android Programming Glossary: projection
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] Recalculate the path accounting for changes to the projection and routePoints. @param mv MapView the path is drawn to. private..
How to read contacts on Android 2.0 .query ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI projection where whereParameters null if contacts.moveToFirst rv contacts.getString..
Android SplashScreen
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically will only work for images selected from gallery String projection MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor managedQuery uri.. Cursor cursor managedQuery uri projection null null null if cursor null int column_index cursor .getColumnIndexOrThrow..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? contentResolver getContentResolver final String projection new String Uri uri Uri.parse content mms sms conversations Cursor.. sms conversations Cursor query contentResolver.query uri projection null null null Note usually when you call query and want to.. and want to return all columns you can pass null as the projection parameter. However you cannot do that with this provider so..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint.. new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true Point point new Point projection.toPixels gp1 point mode 1 #65306 start if mode 1 if defaultColor.. else paint.setColor defaultColor Point point2 new Point projection.toPixels gp2 point2 paint.setStrokeWidth 5 paint.setAlpha defaultColor..
sqlite example program in android [closed] return true @Override public Cursor query Uri uri String projection String selection String selectionArgs String orderBy SQLiteDatabase.. db news.getReadableDatabase cursor db.query TABLE_NAME projection selection selectionArgs null null orderBy cursor.setNotificationUri..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken initialize the list app.GalleryList.clear String projection MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DISPLAY_NAME intialize the Uri.. path. Only if the Uri is valid. if u null c managedQuery u projection null null null If we found the cursor and found a record in.. we get to search for this manually and remove it. String projection MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.SIZE MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DISPLAY_NAME..
Android file chooser [closed] if content .equalsIgnoreCase uri.getScheme String projection _data Cursor cursor null try cursor context.getContentResolver.. null try cursor context.getContentResolver .query uri projection null null null int column_index cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] drawn to. private void redrawPath final MapView mv final Projection prj mv.getProjection path.rewind final Iterator GeoPoint it.. redrawPath final MapView mv final Projection prj mv.getProjection path.rewind final Iterator GeoPoint it routePoints.iterator..
Move markers in google map v2 android new Handler final long start SystemClock.uptimeMillis Projection proj mGoogleMapObject.getProjection Point startPoint proj.toScreenLocation.. Projection proj mGoogleMapObject.getProjection Point startPoint proj.toScreenLocation marker.getPosition final..
Android Maps API v2 draw circle lng2 lng lng1 180 Math.PI Point p1 YourActivity.getMap .getProjection .toScreenLocation new LatLng lat lng Point p2 YourActivity.getMap.. new LatLng lat lng Point p2 YourActivity.getMap .getProjection .toScreenLocation new LatLng lat2 lng2 return Math.abs p1.x.. double lat double lng LatLng latLng new LatLng lat lng Projection proj YourActivity.getMap .getProjection Point p proj.toScreenLocation..
Perspective Projection in Android in an augmented reality application Projection in Android in an augmented reality application Currently I'm..
How to draw line on Map View given coordinates? . Inside your custom Overlay you'll want to get a Projection with something like Projection p mapView.getProjection . From.. you'll want to get a Projection with something like Projection p mapView.getProjection . From the Projection you can convert.. a Projection with something like Projection p mapView.getProjection . From the Projection you can convert GPS coordinates into screen..
Efficient Map Overlays in Android Google Map is first created. private List Overlay mapOverlays private Projection projection @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays projection mapView.getProjection mapOverlays.add new MyOverlay @Override protected boolean isRouteDisplayed.. Point p1 new Point Point p2 new Point Path path new Path Projection projection.toPixels gP1 p1 projection.toPixels gP2 p2 path.moveTo..
Android - drawing path as overlay on MapView public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mv boolean shadow Projection projection mv.getProjection ArrayList GeoPoint geoPoints new.. MapView mv boolean shadow Projection projection mv.getProjection ArrayList GeoPoint geoPoints new ArrayList GeoPoint Creating..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? import public class RouteOverlay extends Overlay private GeoPoint gp1.. Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint.. boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint.. boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true..
