android Programming Glossary: redirect
Facebook API login fails with FB app installed on phone but if FB app is installed the Hackbook automatically redirect to original FB app and then nothing happened. It's impossible..
Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API On the second page select web application and set the redirect URI and Javascript origins. We will use it later the redirect.. URI and Javascript origins. We will use it later the redirect URI. Select Create client ID. Keep in mind the Client ID and.. the refresh token Go to the following URI note that the redirect URI must match the value entered in the client ID exactly including..
Preventing HttpClient 4 from following redirect HttpClient 4 from following redirect I'm connecting to my AppEngine application using the Apache.. of the response. However the login page responds with a redirect status code and I don't know how to stop HttpClient from following.. and I don't know how to stop HttpClient from following the redirect thus thwarting me from intercepting the cookie. Fwiw the actual..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? ImageView in my Activity. When I click the button it would redirect to gallery and I would be able to select an image. The selected..
How to redirect my log output from logcat to the SD-Card on an android device? to redirect my log output from logcat to the SD Card on an android device.. logcat to the SD Card on an android device I'm trying to redirect the log of my app to the sdcard file. But i failed to do so...
Android WebView, how to handle redirects in app instead of opening a browser WebView how to handle redirects in app instead of opening a browser So right now in my app.. So right now in my app the URL I'm accessing has a redirect and when this happens the WebView will open a new browser instead.. Is there a way I can change the settings so the View will redirect to the URL like normal but stay in my app instead of opening..
HttpPost works in Java project, not in Android if respCode 302 System.out.println ERROR not a 302 redirect code is respCode if respCode 200 System.out.println getHeaders.. else System.out.println Logged in OK loading account home redirect handler and rest of parse removed catch Exception e System.out.println.. The server which is not under my control returns a 302 redirect when the login was successful and 200 if it fails and re loads..
Java httpPost into .asp form to do in the HttpClient documentation. HttpClient follows redirects by default but it is possible to catch everytime the redirect.. by default but it is possible to catch everytime the redirect occurs by using private RedirectHandler customRedirectHandler.. needed else System.out.println No login required URI redirectURI null try redirectURI new URI location catch URISyntaxException..
google drive api error 403 Access Not configured Redirect URIs urn ietf wg oauth 2.0 oob http localhost Application type..
“code” : 403, and “reason” : “forbidden” exception at uploading file in google plus offline .build String url flow.newAuthorizationUrl .setRedirectUri REDIRECT_URI .build System.out.println url url webview.loadUrl.. null try tokenResponse flow.newTokenRequest code .setRedirectUri REDIRECT_URI .execute catch IOException e TODO Auto generated.. .println Credential was not refreshed successfully. Redirect to error page or login screen. .build credential.setFromTokenResponse..
Android: Redirect outgoing calls Redirect outgoing calls I'm trying to redirect outgoing calls to a different..
Detect Android phone via Javascript / jQuery android 1 ua.indexOf mobile if isAndroid Do something Redirect to Android site window.location 'http'..
shouldOverrideUrlLoading in WebView for Android not running The browser redirects the user automatically via an HTTP Redirect. It does however get called when you you click on a link inside.. the webview. IIRC the twitter authorization uses an HTTP Redirect.. Bummer this would be helpful if it worked how all the tutorials..
Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android did not match. but if i send as Null in this its Redirecting to Twitter Login Page but after successful Authorization.. Application. After the Pin number is displayed i want to Redirect back to my Application. Note Twitter had updated their API so.. code after successful Login there will be a option called Redirecting to your Application For Further Reference check this Link..
HttpPost -> Redirect -> Location or body of response needed Redirect Location or body of response needed Here is Java code that.. response.getEntity Code does Posts Gets Redirected gets header of Location Parses the Location And I need android..
Facebook API login fails with FB app installed on phone the login is going through custom dialog and everything works but if FB app is installed the Hackbook automatically redirect to original FB app and then nothing happened. It's impossible to login. I have tested this on five different phones and..
Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API need to fill in the product name but a logo is not required. On the second page select web application and set the redirect URI and Javascript origins. We will use it later the redirect URI. Select Create client ID. Keep in mind the Client ID and.. On the second page select web application and set the redirect URI and Javascript origins. We will use it later the redirect URI. Select Create client ID. Keep in mind the Client ID and the Client secret we will use them later. So now we can generate.. Client secret we will use them later. So now we can generate the refresh token Go to the following URI note that the redirect URI must match the value entered in the client ID exactly including any trailing backslashes https o..
Preventing HttpClient 4 from following redirect HttpClient 4 from following redirect I'm connecting to my AppEngine application using the Apache HttpComponents library. In order to authenticate my users I.. 5Fah login auth ... and grab a cookie from the header of the response. However the login page responds with a redirect status code and I don't know how to stop HttpClient from following the redirect thus thwarting me from intercepting the.. However the login page responds with a redirect status code and I don't know how to stop HttpClient from following the redirect thus thwarting me from intercepting the cookie. Fwiw the actual method I use to send the request is below. private void..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? working on photos options in my app. I have a button and an ImageView in my Activity. When I click the button it would redirect to gallery and I would be able to select an image. The selected image would appear in my ImageView. How to do that Any ideas..
