..
Android example which uses onResume, onStart and onRestart private Button b14 private Button b_final private EditText RED private EditText GREEN private EditText BLUE static int temp_red.. b13.setOnClickListener this b14.setOnClickListener this RED EditText findViewById GREEN EditText findViewById.. b14.setOnClickListener this RED EditText findViewById GREEN EditText findViewById BLUE EditText..
getWidth and getHeight are returning a zero EMPTY ' ' int mWidthSize int mHeightSize static final char RED 'R' int y public cDrawing Context context super context y 3..
How to Get Pixel Colour in Android? pixel int greenValue pixel if pixel Color.RED textViewCol.setText It is RED if redValue 255 if blueValue.. pixel if pixel Color.RED textViewCol.setText It is RED if redValue 255 if blueValue 0 if greenValue 0 textViewCol.setText..
Android - How to draw an arc based gradient SweepGradient gradient1 new SweepGradient 100 100 Color.RED Color.BLUE paint1.setShader gradient1 canvas.drawArc rect1 0.. SweepGradient gradient2 new SweepGradient 250 100 Color.RED Color.BLUE paint2.setShader gradient2 canvas.drawArc rect2 0.. SweepGradient gradient3 new SweepGradient 100 250 Color.RED Color.BLUE paint3.setShader gradient3 canvas.drawArc rect3 0..
RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate application you should concern too much about this verbose error log at the moment if you look more logs before and after this red error in Logcat you can see the full story and find that the previous opened activity view which are marked as died state..
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget actionbar searchview widget. Currently it looks like this but I need to change the blue background drawable to a red colour. I've tried many things short of rolling my own search widget but nothing seems to work. Can somebody point me in.. with above mentioned id is not present the code won't work. In SDK the background for text field in SearchView is declared through nine patches so we'll do it the same way. You can find original png images in drawable mdpi directory of Android.. drawable for both themes. Now you'll need to edit downloaded nine patches to your need i.e. changing blue color to red one . You can take a look at file using draw 9 patch tool to check if it is correctly defined after your edit. I've edited..
How to change colors of a Drawable in Android? cache the results Does the answer change if I want to use that source image to create several new Drawables say blue red green orange etc I'm guessing that I'll want to use a ColorMatrix in some way but I'm not sure how. android share improve..
Importing google-play-service library showing a red X next to this reference android google play service library showing a red X next to this reference android Am trying to add google play service library in my project using import For Google map.. trying to add google play service library in my project using import For Google map . After adding the path am getting red X next to this reference and the reference is not adding . Know how to resolve this android eclipse google maps share.. reference is not adding . Know how to resolve this android eclipse google maps share improve this question The red X means its a broken link path. http google play services setup.html Copy the google play services_lib..
set the absolute position of a view in Android params.leftMargin 50 params.topMargin 60 rl.addView iv params More examples Places two 30x40 ImageViews one yellow one red at 50 60 and 80 90 respectively RelativeLayout rl RelativeLayout findViewById ImageView iv RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.. 80 params.topMargin 90 rl.addView iv params Places one 30x40 yellow ImageView at 50 60 and another 30x40 red ImageView 80 90 relative to the yellow ImageView RelativeLayout rl RelativeLayout findViewById ImageView..
Android color xml resource file 8 resources color name white #FFFFFF color color name yellow #FFFF00 color color name fuchsia #FF00FF color color name red #FF0000 color color name silver #C0C0C0 color color name gray #808080 color color name olive #808000 color color name purple..
How to add a footer in ListView? to list view I attached image i would like that design and process please refer image1 and imgae2.I mention footer in red rectangle Fig1 Footer like More News Fig2 Add additional 10 record added in listview android android listview footer ..
Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue is how I go about designing the matrix. Any ideas EDIT So okay what I've found so far on this is as follows 1 0 0 0 0 red 0 1 0 0 0 green 0 0 1 0 0 blue 0 0 0 1 0 alpha Where this matrix is the identity matrix when applied makes no changes and.. containing the argb values e.g. 0.2 0.5 0.8 1 that would be dotted with the transformation matrix. So to double the red intensity of an image you would use a matrix such as 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 which would give you a vector.. be converted to HSL values. So possibly I could write a class that would read the image and convert the colors and redraw the image with the new colors. This creates ANOTHER problem with StateListDrawables as I'm not sure how I would go about..
