

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:37

android Programming Glossary: progress

Android Endless List


actions like loading web data and might want to indicate progress in the last list item like the market or gmail apps do . share..

Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog


a file with Android and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog I am trying to write a simple application.. function that can download a file and show the current progress in a ProgressDialog. I know how to do the ProgressDialog but.. ProgressDialog but I'm not sure how to display the current progress and how to download the file in the first place. java android..

Lazy download images into gridView


ViewHolder ImageView imgPhoto EDIT Added steps to show Progress while loading Add a ProgressBar to you XML where you have the.. EDIT Added steps to show Progress while loading Add a ProgressBar to you XML where you have the GridView right below it. Play.. it causes any problems. LinearLayout android id @ id linlaProgressBar android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content..

Android - String concatenate - how to keep the spaces at the end and/or beginning of String?


Caching images and displaying


R.layout.main s getIntent .getExtras .getString url new ProgressTask Tools_ListItemActivity.this .execute @Override protected.. ArrayList HashMap String String ListView lv private class ProgressTask extends AsyncTask String Void Boolean private ProgressDialog.. ProgressTask extends AsyncTask String Void Boolean private ProgressDialog dialog public ProgressTask ListActivity activity Log.i..

Progress bar in notification bar when uploading image?


bar in notification bar when uploading image I'd like my app..

Refresh progress bar in notification bar


the documentation. I found some stuff on Notifications ProgressBars and RemoteViews . Specifically in RemoveView you can update.. . Specifically in RemoveView you can update the Progress bar. So combining some of the example code in each link I get.. 0x1 private static final int MAX_PROGRESS 100 private int mProgressStatus 0 private Handler mHandler new Handler protected void..

Android find GPS location once, show loading dialog


display anything the app just crashes. I need to show a Progress Dialog while its searching. How can I have the locationlistener.. location or timeout after say 20 30seconds. I would like a ProgressDialog up so the user knows that something is going on but it.. date. In summary I want to Find current coordinates Show Progress Dialog while getting location Have app be able to wait for successful..

Update UI from Thread


I want to update my UI from a Thread which updates a Progressbar. Unfortunately when updating the progressbar's drawable from.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.gameone pB.setProgressDrawable getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.green Works handler.postDelayed.. runOnUiThread new Runnable public void run The Complete ProgressBar does not appear pB.setProgressDrawable getResources .getDrawable..

progressDialog in AsyncTask


List Message messages private TextView tvSorties private MyProgressDialog dialog @Override public void onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate.. dialog before the work and dismiss it after public class ProgressTask extends AsyncTask String Void Boolean public ProgressTask.. ProgressTask extends AsyncTask String Void Boolean public ProgressTask ListActivity activity this.activity activity dialog new..

Custom Progress Bar in Android?


Progress Bar in Android I havent got a clue to how to do this. My progress..

Android change Horizonal Progress bar color


change Horizonal Progress bar color I have set Horizontal Progress bar. I would like.. change Horizonal Progress bar color I have set Horizontal Progress bar. I would like to change progress color of yellow. ProgressBar.. bar. I would like to change progress color of yellow. ProgressBar android id @ id progressbar android layout_width 80dip android..

What arguments are passed into AsyncTask<arg1, arg2, arg3>?


task is defined by 3 generic types called Params Progress and Result and 4 steps called onPreExecute doInBackground onProgressUpdate.. Result and 4 steps called onPreExecute doInBackground onProgressUpdate and onPostExecute. AsyncTask's generic types The three.. type of the parameters sent to the task upon execution. Progress the type of the progress units published during the background..

How to stop changing the orientation when a progress bar is spinning in android


on the Register button i am showing the progress bar Progress bar begins to spin and then takes the user to the home screen.If..

Get the progress time of the video played under videoview?


Duration of the Video by mVideoView.getDuration set the Progress bar to 0 initially and then get the currentProgress of Video.. the Progress bar to 0 initially and then get the currentProgress of Video by mVideoView.getCurrentPosition and increase the Progress.. of Video by mVideoView.getCurrentPosition and increase the Progress Bar status based on the CurrentProgress of Video in Percentage..

