android Programming Glossary: recycled
Rotating a bitmap using JNI & NDK counter clockwise . br notes br the input bitmap will be recycled and shouldn't be used anymore br returns the rotated bitmap.. be with 8888 config which is ARGB input bitmap will be recycled during the process. the code rotates the image 90 degrees counter..
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask to me that there is an issue with the ViewHolder since the recycled views are displaying the previous image before setting the appropriate.. been assigned a different contact to load up it's been recycled . You need to put some kind of tag in the viewholder and then..
Android SimpleCursorAdapter doesn't update when database changes is when the view that's updated goes off screen and is recycled the old value is displayed on the view when it returns into..
Android save Checkbox State in ListView with Cursor Adapter but if i click on a checkbox it is repeated when it is recycled. Ive seen examples using array adapters but because of my lack..
Android 2.1 View's getDrawingCache() method always returns null
Android : Loading an image from the Web with Asynctask a ListView and you want to know if the ImageView was recycled during the download of the image. I wrote if you Image is not..
getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType methods of ArrayAdapter words in the above example your even rows will only get recycled views with pictures on the left side to reuse and odd rows will.. n the row it is about to display. The framework checks its recycled views pool for views of row n 's type. It doesn't find any because.. n 's type. It doesn't find any because no views have been recycled yet. getView is called for row n . You call getItemViewType..
Recycle ImageView's Bitmap causes exception that the ImageView's canvas wants to draw recycled Bitmap. What is the way to recycle a Bitmap that has already..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view when the view is created. So it is recycled reused for items when you scroll and the click behavior applies.. use Integer buttonView.getTag instead position 1 . So your recycled view will keep the actual position. When you click a checkbox.. Don't rely on the UI state for that because it will be recycled . So call viewHolder.checkbox.setChecked persistedState before..
Rotating a bitmap using JNI & NDK System.loadLibrary JniTest rotates a bitmap by 90 degrees counter clockwise . br notes br the input bitmap will be recycled and shouldn't be used anymore br returns the rotated bitmap . br could take some time so do the operation in a new thread.. bug on my code I've asked about . input and output bitmap must be with 8888 config which is ARGB input bitmap will be recycled during the process. the code rotates the image 90 degrees counter clock wise. Of course you can change it depending on your..
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask up when I scroll through my ListView quickly. It seems to me that there is an issue with the ViewHolder since the recycled views are displaying the previous image before setting the appropriate image. Is there anyway to avoid this public class.. the view might still exist but it might have already been assigned a different contact to load up it's been recycled . You need to put some kind of tag in the viewholder and then check that it is still the same when you go to set it in postexecute...
Android SimpleCursorAdapter doesn't update when database changes and the view in the list needs to be updated. The problem is when the view that's updated goes off screen and is recycled the old value is displayed on the view when it returns into view. The same thing happens whenever thr list is redrawb orientation..
Android save Checkbox State in ListView with Cursor Adapter state when using a Cursor adapter. Everything else works fine but if i click on a checkbox it is repeated when it is recycled. Ive seen examples using array adapters but because of my lack of experience im finding it hard to translate it into using..
Android 2.1 View's getDrawingCache() method always returns null
Android : Loading an image from the Web with Asynctask this way. It also helps if you are using the ImageView inside a ListView and you want to know if the ImageView was recycled during the download of the image. I wrote if you Image is not that big because this will result in the task having a implicit..
getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType methods of ArrayAdapter to hand you via convertView in your getView method . In other words in the above example your even rows will only get recycled views with pictures on the left side to reuse and odd rows will only get ones with pictures on the right. If every row in.. to the user. The framework calls getItemViewType for row n the row it is about to display. The framework checks its recycled views pool for views of row n 's type. It doesn't find any because no views have been recycled yet. getView is called for.. framework checks its recycled views pool for views of row n 's type. It doesn't find any because no views have been recycled yet. getView is called for row n . You call getItemViewType for row n to determine what type of view you should use. You..
Recycle ImageView's Bitmap after I set the Bitmap bm to the imageView object. This causes exception that the ImageView's canvas wants to draw recycled Bitmap. What is the way to recycle a Bitmap that has already been put as image on ImageView Thanksb java android memory..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view you set the click listener once with viewHolder.checkbox.setOnCheckedChangeListener when the view is created. So it is recycled reused for items when you scroll and the click behavior applies to the wrong list item. Try not to hard code the position.. viewHolder.checkbox.setTag position before return and then use Integer buttonView.getTag instead position 1 . So your recycled view will keep the actual position. When you click a checkbox you should persists the state somewhere else. Don't rely on.. click a checkbox you should persists the state somewhere else. Don't rely on the UI state for that because it will be recycled . So call viewHolder.checkbox.setChecked persistedState before return . I hope this makes sense and you get the idea.....