Creating Custom Overlay on the map draw Canvas canvas MapView mapV boolean shadow if shadow Projection projection mapV.getProjection Point pt new Point projection.toPixels.. boolean shadow if shadow Projection projection mapV.getProjection Point pt new Point projection.toPixels globalGeoPoint pt GeoPoint..
How to get the Latitude and Longitude on Map in Android? coordinates. public void recieveLongClick MotionEvent ev Projection p mapView.getProjection GeoPoint geoPoint p.fromPixels int ev.getX.. recieveLongClick MotionEvent ev Projection p mapView.getProjection GeoPoint geoPoint p.fromPixels int ev.getX int ev.getY You can..
Draw A Circle On Android MapView import import android.content.Context import mapView shadow if shadow return Ignore the shadow layer Projection projection mapView.getProjection Point pt new Point GeoPoint.. Ignore the shadow layer Projection projection mapView.getProjection Point pt new Point GeoPoint geo new GeoPoint int mLat 1e6 int..
Android, google maps and drawing route [closed] Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint.. boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true..
android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius? import public class CustomOverlay extends Overlay private GeoPoint.. boolean shadow Transform geo position to Point on canvas Projection projection mapView.getProjection Point point new Point store.. to Point on canvas Projection projection mapView.getProjection Point point new Point store the transformed geopoint into a..
Android OpenGL 3D picking i 0 i 16 i mvmatrix i mg.mModelView i projmatrix i mg.mProjection i mg.getCurrentState gl float realY float screenHeight pickY.. screenWidth 2 screenHeight 2 0.0f mg.mModelView 0 mg.mProjection 0 viewport 0 nearCoords 0 GLU.gluUnProject screenWidth 2 screenHeight.. screenWidth 2 screenHeight 2 1.0f mg.mModelView 0 mg.mProjection 0 viewport 0 farCoords 0 System.out.println Near nearCoords..
Setting contact custom ringtone, how? contactUri ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI String PROJECTION new String ContactsContract.Contacts._ID ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME.. '1' Cursor contacts managedQuery contactUri PROJECTION SELECTION null null while contacts.moveToNext String Name contacts.getString.. Cursor localCursor managedQuery contactData PROJECTION null null null localCursor.move 120 CONTACT ID NUMBER String..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address ProfileQuery.PROJECTION Select only email addresses. ContactsContract.Contacts.Data.MIMETYPE.. Cursor cursorLoader private interface ProfileQuery String PROJECTION ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.ADDRESS ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.IS_PRIMARY..
Android get a cursor only with contacts that have an email listed >android 2.0 post ContentResolver cr context.getContentResolver String PROJECTION new String ContactsContract.RawContacts._ID ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME.. ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.CONTENT_URI PROJECTION filter null order Your cursor will have essential IDs as well..
How to get contacts from native phonebook in android contactUri ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI String PROJECTION new String ContactsContract.Contacts._ID ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME.. .query ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI PROJECTION SELECTION null null if contacts.getCount 0 while contacts.moveToNext.. aContact.setName contacts.getString nameFieldColumnIndex PROJECTION new String Phone.NUMBER final Cursor phone managedQuery Phone.CONTENT_URI..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] the route overlay. public final void clear routePoints.clear Recalculate the path accounting for changes to the projection and routePoints. @param mv MapView the path is drawn to. private void redrawPath final MapView mv final Projection prj..
How to read contacts on Android 2.0 Cursor contacts getContentResolver .query ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI projection where whereParameters null if contacts.moveToFirst rv contacts.getString 0 contacts.close return note Notice this time I..
