android Programming Glossary: photos.upload
Android facebook SDK, upload pictures to wall with profile in different language? message strmsg parameters.putString method photos.upload parameters.putByteArray picture data facebook.request null..
Upload image to facebook from SD card in android Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload params.putByteArray picture data android facebook share improve..
Android - Upload photo to Facebook with Facebook Android SDK Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload params.putByteArray picture data AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner..
android facebook publish photo View v Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload Bitmap temp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.facebook_icon.. Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload params.putByteArray picture data AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner..
Android post picture to Facebook wall so far Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload Toast.makeText FacebookPoster.this getIntent .getExtras .getByteArray..
Android - How to upload photo from the SD card to the Facebook wall Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload params.putByteArray picture byteArray params.putString caption..
Android facebook SDK, upload pictures to wall with profile in different language? data baos.toByteArray Bundle parameters new Bundle parameters.putString message strmsg parameters.putString method photos.upload parameters.putByteArray picture data facebook.request null parameters POST time Calendar.getInstance .getTime .getHours..
Upload image to facebook from SD card in android e e.printStackTrace Log.d onCreate debug error e e.toString Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload params.putByteArray picture data android facebook share improve this question Try below Snippet for Post Image from..
Android - Upload photo to Facebook with Facebook Android SDK bi.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 100 baos data baos.toByteArray Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload params.putByteArray picture data AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request..
android facebook publish photo new OnClickListener public void onClick View v Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload Bitmap temp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.facebook_icon ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream.. bi.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 100 baos data baos.toByteArray Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload params.putByteArray picture data AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook mAsyncRunner.request..
Android post picture to Facebook wall I am using the Android Facebook SDK . Here is what I have so far Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload Toast.makeText FacebookPoster.this getIntent .getExtras .getByteArray data .length Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show params.putByteArray..
Android - How to upload photo from the SD card to the Facebook wall void uploadImageToWallAndAlbums byte byteArray String caption Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method photos.upload params.putByteArray picture byteArray params.putString caption caption AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner..