android Programming Glossary: powers
READ_LOGS permission on Jelly Bean (api 16) onCreate . Once the permission is granted no more root powers are required. P.S The p.waitFor blocks on the Superuser app..
What does “|=” mean? (pipe equal operator) If you look at those constants you'll see that they're in powers of two public static final int DEFAULT_SOUND 1 public static..
Custom Android Image Crop What i did was i extended the ImageView and added Cropping powers. It is pretty easy to use. Once the class is saved just use..
Is there any way to receive a notification of when a user powers off his/her Android phone? there any way to receive a notification of when a user powers off his her Android phone I need to know when the user powers.. off his her Android phone I need to know when the user powers off his her phone. Are there any broadcasts or similar that..
Decoding bitmaps in Android with the right size dimensions that precisely what has been requested. Also powers of 2 are often faster easier for the decoder to honor. How should..
Bitmap to NinePatch to New Scaled Bitmap
READ_LOGS permission on Jelly Bean (api 16) permission already This code should be called from your onCreate . Once the permission is granted no more root powers are required. P.S The p.waitFor blocks on the Superuser app delaying your app start and potentially cause an ANR. share..
What does “|=” mean? (pipe equal operator) as is frequent those constants enable an int to carry flags. If you look at those constants you'll see that they're in powers of two public static final int DEFAULT_SOUND 1 public static final int DEFAULT_VIBRATE 2 is the same than 1 1 or 10 in binary..
Custom Android Image Crop 100 stream return stream.toByteArray What i did was i extended the ImageView and added Cropping powers. It is pretty easy to use. Once the class is saved just use it in the layout like this. your package name .CropView android..
Is there any way to receive a notification of when a user powers off his/her Android phone? there any way to receive a notification of when a user powers off his her Android phone I need to know when the user powers off his her phone. Are there any broadcasts or similar that.. there any way to receive a notification of when a user powers off his her Android phone I need to know when the user powers off his her phone. Are there any broadcasts or similar that notify when the user's phone is powered off android broadcastreceiver..
Decoding bitmaps in Android with the right size this request but the resulting bitmap may have different dimensions that precisely what has been requested. Also powers of 2 are often faster easier for the decoder to honor. How should I decode bitmaps from the SD card to get a bitmap of the..
Bitmap to NinePatch to New Scaled Bitmap