Android SplashScreen
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically try to retrieve the image from the media store first this will only work for images selected from gallery String projection MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor managedQuery uri projection null null null if cursor null int column_index.. work for images selected from gallery String projection MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor managedQuery uri projection null null null if cursor null int column_index cursor .getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA cursor.moveToFirst..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? do is to query the content mms sms conversations Uri ContentResolver contentResolver getContentResolver final String projection new String Uri uri Uri.parse content mms sms conversations Cursor query contentResolver.query uri projection null null null.. String projection new String Uri uri Uri.parse content mms sms conversations Cursor query contentResolver.query uri projection null null null Note usually when you call query and want to return all columns you can pass null as the projection parameter... uri projection null null null Note usually when you call query and want to return all columns you can pass null as the projection parameter. However you cannot do that with this provider so that's why I'm using . Now you can loop through the Cursor as..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? getMode return mode @Override public boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true Point point new Point projection.toPixels.. projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true Point point new Point projection.toPixels gp1 point mode 1 #65306 start if mode 1 if defaultColor 999 paint.setColor Color.BLACK Color.BLUE else paint.setColor.. else if mode 2 if defaultColor 999 paint.setColor Color.RED else paint.setColor defaultColor Point point2 new Point projection.toPixels gp2 point2 paint.setStrokeWidth 5 paint.setAlpha defaultColor Color.parseColor #6C8715 220 120 canvas.drawLine..
sqlite example program in android [closed] user_deal # QUADUSER_ID news new Bru_Press_Data getContext return true @Override public Cursor query Uri uri String projection String selection String selectionArgs String orderBy SQLiteDatabase db Cursor cursor null if uriMatcher.match uri QUADUSER_ID.. uri QUADUSER Get the database and run the query db news.getReadableDatabase cursor db.query TABLE_NAME projection selection selectionArgs null null orderBy cursor.setNotificationUri getContext .getContentResolver uri return cursor @Override..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken to get a list of all photos in the gallery private void FillPhotoList initialize the list app.GalleryList.clear String projection MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DISPLAY_NAME intialize the Uri and the Cursor and the current expected size. Cursor c null.. Query the Uri to get the data path. Only if the Uri is valid. if u null c managedQuery u projection null null null If we found the cursor and found a record in it we also have the id . if c null c.moveToFirst do Loop each.. sure why We don't know what name Android will give either so we get to search for this manually and remove it. String projection MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.SIZE MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DISPLAY_NAME MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DATA..
Android file chooser [closed] String getPath Context context Uri uri throws URISyntaxException if content .equalsIgnoreCase uri.getScheme String projection _data Cursor cursor null try cursor context.getContentResolver .query uri projection null null null int column_index cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow.. uri.getScheme String projection _data Cursor cursor null try cursor context.getContentResolver .query uri projection null null null int column_index cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow _data if cursor.moveToFirst return cursor.getString column_index..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] projection and routePoints. @param mv MapView the path is drawn to. private void redrawPath final MapView mv final Projection prj mv.getProjection path.rewind final Iterator GeoPoint it routePoints.iterator prj.toPixels p path.moveTo.. @param mv MapView the path is drawn to. private void redrawPath final MapView mv final Projection prj mv.getProjection path.rewind final Iterator GeoPoint it routePoints.iterator prj.toPixels p path.moveTo p.x p.y while it.hasNext..
Move markers in google map v2 android LatLng toPosition final boolean hideMarker final Handler handler new Handler final long start SystemClock.uptimeMillis Projection proj mGoogleMapObject.getProjection Point startPoint proj.toScreenLocation marker.getPosition final LatLng startLatLng proj.fromScreenLocation.. final Handler handler new Handler final long start SystemClock.uptimeMillis Projection proj mGoogleMapObject.getProjection Point startPoint proj.toScreenLocation marker.getPosition final LatLng startLatLng proj.fromScreenLocation startPoint final..
Android Maps API v2 draw circle Math.PI lat 180 double lat2 lat lat1 180 Math.PI double lng2 lng lng1 180 Math.PI Point p1 YourActivity.getMap .getProjection .toScreenLocation new LatLng lat lng Point p2 YourActivity.getMap .getProjection .toScreenLocation new LatLng lat2 lng2.. Point p1 YourActivity.getMap .getProjection .toScreenLocation new LatLng lat lng Point p2 YourActivity.getMap .getProjection .toScreenLocation new LatLng lat2 lng2 return Math.abs p1.x p2.x 3. bitmap creation private Bitmap getBitmap fill color.. return b 4. calculate image offset private LatLng getCoords double lat double lng LatLng latLng new LatLng lat lng Projection proj YourActivity.getMap .getProjection Point p proj.toScreenLocation latLng p.set p.x p.y offset return proj.fromScreenLocation..