How to set text color of TextView in code? class and text is of type TextView . Red is RGB value #FF0000 set in strings. But it shows different color rather then red. So I'm wandering that what kind of parameter we can pass in setTextColor In docs it says int but is it a resource reference.. Color.RED for a sanity check I just tried it because I had a project open anyway and yes it's nice and red D This is a surprisingly popular question so lets make this answer as complete as possible You can use various functions..
Making sense of LayoutInflater layout parameters I've specified E.g. why are the layout_width and layout_height values from my resources XML not honored android android layout share improve this question I've investigated this issue referring to the LayoutInflater docs.. android layout_height fill_parent LinearLayout Added into this container is a separate TextView visible as small red square if layout parameters are successfully applied from xml smallred.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 TextView xmlns.. is a separate TextView visible as small red square if layout parameters are successfully applied from xml smallred.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 TextView xmlns android http apk res android android layout_width..
In eclipse, unable to reference an android library project in another android project applicationRegistrar The green tick against the referenced library project starts off green and then changes to a red cross. This implies that there must be something wrong missing from the library project but I don't know what. My library..
How to display input errors in popup? 1 popup_inline_error.9.png 2 popup_inline_error_above.9.png 3 indicator_input_error.png I am able to display the red error indicator inside the right side of the EditText by using Drawable err_indiactor getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.indicator_input_error..
ActionBar text color
How to change an application icon programmatically in Android? icons. Like this activity alias android label @string app_name android icon @drawable icon android name .MainActivity Red android enabled false android targetActivity .MainActivity intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN.. getPackageManager .setComponentEnabledSetting new ComponentName Red PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP Note At least one must be enabled. Sorry for..
Android gridview keep item selected public void onItemClick AdapterView parent View v int position long id Toast.makeText Project.this Red position Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show position al catelea element v.setPressed true if bp 2 if position 0 Square.setSex R.drawable.girl_body2v..
Gridview with two columns and auto resized images LayoutInflater inflater public MyAdapter Context context inflater LayoutInflater.from context items.add new Item Red items.add new Item Magenta R.drawable.magenta items.add new Item Dark Gray R.drawable.dark_gray items.add..
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? mDrawOnTop class DrawOnTop extends View Bitmap mBitmap Paint mPaintBlack Paint mPaintYellow Paint mPaintRed Paint mPaintGreen Paint mPaintBlue Paint mPaintGray byte mYUVData int mRGBData int mImageWidth mImageHeight int mRedHistogram.. Paint mPaintGreen Paint mPaintBlue Paint mPaintGray byte mYUVData int mRGBData int mImageWidth mImageHeight int mRedHistogram int mGreenHistogram int mBlueHistogram double mBinSquared private DrawOnTop Context context super context mPaintBlack.. new Paint mPaintYellow.setStyle Paint.Style.FILL mPaintYellow.setColor Color.YELLOW mPaintYellow.setTextSize 25 mPaintRed new Paint mPaintRed.setStyle Paint.Style.FILL mPaintRed.setColor Color.RED mPaintRed.setTextSize 25 mPaintGreen new Paint..
Android listview row delete animation Queso Majorero Queso Media Luna Queso Para Frier Queso Quesadilla Rabacal Raclette Ragusano Raschera Reblochon Red Leicester Regal de la Dombes Reggianito Remedou Requeson Richelieu Ricotta Ricotta Australian Ricotta Salata Ridder Rigotte..
Embedding image in email in Android ch9 q1uH4TLzw4d6 ErXMMcXuHWxId3KOETnnXXV6MJpcq2MLaI97CER3N0 vr4MkhoXe0rZigAAAABJRU5ErkJggg alt Red dot If you want to attach an image to the email you use the putExtra method and set it to EXTRA_STREAM. emailIntent.putExtra..