AsyncTask Android example


protected void onPreExecute @Override protected void onProgressUpdate Void... values I am just trying to change the label after.. layout_height fill_parent android orientation vertical ProgressBar android id @ id progressBar style android attr progressBarStyleHorizontal.. indeterminate false android max 10 android padding 10dip ProgressBar Button android id @ id button1 android layout_width wrap_content..

How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api?


@Override protected void onPreExecute SHOW THE PROGRESS BAR SPINNER WHILE LOADING ALBUMS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility.. CHANGE THE LOADING MORE STATUS loadingMore false HIDE THE PROGRESS BAR SPINNER AFTER LOADING ALBUMS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility.. @Override protected void onPreExecute SHOW THE BOTTOM PROGRESS BAR SPINNER WHILE LOADING MORE ALBUMS linlaProgressBar.setVisibility..

how to show progress bar(circle) in an activity having a listview before loading the listview with data


onCreate requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility true And after you are.. something like this CAST THE LINEARLAYOUT HOLDING THE MAIN PROGRESS SPINNER LinearLayout linlaHeaderProgress LinearLayout findViewById..

Lazy download images into gridView


this @Override protected void onPreExecute SHOW THE BOTTOM PROGRESS BAR SPINNER WHILE LOADING MORE PHOTOS linlaProgressBar.setVisibility.. And finally add this in the onPostExecute HIDE THE BOTTOM PROGRESS BAR SPINNER AFTER LOADING MORE ALBUMS linlaProgressBar.setVisibility..

Refresh progress bar in notification bar


class MyActivity extends Activity private static final int PROGRESS 0x1 private static final int MAX_PROGRESS 100 private int mProgressStatus.. static final int PROGRESS 0x1 private static final int MAX_PROGRESS 100 private int mProgressStatus 0 private Handler mHandler new.. contentView.setProgressBar R.id.progress_bar MAX_PROGRESS mProgressStatus false notification.contentView contentView Start..

Android HTTPS exception Connection reset by peer


void onProgressUpdate Integer... progress Log.d ON PROGRESS UPDATE @Override protected void onCancelled Log.d ON CANCELLED..

Android Endless List


Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog


a file with Android and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog I am trying to write a simple application that gets updated. For this I need a simple function that.. simple application that gets updated. For this I need a simple function that can download a file and show the current progress in a ProgressDialog. I know how to do the ProgressDialog but I'm not sure how to display the current progress and how to.. current progress in a ProgressDialog. I know how to do the ProgressDialog but I'm not sure how to display the current progress and how to download the file in the first place. java android download android asynctask share improve this question..

Lazy download images into gridView


.getPhotoPicture holder.imgPhoto return vi static class ViewHolder ImageView imgPhoto EDIT Added steps to show Progress while loading Add a ProgressBar to you XML where you have the GridView right below it. Play around with the weight if it.. return vi static class ViewHolder ImageView imgPhoto EDIT Added steps to show Progress while loading Add a ProgressBar to you XML where you have the GridView right below it. Play around with the weight if it causes any problems. LinearLayout.. the GridView right below it. Play around with the weight if it causes any problems. LinearLayout android id @ id linlaProgressBar android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android gravity center android orientation horizontal..

Android - String concatenate - how to keep the spaces at the end and/or beginning of String?


Caching images and displaying


method stub super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main s getIntent .getExtras .getString url new ProgressTask Tools_ListItemActivity.this .execute @Override protected void onListItemClick ListView l View v int position long id.. l v position id ArrayList HashMap String String jsonlist new ArrayList HashMap String String ListView lv private class ProgressTask extends AsyncTask String Void Boolean private ProgressDialog dialog public ProgressTask ListActivity activity Log.i.. ArrayList HashMap String String ListView lv private class ProgressTask extends AsyncTask String Void Boolean private ProgressDialog dialog public ProgressTask ListActivity activity Log.i 1 Called context activity dialog new ProgressDialog context..

