android Programming Glossary: projects
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 Android App project that is referencing several library projects. Everything was fine until i upgraded the eclipse ADT plugin..
Eclipse giving error, missing file after recent update
ClassNotFoundException after ADT update are checked for your project and for all other library projects you are using. Clean all projects afterwards and see what happens... for all other library projects you are using. Clean all projects afterwards and see what happens. share improve this answer..
'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse a project into Eclipse Anytime I have to re import my projects into Eclipse if I reinstalled Eclipse or changed the location.. if I reinstalled Eclipse or changed the location of the projects almost all of my overridden methods are not formatted correctly.. '. It may be noteworthy to mention this is with Android projects for whatever reason the method argument values are not always..
Display PDF within app on Android? in Android platform i've had tested several pdf libraries projects including andpdf pdfbox . I've used it myself and it has fast..
How to create PDFs in Android SDK? Android device here is how to do it http projects itext library http articles JavaPDF article.html..
ffmpeg for a android (using tutorial: “ffmpeg and”) EDIT Since this post was written a few packaged ffmpeg projects for android surfaced one of the easiest ones to compile and.. Search github for ' android ffmpeg ' for forks and related projects. Did not find a well packaged method based JNI implementation..
“Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1” on external JAR case Android 1.5 . click OK. Go to Project » Clean » Clean projects selected below » select your project and click OK. That should..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? noticed the icon file caused resource id conflicts with my projects Android 1.5 . My solution is to forget about exporting as a..
How to call SOAP web service in Android have been able to compile and use kSOAP2 in their own projects but I haven't had to. Google has shown to date little interest..
Android, Detect when other apps are launched to listen for android.intent.action.MAIN etc in my trial projects I can't seem to detect when an app other than mine is started...
Choose File Dialog [closed] lightweight enough to implement easily into on of my projects. The only other options seem to being using OI FileManger's..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? the goal. All the credit goes to number of open source projects and their developers. I would like to share this knowledge with..
Android, getting resource ID from string? I didn't know that Resources.getIdentifier existed. In my projects I used the following code to do that public static int getResId..
Where can I browse Android source code on-line? [closed] of the different parts that make up android. Some of the projects such as Kernel have been removed and it now only points you..
What work has been done on cross-platform mobile development? [closed] closed Have any well documented or open source projects targeted iPhone Blackberry and Android Are there other platforms..
Android Activity ClassNotFoundException - tried everything Right click main project choose Properties Java Build Path Projects Add... this add the Android library Project as a dependency..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock changed casing I now have my Android Studio Projects under documents Android Workspace As opposed to Eclipse Workspace..
How to import existing Android project into Eclipse? share improve this question File Import General Existing Projects into Workspace Next Select root directory path to project Projects.. into Workspace Next Select root directory path to project Projects Select All UNCHECK both Copy projects into workspace and Add..
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory compile javac Compiling 1 source file to Users mike Projects myapp android MyApp bin classes dex echo Converting compiled.. compiled files and external libraries into Users mike Projects myapp android MyApp bin classes.dex... echo package resources.. zip align on final apk... echo Debug Package Users mike Projects myapp android MyApp bin MyApp debug.apk install echo Installing..
Could not find Library.apk! to do is go the Application Project's Properties hit the Projects tab select my own library project and click the Remove button...
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 I have a rather big Android App project that is referencing several library projects. Everything was fine until i upgraded the eclipse ADT plugin to the newest version v22 . I also upgraded the SDK of course...
Eclipse giving error, missing file after recent update
ClassNotFoundException after ADT update
'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse Anytime I have to re import my projects into Eclipse if I reinstalled Eclipse or changed the location of the projects almost all of my overridden methods are not.. Eclipse Anytime I have to re import my projects into Eclipse if I reinstalled Eclipse or changed the location of the projects almost all of my overridden methods are not formatted correctly causing the error ' The method must override a superclass.. the error ' The method must override a superclass method '. It may be noteworthy to mention this is with Android projects for whatever reason the method argument values are not always populated so I have to manually populate them myself. For..
Display PDF within app on Android? jar pdf libraries out there if you're planning to use it in Android platform i've had tested several pdf libraries projects including andpdf pdfbox . I've used it myself and it has fast and good quality rendering. Make sure to follow the instructions..
