android Programming Glossary: recreates
Application restart - Activity Entry Point in the task and when the user returns to the task it recreates the process and then recreates only the topmost activity in.. user returns to the task it recreates the process and then recreates only the topmost activity in the task. In your case MainActivity..
How to simulate Android killing my process the activity stack was badly behaved so it automatically recreates the process and then removes the top activity from the activity.. then removes the top activity from the activity stack and recreates the activity that was underneath the top activity calling onCreate.. process and the user returns to the application Android recreates the process and creates ActivityD. If I kill the process Android..
Public static variables and Android activity life cycle management the user navigates back to my app it restarts actually recreates activity B. What happens Will variable foo at this point have..
Android design : background long running service or AlarmManager? that it is not killed by android and take care if android recreates it actually there should be 3 services so syncing between them..
Prevent onPause from trashing OpenGL Context switches back to my app the GLSurfaceView destroys and recreates the GL context. This is what it's supposed to do according to..
Android orientation change calls onCreate that Android's automatic orientation switching support recreates the entire activity calling onCreate . This means that my search..
Android, how to not destroy the activity when I rotate the device? to be portrait. But when I rotate the device the activity recreates again. How to not destroy the activity android activity orientation..
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments have Fragments A B and C in the fragment manager and so it recreates them for you and then adds them. However the ones that are added..
Application restart - Activity Entry Point When Android kills your process it remembers the topmost activity in the task and when the user returns to the task it recreates the process and then recreates only the topmost activity in the task. In your case MainActivity . As an example if your.. it remembers the topmost activity in the task and when the user returns to the task it recreates the process and then recreates only the topmost activity in the task. In your case MainActivity . As an example if your task stack looks like this StartActivity..
How to simulate Android killing my process the process Android assumes that the activity on the top of the activity stack was badly behaved so it automatically recreates the process and then removes the top activity from the activity stack and recreates the activity that was underneath the.. badly behaved so it automatically recreates the process and then removes the top activity from the activity stack and recreates the activity that was underneath the top activity calling onCreate ` . This is not the behaviour I want. I want the same.. ActivityA ActivityB ActivityC ActivityD If Android kills the process and the user returns to the application Android recreates the process and creates ActivityD. If I kill the process Android recreates the process and creates ActivityC. android ..
Public static variables and Android activity life cycle management shortage occurs Activity A then Activity B can be killed. After the user navigates back to my app it restarts actually recreates activity B. What happens Will variable foo at this point have the value that was set to it when Activity A's onCreate method..
Android design : background long running service or AlarmManager? activity. Set it on foreground STICKY and what not and hope that it is not killed by android and take care if android recreates it actually there should be 3 services so syncing between them could be messy . Start a thread in the service no need for..
Prevent onPause from trashing OpenGL Context problem is that when the user switches applications and then switches back to my app the GLSurfaceView destroys and recreates the GL context. This is what it's supposed to do according to the documentation but is there a way to prevent this from..
Android orientation change calls onCreate The problem is that when you rotate the device it appears that Android's automatic orientation switching support recreates the entire activity calling onCreate . This means that my search results are reset to the Parcelable passed through when..
Android, how to not destroy the activity when I rotate the device? in my manifest file for every activity the orientation to be portrait. But when I rotate the device the activity recreates again. How to not destroy the activity android activity orientation share improve this question add android configChanges..
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments When you come back Android will remember that you used to have Fragments A B and C in the fragment manager and so it recreates them for you and then adds them. However the ones that are added to the fragment manager now are NOT the ones you have in..