Progress bar in notification bar when uploading image?


bar in notification bar when uploading image I'd like my app to upload an image to a web server. That part works. I'm wondering..

Refresh progress bar in notification bar


know what you need to modify butI did some searching through the documentation. I found some stuff on Notifications ProgressBars and RemoteViews . Specifically in RemoveView you can update the Progress bar. So combining some of the example code.. I found some stuff on Notifications ProgressBars and RemoteViews . Specifically in RemoveView you can update the Progress bar. So combining some of the example code in each link I get something like this public class MyActivity extends Activity.. extends Activity private static final int PROGRESS 0x1 private static final int MAX_PROGRESS 100 private int mProgressStatus 0 private Handler mHandler new Handler protected void onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate icicle define Notification..

Android find GPS location once, show loading dialog


as my Activity needs the location coordinates before it can display anything the app just crashes. I need to show a Progress Dialog while its searching. How can I have the locationlistener run once in the background and then remove location updates.. need the rest of the application to wait until it has a GPS location or timeout after say 20 30seconds. I would like a ProgressDialog up so the user knows that something is going on but it just has to be the spinning loading animation not a percentage.. putting me behind schedule for the rest of the app completion date. In summary I want to Find current coordinates Show Progress Dialog while getting location Have app be able to wait for successful location or give up after a certain time If Successful..

Update UI from Thread


UI from Thread I want to update my UI from a Thread which updates a Progressbar. Unfortunately when updating the progressbar's drawable from the runnable the progressbar disappears Changing the progressbars's.. Bundle savedInstanceState res getResources super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.gameone pB.setProgressDrawable getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.green Works handler.postDelayed runnable 1 private Runnable runnable new Runnable.. 1 private Runnable runnable new Runnable public void run runOnUiThread new Runnable public void run The Complete ProgressBar does not appear pB.setProgressDrawable getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.green android multithreading user interface..

progressDialog in AsyncTask


public class Soirees extends ListActivity private List Message messages private TextView tvSorties private MyProgressDialog dialog @Override public void onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate icicle setContentView R.layout.sorties tvSorties.. improve this question this class performs all the work shows dialog before the work and dismiss it after public class ProgressTask extends AsyncTask String Void Boolean public ProgressTask ListActivity activity this.activity activity dialog new ProgressDialog.. dialog before the work and dismiss it after public class ProgressTask extends AsyncTask String Void Boolean public ProgressTask ListActivity activity this.activity activity dialog new ProgressDialog context progress dialog to show user that the..

Custom Progress Bar in Android?


Progress Bar in Android I havent got a clue to how to do this. My progress bar should be the shape of cloud. Can someone direct..

Android change Horizonal Progress bar color


change Horizonal Progress bar color I have set Horizontal Progress bar. I would like to change progress color of yellow. ProgressBar android id @.. change Horizonal Progress bar color I have set Horizontal Progress bar. I would like to change progress color of yellow. ProgressBar android id @ id progressbar android layout_width 80dip.. Horizonal Progress bar color I have set Horizontal Progress bar. I would like to change progress color of yellow. ProgressBar android id @ id progressbar android layout_width 80dip android layout_height 20dip android focusable false style android..

What arguments are passed into AsyncTask<arg1, arg2, arg3>?


question Google's Android Documentation Says that An asynchronous task is defined by 3 generic types called Params Progress and Result and 4 steps called onPreExecute doInBackground onProgressUpdate and onPostExecute. AsyncTask's generic types.. task is defined by 3 generic types called Params Progress and Result and 4 steps called onPreExecute doInBackground onProgressUpdate and onPostExecute. AsyncTask's generic types The three types used by an asynchronous task are the following Params.. used by an asynchronous task are the following Params the type of the parameters sent to the task upon execution. Progress the type of the progress units published during the background computation. Result the type of the result of the background..