How to create PDFs in Android SDK? to what person is asking if anyone wants to generate PDFs on Android device here is how to do it http projects itext library http articles JavaPDF article.html tutorial http java itext image.html..
ffmpeg for a android (using tutorial: “ffmpeg and”) you might need create a JNI wrapper through javah and it works. EDIT Since this post was written a few packaged ffmpeg projects for android surfaced one of the easiest ones to compile and use is here https guardianproject android ffmpeg..
“Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1” on external JAR » Libraries and remove all except the Android X.Y in my case Android 1.5 . click OK. Go to Project » Clean » Clean projects selected below » select your project and click OK. That should work. It is also possible that you have a JAR file located..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? UPDATE Facebook recently updated the source code and I noticed the icon file caused resource id conflicts with my projects Android 1.5 . My solution is to forget about exporting as a jar. Instead copy the Facebook com folder directly into your..
How to call SOAP web service in Android your own or use something like kSOAP 2 . As you note others have been able to compile and use kSOAP2 in their own projects but I haven't had to. Google has shown to date little interest in adding a SOAP library to Android. My suspicion for this..
Android, Detect when other apps are launched many days reading up on Broadcast Intents etc and trying to listen for android.intent.action.MAIN etc in my trial projects I can't seem to detect when an app other than mine is started. Can anyone help Am I going about it the right way in looking..
Choose File Dialog [closed] The internet needs such an example. I have not found anything lightweight enough to implement easily into on of my projects. The only other options seem to being using OI FileManger's open intents but that requires the user already having the file..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? on the internet done with I was finally able to acheive the goal. All the credit goes to number of open source projects and their developers. I would like to share this knowledge with all Since SO encourages this It's also perfectly fine to..
Android, getting resource ID from string? android resources share improve this question @EboMike I didn't know that Resources.getIdentifier existed. In my projects I used the following code to do that public static int getResId String variableName Class c try Field idField c.getDeclaredField..
Where can I browse Android source code on-line? [closed] source browser based on Gitiles has a web view of many of the different parts that make up android. Some of the projects such as Kernel have been removed and it now only points you to clonable git repositories. To get all the code locally you..
What work has been done on cross-platform mobile development? [closed] work has been done on cross platform mobile development closed Have any well documented or open source projects targeted iPhone Blackberry and Android Are there other platforms which are better suited to such an endeavor Note that I..
Android Activity ClassNotFoundException - tried everything a simple Eclipse configuration settings. The Wrong Way Right click main project choose Properties Java Build Path Projects Add... this add the Android library Project as a dependency project in Android main project's build path this does not work...
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock that to your Android Studio workspace. and rename to ActionBarSherlock changed casing I now have my Android Studio Projects under documents Android Workspace As opposed to Eclipse Workspace So you should now have something like documents Android..
How to import existing Android project into Eclipse? anybody know how to get past this error android eclipse share improve this question File Import General Existing Projects into Workspace Next Select root directory path to project Projects Select All UNCHECK both Copy projects into workspace.. this question File Import General Existing Projects into Workspace Next Select root directory path to project Projects Select All UNCHECK both Copy projects into workspace and Add project to working sets Finish share improve this answer..
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory resources... aidl echo Compiling aidl files into Java classes... compile javac Compiling 1 source file to Users mike Projects myapp android MyApp bin classes dex echo Converting compiled files and external libraries into Users mike Projects myapp.. Projects myapp android MyApp bin classes dex echo Converting compiled files and external libraries into Users mike Projects myapp android MyApp bin classes.dex... echo package resources echo Packaging resources aaptexec Creating full resource package..... keystore Users mike .android debug.keystore debug echo Running zip align on final apk... echo Debug Package Users mike Projects myapp android MyApp bin MyApp debug.apk install echo Installing Users mike Projects myapp android MyApp bin MyApp debug.apk..
Could not find Library.apk! do it in the Android section of the Properties . So all I had to do is go the Application Project's Properties hit the Projects tab select my own library project and click the Remove button. That's it. No more problem. In Eclipse Java EE select the..