android Programming Glossary: rect_y1
Draw Rectangle Over ImageView for highlight that can be zoom in-out in android Log_tag Redraw with this point canvas.drawRect rect_x1 30 rect_y1 30 rect_x1 30 rect_y1 30 myPaint mCanvasMatrix canvas.getMatrix.. point canvas.drawRect rect_x1 30 rect_y1 30 rect_x1 30 rect_y1 30 myPaint mCanvasMatrix canvas.getMatrix mImageCanvas canvas.. orignalRect myPaint canvas.drawRect rect_x1 30 rect_y1 30 rect_x1 30 rect_y1 30 myPaint int canavs_width canvas.getWidth..
SQLiteOpenHelper failing to call onCreate?
Draw Rectangle Over ImageView for highlight that can be zoom in-out in android Paint.Style.STROKE myPaint.setStrokeWidth 1 Log.v Log_tag Redraw with this point canvas.drawRect rect_x1 30 rect_y1 30 rect_x1 30 rect_y1 30 myPaint mCanvasMatrix canvas.getMatrix mImageCanvas canvas canvas.setMatrix mCanvasMatrix canvas.restore.. myPaint.setStrokeWidth 1 Log.v Log_tag Redraw with this point canvas.drawRect rect_x1 30 rect_y1 30 rect_x1 30 rect_y1 30 myPaint mCanvasMatrix canvas.getMatrix mImageCanvas canvas canvas.setMatrix mCanvasMatrix canvas.restore UPDATE Below.. mCanvasMatrix.mapRect orignalRect if orignalRect null canvas.drawRect orignalRect myPaint canvas.drawRect rect_x1 30 rect_y1 30 rect_x1 30 rect_y1 30 myPaint int canavs_width canvas.getWidth int canavs_height canvas.getHeight canvas.setMatrix mCanvasMatrix..
SQLiteOpenHelper failing to call onCreate?