

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:32

android Programming Glossary: postmethod

Android: parse XML from string problems


String res new BasicResponseHandler HttpPost postMethod new HttpPost http www.anddev.org images tut basic parsingxml.. basic parsingxml example.xml String response hc.execute postMethod res Get a SAXParser from the SAXPArserFactory. SAXParserFactory..

Using Cookies across Activities when using HttpClient


password passwordTextView.getText .toString try HttpPost postMethod new HttpPost URI HttpParams params new BasicHttpParams params.setParameter.. username username params.setParameter password password postMethod.setParams params DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient.. HttpResponse response httpClient.execute postMethod List Cookie cookies httpClient.getCookieStore .getCookies if..

android http post asynctask


String res new BasicResponseHandler HttpPost postMethod new HttpPost http www.books something.com try List NameValuePair.. new BasicNameValuePair name jack Encode and set entity postMethod.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs HTTP.UTF_8.. nameValuePairs HTTP.UTF_8 Execute manSticket.execute postMethod String response Sticket.execute postMethod res .replaceAll ...

Android: parse XML from string problems


xml data from. DefaultHttpClient hc new DefaultHttpClient ResponseHandler String res new BasicResponseHandler HttpPost postMethod new HttpPost http www.anddev.org images tut basic parsingxml example.xml String response hc.execute postMethod res Get a.. postMethod new HttpPost http www.anddev.org images tut basic parsingxml example.xml String response hc.execute postMethod res Get a SAXParser from the SAXPArserFactory. SAXParserFactory spf SAXParserFactory.newInstance SAXParser sp spf.newSAXParser..

Using Cookies across Activities when using HttpClient


String username usernameTextView.getText .toString String password passwordTextView.getText .toString try HttpPost postMethod new HttpPost URI HttpParams params new BasicHttpParams params.setParameter mode login params.setParameter autologin true.. login params.setParameter autologin true params.setParameter username username params.setParameter password password postMethod.setParams params DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpResponse response httpClient.execute postMethod.. params DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpResponse response httpClient.execute postMethod List Cookie cookies httpClient.getCookieStore .getCookies if cookies null for Cookie cookie cookies String cookieString..

android http post asynctask


nnSticket new DefaultHttpClient Response handler ResponseHandler String res new BasicResponseHandler HttpPost postMethod new HttpPost http www.books something.com try List NameValuePair nameValuePairs new ArrayList NameValuePair 5 nameValuePairs.add.. new BasicNameValuePair Time time nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair name jack Encode and set entity postMethod.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs HTTP.UTF_8 Execute manSticket.execute postMethod String response Sticket.execute.. and set entity postMethod.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs HTTP.UTF_8 Execute manSticket.execute postMethod String response Sticket.execute postMethod res .replaceAll . n if response.equals Done Log.v log_tag SticketFunction..