Android - Get value from HashMap but getting problem Consider this example HashMap String String meMap new HashMap String String meMap.put Color1 Red meMap.put Color2 Blue meMap.put Color3 Green meMap.put Color4 White now i want to iterate it and get the value of each colour..
Android color xml resource file color color name Coral #FF7F50 color color name HotPink #FF69B4 color color name Tomato #FF6347 color color name OrangeRed #FF4500 color color name DeepPink #FF1493 color color name Fuchsia #FF00FF color color name Magenta #FF00FF color color.. color color name DeepPink #FF1493 color color name Fuchsia #FF00FF color color name Magenta #FF00FF color color name Red #FF0000 color color name OldLace #FDF5E6 color color name LightGoldenrodYellow #FAFAD2 color color name Linen #FAF0E6 color.. color name Plum #DDA0DD color color name Gainsboro #DCDCDC color color name Crimson #DC143C color color name PaleVioletRed #DB7093 color color name Goldenrod #DAA520 color color name Orchid #DA70D6 color color name Thistle #D8BFD8 color color..
Android example which uses onResume, onStart and onRestart Pick_Color temp_blue temp_blue break catch NumberFormatException n if flag 1 RED.setText Log.d Pick Color Red Error if flag 2 GREEN.setText Log.d Pick Color Green Error if flag 3 BLUE.setText Log.d Pick Color Blue Error..
Android ListView Adapter OnClickListener issue true populateArray public void populateArray DataItem newItem new DataItem 2008 Ferrari F430 Red ASX772 dataItems.add 0 newItem newItem new DataItem 2008 Ferrari F430 Black TZB123 dataItems.add 0 newItem newItem new.. newItem new DataItem 2008 Ferrari F430 Black TZB123 dataItems.add 0 newItem newItem new DataItem 2009 Ferrari F430 Red MIDAS dataItems.add 0 newItem aa.notifyDataSetChanged public static void modelInfo int pos Log.i modelInfo pos public static.. true populateArray public void populateArray DataItem newItem new DataItem 2008 Ferrari F430 Red ASX772 dataItems.add 0 newItem newItem new DataItem 2008 Ferrari F430 Black TZB123 dataItems.add 0 newItem newItem new..
How to set text color of TextView in code? android textColor #FF0000 . But How do I change it by coding I tried something like holder.text.setTextColor R.color.Red Where holder is just a class and text is of type TextView . Red is RGB value #FF0000 set in strings. But it shows different.. tried something like holder.text.setTextColor R.color.Red Where holder is just a class and text is of type TextView . Red is RGB value #FF0000 set in strings. But it shows different color rather then red. So I'm wandering that what kind of parameter..
Creating a table/grid with a frozen column and frozen headers describe this clearly if the above doesn't make too much sense Key White Do not scroll at all Blue scroll vertically Red scroll horizontally Purple scroll both vertically and horizontally To do one of these dimensions is easy enough and I have..
How to Get Pixel Colour in Android? Color.RED textViewCol.setText It is RED if redValue 255 if blueValue 0 if greenValue 0 textViewCol.setText It is Red return true Now what I need to do is to get the colour RGB value of the exact coordinates the user selects and later on.. greenValue pixel The Color functions return the value in each channel. So all you have to do is check if Red is 255 and green and blue are 0 than set the textView text to it is red . Just pay attention that saying that something.. that saying that something is red is not simply that the red channel is the greater than zero. 'Cos 255 Green and 255 Red is yellow of course. You can also just compare the pixel to different color. for example if pixel Color.MAGENTA textView.setText..
click event on pie chart in android [closed] int event.getY Log.e color if colors.contains color Log.e is matching if color Color.RED Toast.makeText mContext Is Red Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show if color Color.CYAN Toast.makeText mContext Is Cyan Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show if color Color.MAGENTA..
OutOfMemoryError in game with many small images CardView.EAlone.GREEN mCardWidth mCardHeight r.getDrawable CardView.loadCardImages CardView.EAlone.RED mCardWidth mCardHeight r.getDrawable CardView.loadCardImages CardView.EAlone.WHITE mCardWidth mCardHeight.. Bitmap.createBitmap widthPixels heightPixels Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 canvas new Canvas mAloneGreen break case RED mAloneRed Bitmap.createBitmap widthPixels heightPixels Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 canvas new Canvas mAloneRed break case WHITE..
