android Programming Glossary: phoneno
Android application with phone book synchronization? ShowContact ArrayList String nameList ArrayList String phoneNoList ContentResolver cr getContentResolver Cursor cur cr.query.. while pCur.moveToNext Do something with phones String phoneNo pCur.getString pCur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER.. nameList.add name Here you can list of contact. phoneNoList.add phoneNo And here you can get list of phone number.You..
Sending SMS in Android [closed] View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v String phoneNo txtPhoneNo.getText .toString String message txtMessage.getText.. .toString String message txtMessage.getText .toString if phoneNo.length 0 message.length 0 sendSMS phoneNo message else Toast.makeText.. .toString if phoneNo.length 0 message.length 0 sendSMS phoneNo message else Toast.makeText getBaseContext Please enter both..
launch skype from the app programetically - android new Intent Intent.ACTION_CALL call.setData Uri.parse tel phoneNo startActivity call Getting crazy what to do to launch skype..
how to get contact photo URI PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI Uri.encode phoneNo Cursor cursor context.getContentResolver .query uri details..
Android application with phone book synchronization? .And you can collect contact list using following method. ShowContact ArrayList String nameList ArrayList String phoneNoList ContentResolver cr getContentResolver Cursor cur cr.query ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI null null null null.. new String id null while pCur.moveToNext Do something with phones String phoneNo pCur.getString pCur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER nameList.add name Here you can list of.. pCur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER nameList.add name Here you can list of contact. phoneNoList.add phoneNo And here you can get list of phone number.You have to query separately for getting phone_no email name etc..
Sending SMS in Android [closed] btnSendSMS.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v String phoneNo txtPhoneNo.getText .toString String message txtMessage.getText .toString if phoneNo.length 0 message.length 0 sendSMS.. void onClick View v String phoneNo txtPhoneNo.getText .toString String message txtMessage.getText .toString if phoneNo.length 0 message.length 0 sendSMS phoneNo message else Toast.makeText getBaseContext Please enter both phone number.. .toString String message txtMessage.getText .toString if phoneNo.length 0 message.length 0 sendSMS phoneNo message else Toast.makeText getBaseContext Please enter both phone number and message. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show private..
launch skype from the app programetically - android make a call directly using default os dialer by Intent call new Intent Intent.ACTION_CALL call.setData Uri.parse tel phoneNo startActivity call Getting crazy what to do to launch skype directly from my app is it possible Passing number PackageManager..
how to get contact photo URI I'm using following code to fetch contact info Uri uri Uri.withAppendedPath PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI Uri.encode phoneNo Cursor cursor context.getContentResolver .query uri details null null null android android contentprovider share improve..