How to stop changing the orientation when a progress bar is spinning in android


user enters all the registration details and when user clicks on the Register button i am showing the progress bar Progress bar begins to spin and then takes the user to the home screen.If the user rotates the phone when progress bar is spinning..

Get the progress time of the video played under videoview?


android share improve this question You can get the Duration of the Video by mVideoView.getDuration set the Progress bar to 0 initially and then get the currentProgress of Video by mVideoView.getCurrentPosition and increase the Progress.. get the Duration of the Video by mVideoView.getDuration set the Progress bar to 0 initially and then get the currentProgress of Video by mVideoView.getCurrentPosition and increase the Progress Bar status based on the CurrentProgress of Video in.. bar to 0 initially and then get the currentProgress of Video by mVideoView.getCurrentPosition and increase the Progress Bar status based on the CurrentProgress of Video in Percentage by current 100 duration . I tried it out using AsyncTask..

AsyncTask Android example


protected void onPostExecute String result @Override protected void onPreExecute @Override protected void onProgressUpdate Void... values I am just trying to change the label after 5 seconds in the background process. This is my main.xml.. apk res android android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android orientation vertical ProgressBar android id @ id progressBar style android attr progressBarStyleHorizontal android layout_width match_parent android layout_height.. match_parent android layout_height wrap_content android indeterminate false android max 10 android padding 10dip ProgressBar Button android id @ id button1 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android text Start..

How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api?


linlaHeaderProgress LinearLayout findViewById R.id.linlaHeaderProgress @Override protected void onPreExecute SHOW THE PROGRESS BAR SPINNER WHILE LOADING ALBUMS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.VISIBLE @Override protected Void doInBackground.. result SET THE ADAPTER TO THE LISTVIEW lv.setAdapter adapter CHANGE THE LOADING MORE STATUS loadingMore false HIDE THE PROGRESS BAR SPINNER AFTER LOADING ALBUMS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.GONE For the sake of completeness here is what.. private class loadMoreAlbums extends AsyncTask Void Void Void @Override protected void onPreExecute SHOW THE BOTTOM PROGRESS BAR SPINNER WHILE LOADING MORE ALBUMS linlaProgressBar.setVisibility View.VISIBLE @Override protected Void doInBackground..

how to show progress bar(circle) in an activity having a listview before loading the listview with data


can call the ProgressBar like this this could go in your onCreate requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility true And after you are done displaying the list to hide it. setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility.. data for my lists. SO in the AsyncTask's onPreExecute I use something like this CAST THE LINEARLAYOUT HOLDING THE MAIN PROGRESS SPINNER LinearLayout linlaHeaderProgress LinearLayout findViewById R.id.linlaHeaderProgress @Override protected void onPreExecute..

Lazy download images into gridView


View.GONE And in the onPreExecute use it like this @Override protected void onPreExecute SHOW THE BOTTOM PROGRESS BAR SPINNER WHILE LOADING MORE PHOTOS linlaProgressBar.setVisibility View.VISIBLE And finally add this in the onPostExecute..

Refresh progress bar in notification bar


example code in each link I get something like this public class MyActivity extends Activity private static final int PROGRESS 0x1 private static final int MAX_PROGRESS 100 private int mProgressStatus 0 private Handler mHandler new Handler protected.. like this public class MyActivity extends Activity private static final int PROGRESS 0x1 private static final int MAX_PROGRESS 100 private int mProgressStatus 0 private Handler mHandler new Handler protected void onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate.. new RemoteViews getPackageName R.layout.custom_notification_layout contentView.setProgressBar R.id.progress_bar MAX_PROGRESS mProgressStatus false notification.contentView contentView Start file upload in a background thread new Thread new Runnable..

Android HTTPS exception Connection reset by peer


Exception e e.printStackTrace return null @Override protected void onProgressUpdate Integer... progress Log.d ON PROGRESS UPDATE @Override protected void onCancelled Log.d ON CANCELLED @Override protected void onPreExecute Log.d ON PRE EXECUTE..