android Programming Glossary: projection.topixels
Efficient Map Overlays in Android Google Map new Point Point p2 new Point Path path new Path Projection projection.toPixels gP1 p1 projection.toPixels gP2 p2 path.moveTo p2.x p2.y path.lineTo.. Path path new Path Projection projection.toPixels gP1 p1 projection.toPixels gP2 p2 path.moveTo p2.x p2.y path.lineTo p1.x p1.y canvas.drawPath..
Android - drawing path as overlay on MapView 1 break Point from new Point Point to new Point projection.toPixels geoPoints.get i from projection.toPixels geoPoints.get i 1 to.. to new Point projection.toPixels geoPoints.get i from projection.toPixels geoPoints.get i 1 to p.moveTo from.x from.y p.lineTo to.x to.y..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true Point point new Point projection.toPixels gp1 point mode 1 #65306 start if mode 1 if defaultColor 999.. else paint.setColor defaultColor Point point2 new Point projection.toPixels gp2 point2 paint.setStrokeWidth 5 paint.setAlpha defaultColor.. else paint.setColor defaultColor Point point2 new Point projection.toPixels gp2 point2 paint.setStrokeWidth 5 paint.setAlpha defaultColor..
Customize My Location Overlay Update Times 1e6 int longitude accuracy longitudeLineDistance 1e6 projection.toPixels leftGeo left projection.toPixels myLoc center int radius center.x.. longitudeLineDistance 1e6 projection.toPixels leftGeo left projection.toPixels myLoc center int radius center.x left.x accuracyPaint.setColor..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true Point point new Point projection.toPixels gp1 point if mode 2 if defaultColor 999 paint.setColor Color.RED.. else paint.setColor defaultColor Point point2 new Point projection.toPixels gp2 point2 paint.setStrokeWidth 5 paint.setAlpha 120 canvas.drawLine..
Creating Custom Overlay on the map projection mapV.getProjection Point pt new Point projection.toPixels globalGeoPoint pt GeoPoint newGeos new GeoPoint selectedLat.. adjust your radius accordingly Point pt2 new Point projection.toPixels newGeos pt2 float circleRadius Math.abs pt2.y pt.y Paint circlePaint..
Connect points on map with lines pt2 new Point Projection projection mapView.getProjection projection.toPixels mGpt1 pt1 projection.toPixels mGpt2 pt2 canvas.drawLine pt1.x.. mapView.getProjection projection.toPixels mGpt1 pt1 projection.toPixels mGpt2 pt2 canvas.drawLine pt1.x pt1.y pt2.x pt2.y paint return..
Draw A Circle On Android MapView Point GeoPoint geo new GeoPoint int mLat 1e6 int mLon 1e6 projection.toPixels geo pt float circleRadius projection.metersToEquatorPixels mRadius.. Point GeoPoint geo new GeoPoint int mLat 1e6 int mLon 1e6 projection.toPixels geo pt float circleRadius projection.metersToEquatorPixels mRadius..
Android, google maps and drawing route [closed] true paint.setDither true Point point new Point projection.toPixels gp1 point if mode 2 if defaultColor 999 paint.setColor Color.RED.. paint.setColor defaultColor Point point2 new Point projection.toPixels gp2 point2 paint.setStrokeWidth 5 paint.setAlpha 120 canvas.drawLine..
android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius? the transformed geopoint into a point with pixel values projection.toPixels geopoint point text My Location Paint text new Paint text.setAntiAlias..
Efficient Map Overlays in Android Google Map GeoPoint gP2 new GeoPoint 37423157 122085008 Point p1 new Point Point p2 new Point Path path new Path Projection projection.toPixels gP1 p1 projection.toPixels gP2 p2 path.moveTo p2.x p2.y path.lineTo p1.x p1.y canvas.drawPath path mPaint courtesy Drawing.. 37423157 122085008 Point p1 new Point Point p2 new Point Path path new Path Projection projection.toPixels gP1 p1 projection.toPixels gP2 p2 path.moveTo p2.x p2.y path.lineTo p1.x p1.y canvas.drawPath path mPaint courtesy Drawing a line path on Google Maps..
