android Programming Glossary: reducing
Android - Reduce image file size big amount of time. If you need to play with sizes for reducing memory allocation for your image you exactly need to use scaling..
Android emulator failed to allocate memory 8 memory 8 Android failed to allocate memory I have tried reducing RAM size in emulator and increasing Java heapsize and ramsize..
How can I make a cell in a ListView in Android expand and contract vertically when it's touched? This animation class is animating the expanding and reducing the size of a view. The animation toggles between the Expand..
Android Content Provider database leak issue the best solution. It conserved resources at the same time reducing run time by not having to reopen database connections. The down..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off You can do this in an activity window. I paired it with reducing the sleep timeout to 5 sec for this custom lockscreen activity...
Simulate low battery & low memory in Android you can kill applications via Settings. There are ways of reducing the memory available to applications but I think they're unnecessary...
Android HttpClient OOM on 4G/LTE (HTC Thunderbolt) If you are setting the socket buffer size yourself try reducing it. If not try setting it to 8192 and see if that helps. share..
Android Performance - 'Avoid Internal Getters/Setters' benefits in other areas e.g. preserving encapsulation reducing harmful coupling making your code more maintainable and so on...
Problem in reducing size of Rating Bar. in reducing size of Rating Bar. I want to reduce the size of the Rating..
HW accelerated activity - how to get OpenGL texture size limit? this is because of hw limitation and can work around it by reducing max bitmap size to be displayed if hw acceleration is enabled..
Android app out of memory issues - tried everything and still at a loss is called to completely remove its view hierarchy greatly reducing its footprint. Now as far as you crashing in the flow where..
external allocation too large for this process large for this process. is causing the issue. Any ways on reducing the size of the photos being selected private static final int..
Limitation on texture size? Android Open GL ES 2.0 increase the performance of your OpenGL application by reducing memory requirements and making more efficient use of memory..
How to create an Android Activity and Service that use separate processes
How to choose an image resolution to be shown fullscreen? and the right I have an empty field. I can resolve this by reducing the Image width size mannualy but is ther any other solution..
Android - Reduce image file size algorithm and by the way compression operation takes rather big amount of time. If you need to play with sizes for reducing memory allocation for your image you exactly need to use scaling of your image using Bitmap.Options computing bitmap bounds..
Android emulator failed to allocate memory 8 I checked the following links also Failed to allocate memory 8 Android failed to allocate memory I have tried reducing RAM size in emulator and increasing Java heapsize and ramsize but still I am facing the same error. android share improve..
How can I make a cell in a ListView in Android expand and contract vertically when it's touched? 4 ExpandAnimationExample in onItemClick event use ExpandAnimation This animation class is animating the expanding and reducing the size of a view. The animation toggles between the Expand and Reduce depending on the current state of the view @author..
Android Content Provider database leak issue this choice out immediately. Solution 2 was my idea of the best solution. It conserved resources at the same time reducing run time by not having to reopen database connections. The down side of this solution was that I would have to write the..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off what I did to work around the need to make the screen sleep. You can do this in an activity window. I paired it with reducing the sleep timeout to 5 sec for this custom lockscreen activity. You can view all my source over at my project page but here's..
Simulate low battery & low memory in Android
Android HttpClient OOM on 4G/LTE (HTC Thunderbolt)
Android Performance - 'Avoid Internal Getters/Setters' in the external case the getters and setters have significant benefits in other areas e.g. preserving encapsulation reducing harmful coupling making your code more maintainable and so on. So it is generally regarded as best practice to use getters..
Problem in reducing size of Rating Bar. in reducing size of Rating Bar. I want to reduce the size of the Rating bar I got some style properties that do it but they are out..
HW accelerated activity - how to get OpenGL texture size limit? Bitmap too large to be uploaded into a texture I know this is because of hw limitation and can work around it by reducing max bitmap size to be displayed if hw acceleration is enabled checking by View.isHardwareAccelerated . My question is how..
Android app out of memory issues - tried everything and still at a loss back stack and is no longer visible its onDestroyView method is called to completely remove its view hierarchy greatly reducing its footprint. Now as far as you crashing in the flow where you press back go to an activity press back go to another activity..
external allocation too large for this process Camera Folder UPDATE 3 19660800 byte external allocation too large for this process. is causing the issue. Any ways on reducing the size of the photos being selected private static final int SELECT_PICTURE 1 private String selectedImagePath private..
Limitation on texture size? Android Open GL ES 2.0 . From the previous link Texture compression can significantly increase the performance of your OpenGL application by reducing memory requirements and making more efficient use of memory bandwidth. The Android framework provides support for the ETC1..
How to create an Android Activity and Service that use separate processes
How to choose an image resolution to be shown fullscreen? small in the middle of the screen bottom and on the left and the right I have an empty field. I can resolve this by reducing the Image width size mannualy but is ther any other solution whic could set the image in fullscreen Thank you. android..