android Programming Glossary: project's
Android NDK linking copies as well as to my android project's folder libs armeabi . # Compile all object files this part was..
Android Activity ClassNotFoundException - tried everything library Project as a dependency project in Android main project's build path this does not work. If all required Android related..
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android SourceForge . Create a folder called 'util' within your project's src folder. Place the downloaded class there. 2. The java Create.. Create a folder called 'org apache cordova' within your project's src folder. Create in it a Java file called Javascript Write this JavaScript as Base64ToPNG.js to your project's www folder. DONT forget to include a reference to it in your..
Getting NoClassDefFoundError when using common.lang.StringUtils in android java code? properly. Follow below steps Place your .jar file in your project's libs folder . Import it into your project. And GoTo project..
How can I use external JARs in an Android project? or any Java project is Create a folder called libs in your project's root folder Copy your JAR files to the libs folder Now right..
import .R cannot be resolved when I import actionbarsherlock support v4 jar from the ABS libs directory and copied my project's android support v4 into the ABS libs directory to solve the..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock to re download a completely fresh ABS expunge my old project's ABS which was probably quite old then Import Module... share..
Android Studio - Importing external Library/Jar Copy the library jar GoogleAdMobAdsSdk 6.4.1.jar to the project's libs folder. In the project explorer right click on the newly.. File Close Project Open a command prompt on your project's root location i.e 'C Users Username AndroidStudioProjects MyApplicationProject..
Importing external .jar file to Android project [duplicate] jar share improve this question Put the JAR in your project's libs directory. Then Build Path Library Add JAR should allow..
Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter I'm not certain it's the best solution but it works. My project's open source so feel free to use any of the code here should..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? to #5 if you needed to do this. Add the .jar file to your project's build path Look at the following simplified example code import..
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project
Add dynamically elements to a listView Android improve this question Create an XML layout first in your project's res layout main.xml folder xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout..
How to get URI from an asset File? a file existing in the asset folder . The content of your project's assets folder are packaged in the APK file. Use an AssetManager..
Admob implementation Error SDK . You should also adjust the target property in your project's . This is at least important if you are building..
Lame MP3 Encoder compile for Android create simple project. create directory called jni in your project's directory. download lame sources extract copy all sources from..
NoClassDefFoundError for code in an Java library on Android Select Order and Export Tab You should see the selected project's src and gen paths and dependencies here. The order how they..
Android NDK linking ways each with no success. After generating it I always copies as well as to my android project's folder libs armeabi . # Compile all object files this part was done for all options opt android toolchain bin arm linux..
Android Activity ClassNotFoundException - tried everything Java Build Path Projects Add... this add the Android library Project as a dependency project in Android main project's build path this does not work. If all required Android related resources are defined in main project you will not get any..
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android Base64 encode decoder class called MiGBase64. Download it from SourceForge . Create a folder called 'util' within your project's src folder. Place the downloaded class there. 2. The java Create a folder called 'org apache cordova' within your project's.. src folder. Place the downloaded class there. 2. The java Create a folder called 'org apache cordova' within your project's src folder. Create in it a Java file called with the following source code. package org.apache.cordova.. PluginResult PluginResult.Status.ERROR e.getMessage 3. The Javascript Write this JavaScript as Base64ToPNG.js to your project's www folder. DONT forget to include a reference to it in your html files. Works on all versions prior and including Cordova..
Getting NoClassDefFoundError when using common.lang.StringUtils in android java code? question Yes this because of your .jar file didn't import properly. Follow below steps Place your .jar file in your project's libs folder . Import it into your project. And GoTo project properties Java build path order tab. Check whether your .jar..
How can I use external JARs in an Android project? A good way to add external JARs to your Android project or any Java project is Create a folder called libs in your project's root folder Copy your JAR files to the libs folder Now right click on the Jar file and then select Build Path Add to Build..
import .R cannot be resolved when I import actionbarsherlock project to include the library and also deleted the android support v4 jar from the ABS libs directory and copied my project's android support v4 into the ABS libs directory to solve the jar mismatch. However now that I've done all those things my..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock
Android Studio - Importing external Library/Jar Import. Download a fresh copy of the Admobs SDK from Google. Copy the library jar GoogleAdMobAdsSdk 6.4.1.jar to the project's libs folder. In the project explorer right click on the newly added library.jar and click on 'Add as Library'. Technically.. 'libs android support v4.jar' 'libs GoogleAdMobAdsSdk 6.4.1.jar' File Close Project Open a command prompt on your project's root location i.e 'C Users Username AndroidStudioProjects MyApplicationProject ' On the command prompt type gradlew clean..
Importing external .jar file to Android project [duplicate] attached didn't work. Any other ideas anyone java android jar share improve this question Put the JAR in your project's libs directory. Then Build Path Library Add JAR should allow you to pick the one out of your project. IIRC this works with..
Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter share improve this question This fixed my problem. I'm not certain it's the best solution but it works. My project's open source so feel free to use any of the code here should it prove usefull . package
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? then add this import . Go to #5 if you needed to do this. Add the .jar file to your project's build path Look at the following simplified example code import import android.os.Bundle import android.view.View..
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project
Add dynamically elements to a listView Android answer my question. Thanks android listview dynamic share improve this question Create an XML layout first in your project's res layout main.xml folder xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android..
How to get URI from an asset File? share improve this question There is no absolute path for a file existing in the asset folder . The content of your project's assets folder are packaged in the APK file. Use an AssetManager object to get an InputStream on an asset. EDIT To repair..
Admob implementation Error settings on the Project page below the headline Project SDK . You should also adjust the target property in your project's . This is at least important if you are building your release using ANT. The line should look like this..
Lame MP3 Encoder compile for Android also you need Android SDK and Eclipse with ADT plugin and create simple project. create directory called jni in your project's directory. download lame sources extract copy all sources from directory libmp3lame to jni directory. Also copy lame.h which..
NoClassDefFoundError for code in an Java library on Android Go to Properties of the project. Select Java Build Path Select Order and Export Tab You should see the selected project's src and gen paths and dependencies here. The order how they listed were first src and then gen path I switch them so that..