android Programming Glossary: phototoload.imageview.getcontext
Out of memory cache error when accessing inside the app bmp if imageViewReused photoToLoad return BitmapDisplayer bd new BitmapDisplayer bmp photoToLoad Activity a Activity photoToLoad.imageView.getContext a.runOnUiThread bd boolean imageViewReused PhotoToLoad photoToLoad String tag imageViews.get photoToLoad.imageView if tag..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images tag .equals photoToLoad.url BitmapDisplayer bd new BitmapDisplayer bmp photoToLoad.imageView Activity a Activity photoToLoad.imageView.getContext a.runOnUiThread bd if Thread.interrupted break catch InterruptedException e allow thread to exit PhotosLoader.. tag .equals photoToLoad.url BitmapDisplayer bd new BitmapDisplayer bmp photoToLoad.imageView Activity a Activity photoToLoad.imageView.getContext a.runOnUiThread bd if Thread.interrupted break catch InterruptedException e allow thread to exit PhotosLoader..
Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class (LazyList) tag .equals photoToLoad.url BitmapDisplayer bd new BitmapDisplayer bmp photoToLoad.imageView Activity a Activity photoToLoad.imageView.getContext a.runOnUiThread bd if Thread.interrupted break catch InterruptedException e allow thread to exit PhotosLoader.. .equals photoToLoad.url BitmapDisplayer bd new BitmapDisplayer bmp photoToLoad.imageView Activity a Activity photoToLoad.imageView.getContext a.runOnUiThread bd if Thread.interrupted break catch InterruptedException e allow thread to exit The photo loader..
Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class tag .equals photoToLoad.url BitmapDisplayer bd new BitmapDisplayer bmp photoToLoad.imageView Activity a Activity photoToLoad.imageView.getContext a.runOnUiThread bd if Thread.interrupted break catch InterruptedException e allow thread to exit PhotosLoader..