Android - drawing path as overlay on MapView Path p new Path for int i 0 i geoPoints.size i if i geoPoints.size 1 break Point from new Point Point to new Point projection.toPixels geoPoints.get i from projection.toPixels geoPoints.get i 1 to p.moveTo from.x from.y p.lineTo to.x to.y Paint mPaint new.. i if i geoPoints.size 1 break Point from new Point Point to new Point projection.toPixels geoPoints.get i from projection.toPixels geoPoints.get i 1 to p.moveTo from.x from.y p.lineTo to.x to.y Paint mPaint new Paint mPaint.setStyle Style.FILL mPaint.setColor..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true Point point new Point projection.toPixels gp1 point mode 1 #65306 start if mode 1 if defaultColor 999 paint.setColor Color.BLACK Color.BLUE else paint.setColor defaultColor.. else if mode 2 if defaultColor 999 paint.setColor Color.RED else paint.setColor defaultColor Point point2 new Point projection.toPixels gp2 point2 paint.setStrokeWidth 5 paint.setAlpha defaultColor Color.parseColor #6C8715 220 120 canvas.drawLine point.x point.y.. if defaultColor 999 paint.setColor Color.BLACK Color.GREEN else paint.setColor defaultColor Point point2 new Point projection.toPixels gp2 point2 paint.setStrokeWidth 5 paint.setAlpha defaultColor Color.parseColor #6C8715 220 120 canvas.drawLine point.x point.y..
Customize My Location Overlay Update Times result 0 GeoPoint leftGeo new GeoPoint int latitude 1e6 int longitude accuracy longitudeLineDistance 1e6 projection.toPixels leftGeo left projection.toPixels myLoc center int radius center.x left.x accuracyPaint.setColor 0xff6666ff accuracyPaint.setStyle.. new GeoPoint int latitude 1e6 int longitude accuracy longitudeLineDistance 1e6 projection.toPixels leftGeo left projection.toPixels myLoc center int radius center.x left.x accuracyPaint.setColor 0xff6666ff accuracyPaint.setStyle Style.STROKE canvas.drawCircle..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true Point point new Point projection.toPixels gp1 point if mode 2 if defaultColor 999 paint.setColor Color.RED else paint.setColor defaultColor Point point2 new Point.. point if mode 2 if defaultColor 999 paint.setColor Color.RED else paint.setColor defaultColor Point point2 new Point projection.toPixels gp2 point2 paint.setStrokeWidth 5 paint.setAlpha 120 canvas.drawLine point.x point.y point2.x point2.y paint return super.draw..
Creating Custom Overlay on the map draw Canvas canvas MapView mapV boolean shadow if shadow Projection projection mapV.getProjection Point pt new Point projection.toPixels globalGeoPoint pt GeoPoint newGeos new GeoPoint selectedLat 100 selectedLong adjust your radius accordingly Point pt2 new.. pt GeoPoint newGeos new GeoPoint selectedLat 100 selectedLong adjust your radius accordingly Point pt2 new Point projection.toPixels newGeos pt2 float circleRadius Math.abs pt2.y pt.y Paint circlePaint new Paint Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG circlePaint.setColor..
Connect points on map with lines paint.setStrokeWidth 2 Point pt1 new Point Point pt2 new Point Projection projection mapView.getProjection projection.toPixels mGpt1 pt1 projection.toPixels mGpt2 pt2 canvas.drawLine pt1.x pt1.y pt2.x pt2.y paint return true @Override protected boolean.. 2 Point pt1 new Point Point pt2 new Point Projection projection mapView.getProjection projection.toPixels mGpt1 pt1 projection.toPixels mGpt2 pt2 canvas.drawLine pt1.x pt1.y pt2.x pt2.y paint return true @Override protected boolean isRouteDisplayed TODO Auto..
Draw A Circle On Android MapView Projection projection mapView.getProjection Point pt new Point GeoPoint geo new GeoPoint int mLat 1e6 int mLon 1e6 projection.toPixels geo pt float circleRadius projection.metersToEquatorPixels mRadius 1 FloatMath.cos float Math.toRadians mLat Paint innerCirclePaint.. Projection projection mapView.getProjection Point pt new Point GeoPoint geo new GeoPoint int mLat 1e6 int mLon 1e6 projection.toPixels geo pt float circleRadius projection.metersToEquatorPixels mRadius 1 FloatMath.cos float Math.toRadians mLat Paint innerCirclePaint..
Android, google maps and drawing route [closed] if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true paint.setDither true Point point new Point projection.toPixels gp1 point if mode 2 if defaultColor 999 paint.setColor Color.RED else paint.setColor defaultColor Point point2 new.. if mode 2 if defaultColor 999 paint.setColor Color.RED else paint.setColor defaultColor Point point2 new Point projection.toPixels gp2 point2 paint.setStrokeWidth 5 paint.setAlpha 120 canvas.drawLine point.x point.y point2.x point2.y paint return..
android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius? projection mapView.getProjection Point point new Point store the transformed geopoint into a point with pixel values projection.toPixels geopoint point text My Location Paint text new Paint text.setAntiAlias true text.setColor Color.BLUE text.setTextSize 12..