Perspective Projection in Android in an augmented reality application Projection in Android in an augmented reality application Currently I'm writing an augmented reality app and I have some problems..
How to draw line on Map View given coordinates? MapView with something like mMapView.getOverlays .add new MyOverlay . Inside your custom Overlay you'll want to get a Projection with something like Projection p mapView.getProjection . From the Projection you can convert GPS coordinates into screen.. .add new MyOverlay . Inside your custom Overlay you'll want to get a Projection with something like Projection p mapView.getProjection . From the Projection you can convert GPS coordinates into screen coordinates with Projection 's.. new MyOverlay . Inside your custom Overlay you'll want to get a Projection with something like Projection p mapView.getProjection . From the Projection you can convert GPS coordinates into screen coordinates with Projection 's toPixels GeoPoint Point..
Efficient Map Overlays in Android Google Map 1 Here's a solution that I used Called when the activity is first created. private List Overlay mapOverlays private Projection projection @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main.. findViewById mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls true mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays projection mapView.getProjection mapOverlays.add new MyOverlay @Override protected boolean isRouteDisplayed return false class MyOverlay extends Overlay.. 99120000 GeoPoint gP2 new GeoPoint 37423157 122085008 Point p1 new Point Point p2 new Point Path path new Path Projection projection.toPixels gP1 p1 projection.toPixels gP2 p2 path.moveTo p2.x p2.y path.lineTo p1.x p1.y canvas.drawPath path mPaint..
Android - drawing path as overlay on MapView Overlay.Snappable. I have overriden its draw method @Override public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mv boolean shadow Projection projection mv.getProjection ArrayList GeoPoint geoPoints new ArrayList GeoPoint Creating geopoints ommited for readability.. its draw method @Override public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mv boolean shadow Projection projection mv.getProjection ArrayList GeoPoint geoPoints new ArrayList GeoPoint Creating geopoints ommited for readability Path p new Path for int i..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? import import import public class RouteOverlay extends Overlay private GeoPoint gp1 private GeoPoint gp2 private int mRadius 6 private int mode.. public int getMode return mode @Override public boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true Point point new Point projection.toPixels.. @Override public boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true Point point new Point projection.toPixels gp1 point mode 1..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s defaultColor public int getMode return mode public boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true Point point new Point projection.toPixels.. mode public boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true Point point new Point projection.toPixels gp1 point if mode..
Creating Custom Overlay on the map return super.onTap geoPoint mapView @Override public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapV boolean shadow if shadow Projection projection mapV.getProjection Point pt new Point projection.toPixels globalGeoPoint pt GeoPoint newGeos new GeoPoint selectedLat.. mapView @Override public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapV boolean shadow if shadow Projection projection mapV.getProjection Point pt new Point projection.toPixels globalGeoPoint pt GeoPoint newGeos new GeoPoint selectedLat 100 selectedLong adjust..
How to get the Latitude and Longitude on Map in Android? after you get the long click you can translate the pixels to coordinates. public void recieveLongClick MotionEvent ev Projection p mapView.getProjection GeoPoint geoPoint p.fromPixels int ev.getX int ev.getY You can now pull lat lng from geoPoint .. click you can translate the pixels to coordinates. public void recieveLongClick MotionEvent ev Projection p mapView.getProjection GeoPoint geoPoint p.fromPixels int ev.getX int ev.getY You can now pull lat lng from geoPoint share improve this answer..
Draw A Circle On Android MapView import import import import android.content.Context import import import Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow super.draw canvas mapView shadow if shadow return Ignore the shadow layer Projection projection mapView.getProjection Point pt new Point GeoPoint geo new GeoPoint int mLat 1e6 int mLon 1e6 projection.toPixels.. shadow super.draw canvas mapView shadow if shadow return Ignore the shadow layer Projection projection mapView.getProjection Point pt new Point GeoPoint geo new GeoPoint int mLat 1e6 int mLon 1e6 projection.toPixels geo pt float circleRadius projection.metersToEquatorPixels..