How to show multiple markers on MapFragment in Google Map API v2? switch Cars.get i .getState case 0 bitmapMarker BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED Log.i TAG RED break case 1 bitmapMarker BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_GREEN Log.i.. i .getState case 0 bitmapMarker BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED Log.i TAG RED break case 1 bitmapMarker BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_GREEN Log.i TAG GREEN break.. Log.i TAG ORANGE break default bitmapMarker BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED Log.i TAG DEFAULT break mMarkers.add mMap.addMarker new MarkerOptions .position ll .title Cars.get i .getName .snippet..
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? mPaintYellow.setTextSize 25 mPaintRed new Paint mPaintRed.setStyle Paint.Style.FILL mPaintRed.setColor Color.RED mPaintRed.setTextSize 25 mPaintGreen new Paint mPaintGreen.setStyle Paint.Style.FILL mPaintGreen.setColor Color.GREEN mPaintGreen.setTextSize.. i 0 fltB i 0 colorSpace nil void makeArrays float max 0 int maxR 0 int maxG 0 int maxB 0 PERFORMING SUMMESION OF ALL RED GREEN AND BLUE VLAUES GRADUALLY TO TAKE AVERAGE OF THEM NSLog @ makeArray fltR i f fltG i f fltB i f fltR i fltG i fltB.. code Initialized Variables private int SIZE 256 Red Green Blue private int NUMBER_OF_COLOURS 3 public final int RED 0 public final int GREEN 1 public final int BLUE 2 private int colourBins private volatile boolean loaded false private..
Android example which uses onResume, onStart and onRestart private Button b11 private Button b12 private Button b13 private Button b14 private Button b_final private EditText RED private EditText GREEN private EditText BLUE static int temp_red static int temp_green static int temp_blue public void.. 153 51 b11.setOnClickListener this b12.setOnClickListener this b13.setOnClickListener this b14.setOnClickListener this RED EditText findViewById GREEN EditText findViewById BLUE EditText findViewById b12.setOnClickListener this b13.setOnClickListener this b14.setOnClickListener this RED EditText findViewById GREEN EditText findViewById BLUE EditText findViewById RED.setText Integer.toString..
getWidth and getHeight are returning a zero WIDTH 160 static final short HEIGHT 440 static final char EMPTY ' ' int mWidthSize int mHeightSize static final char RED 'R' int y public cDrawing Context context super context y 3 set up our bitmap BitMap new char WIDTH HEIGHT for int i 0 i..
How to Get Pixel Colour in Android? x y int redValue pixel int blueValue pixel int greenValue pixel if pixel Color.RED textViewCol.setText It is RED if redValue 255 if blueValue 0 if greenValue 0 textViewCol.setText It is Red return true.. pixel int blueValue pixel int greenValue pixel if pixel Color.RED textViewCol.setText It is RED if redValue 255 if blueValue 0 if greenValue 0 textViewCol.setText It is Red return true Now what I need to do is to..
Android - How to draw an arc based gradient Paint.Cap.SQUARE paint1.setStyle Paint.Style.FILL SweepGradient gradient1 new SweepGradient 100 100 Color.RED Color.BLUE paint1.setShader gradient1 canvas.drawArc rect1 0 90 true paint1 RectF rect2 new RectF 200 50 300 150 Paint paint2.. Paint.Cap.SQUARE paint2.setStyle Paint.Style.FILL SweepGradient gradient2 new SweepGradient 250 100 Color.RED Color.BLUE paint2.setShader gradient2 canvas.drawArc rect2 0 180 true paint2 RectF rect3 new RectF 50 200 150 300 Paint.. Paint.Cap.SQUARE paint3.setStyle Paint.Style.FILL SweepGradient gradient3 new SweepGradient 100 250 Color.RED Color.BLUE paint3.setShader gradient3 canvas.drawArc rect3 0 270 true paint3 RectF rect4 new RectF 200 200 300 300 Paint..