How to redirect my log output from logcat to the SD-Card on an android device? to redirect my log output from logcat to the SD Card on an android device I'm trying to redirect the log of my app to the sdcard file... to redirect my log output from logcat to the SD Card on an android device I'm trying to redirect the log of my app to the sdcard file. But i failed to do so. I'm trying something like this. String cmd logcat v time ActivityManager..
Android WebView, how to handle redirects in app instead of opening a browser WebView how to handle redirects in app instead of opening a browser So right now in my app the URL I'm accessing has a redirect and when this happens.. how to handle redirects in app instead of opening a browser So right now in my app the URL I'm accessing has a redirect and when this happens the WebView will open a new browser instead of staying in my app. Is there a way I can change the.. will open a new browser instead of staying in my app. Is there a way I can change the settings so the View will redirect to the URL like normal but stay in my app instead of opening a new browser Edit I want the redirecting URL I just don't..
HttpPost works in Java project, not in Android cookie token int respCode response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode if respCode 302 System.out.println ERROR not a 302 redirect code is respCode if respCode 200 System.out.println getHeaders response System.out.println EntityUtils.toString response.getEntity.. EntityUtils.toString response.getEntity .substring 0 500 else System.out.println Logged in OK loading account home redirect handler and rest of parse removed catch Exception e System.out.println ERROR in gatherdata e.toString e.printStackTrace.. throw new ConnectException ERROR in doLoginPost e.getMessage The server which is not under my control returns a 302 redirect when the login was successful and 200 if it fails and re loads the login page. When run with the above Jar files I get the..
Java httpPost into .asp form timeout occured and make the request again as it is advised to do in the HttpClient documentation. HttpClient follows redirects by default but it is possible to catch everytime the redirect occurs by using private RedirectHandler customRedirectHandler.. do in the HttpClient documentation. HttpClient follows redirects by default but it is possible to catch everytime the redirect occurs by using private RedirectHandler customRedirectHandler ........ maybe constructor.. client.setRedirectHandler customRedirectHandler.. if location.contains Login System.out.println Login needed else System.out.println No login required URI redirectURI null try redirectURI new URI location catch URISyntaxException e return redirectURI and then after doing everything..
google drive api error 403 Access Not configured Especially check the package name Client ID 6756856856 Redirect URIs urn ietf wg oauth 2.0 oob http localhost Application type Android Package name com.l2c.grants Certificate fingerprint..
“code” : 403, and “reason” : “forbidden” exception at uploading file in google plus CLIENT_SECRET SCOPE .setApprovalPrompt force .setAccessType offline .build String url flow.newAuthorizationUrl .setRedirectUri REDIRECT_URI .build System.out.println url url webview.loadUrl url webview.setWebViewClient new WebViewClient @Override.. 7 url.length System.out.println code code tokenResponse null try tokenResponse flow.newTokenRequest code .setRedirectUri REDIRECT_URI .execute catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace GoogleCredential credential.. TokenErrorResponse tokenErrorResponse System.err .println Credential was not refreshed successfully. Redirect to error page or login screen. .build credential.setFromTokenResponse tokenResponse PlusDomains plusDomains new PlusDomains.Builder..
Android: Redirect outgoing calls Redirect outgoing calls I'm trying to redirect outgoing calls to a different phone number on an Android device. So I use a BroadcastReceiver..
Detect Android phone via Javascript / jQuery var ua navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase var isAndroid ua.indexOf android 1 ua.indexOf mobile if isAndroid Do something Redirect to Android site window.location 'http' PHP ua strtolower _SERVER 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' if stripos ua..
shouldOverrideUrlLoading in WebView for Android not running called when You load a URL like loadUrl http The browser redirects the user automatically via an HTTP Redirect. It does however get called when you you click on a link inside a webpage inside the webview. IIRC the twitter authorization.. called when you you click on a link inside a webpage inside the webview. IIRC the twitter authorization uses an HTTP Redirect.. Bummer this would be helpful if it worked how all the tutorials say it does. I think this is from a very old version the..
Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android This can happen if the consumer key was not correct or the signatures did not match. but if i send as Null in this its Redirecting to Twitter Login Page but after successful Authorization it doesn't returns back to my Application. After the Pin number.. after successful Authorization it doesn't returns back to my Application. After the Pin number is displayed i want to Redirect back to my Application. Note Twitter had updated their API so old Codes available in the Post is not working. I tried all..
HttpPost -> Redirect -> Location or body of response needed Redirect Location or body of response needed Here is Java code that POSTs data to a website and than gets redirected as a response.. And EVEN the response body System.out.println EntityUtils.toString response.getEntity Code does Posts Gets Redirected gets header of Location Parses the Location And I need android to do the same. Either Location or body of repsonse is..