Android, google maps and drawing route [closed] defaultColor public int getMode return mode public boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true paint.setDither true Point.. mode public boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when Projection projection mapView.getProjection if shadow false Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true paint.setDither true Point point new Point projection.toPixels..
android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius? import import import public class CustomOverlay extends Overlay private GeoPoint geopoint private int rad public CustomOverlay GeoPoint point.. @Override public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow Transform geo position to Point on canvas Projection projection mapView.getProjection Point point new Point store the transformed geopoint into a point with pixel values projection.toPixels.. canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow Transform geo position to Point on canvas Projection projection mapView.getProjection Point point new Point store the transformed geopoint into a point with pixel values projection.toPixels geopoint point text..
Android OpenGL 3D picking double 16 int viewport 0 0 screenWidth screenHeight for int i 0 i 16 i mvmatrix i mg.mModelView i projmatrix i mg.mProjection i mg.getCurrentState gl float realY float screenHeight pickY float nearCoords 0.0f 0.0f 0.0f 0.0f float farCoords 0.0f.. 0.0f 0.0f float farCoords 0.0f 0.0f 0.0f 0.0f GLU.gluUnProject screenWidth 2 screenHeight 2 0.0f mg.mModelView 0 mg.mProjection 0 viewport 0 nearCoords 0 GLU.gluUnProject screenWidth 2 screenHeight 2 1.0f mg.mModelView 0 mg.mProjection 0 viewport.. 0 mg.mProjection 0 viewport 0 nearCoords 0 GLU.gluUnProject screenWidth 2 screenHeight 2 1.0f mg.mModelView 0 mg.mProjection 0 viewport 0 farCoords 0 System.out.println Near nearCoords 0 nearCoords 1 nearCoords 2 System.out.println Far farCoords..
Setting contact custom ringtone, how? I have tried it like this Uri contactUri ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI String PROJECTION new String ContactsContract.Contacts._ID ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER.. String SELECTION ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER '1' Cursor contacts managedQuery contactUri PROJECTION SELECTION null null while contacts.moveToNext String Name contacts.getString contacts.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.DISPLAY_NAME.. String contactId contactData.getLastPathSegment Cursor localCursor managedQuery contactData PROJECTION null null null localCursor.move 120 CONTACT ID NUMBER String str1 localCursor.getString localCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address ContactsContract.Profile.CONTENT_URI ContactsContract.Contacts.Data.CONTENT_DIRECTORY ProfileQuery.PROJECTION Select only email addresses. ContactsContract.Contacts.Data.MIMETYPE new String ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.. ... @Override public void onLoaderReset Loader Cursor cursorLoader private interface ProfileQuery String PROJECTION ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.ADDRESS ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.IS_PRIMARY int ADDRESS 0 int IS_PRIMARY..
Android get a cursor only with contacts that have an email listed >android 2.0 this question @CapDroid Fixed working code from DArkO's post ContentResolver cr context.getContentResolver String PROJECTION new String ContactsContract.RawContacts._ID ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME ContactsContract.Contacts.PHOTO_ID ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.DATA.. NOT LIKE '' Cursor cur cr.query ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.CONTENT_URI PROJECTION filter null order Your cursor will have essential IDs as well as names and email addresses. The performance of this code..
How to get contacts from native phonebook in android ArrayList Person contactList new ArrayList Person Uri contactUri ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI String PROJECTION new String ContactsContract.Contacts._ID ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER.. '1' Cursor contacts getContentResolver .query ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI PROJECTION SELECTION null null if contacts.getCount 0 while contacts.moveToNext Person aContact new Person int idFieldColumnIndex.. PhoneLookup.DISPLAY_NAME if nameFieldColumnIndex 1 aContact.setName contacts.getString nameFieldColumnIndex PROJECTION new String Phone.NUMBER final Cursor phone managedQuery Phone.CONTENT_URI PROJECTION Data.CONTACT_ID new String String.valueOf..