android Programming Glossary: photopath
why image captured using camera intent gets rotated on some devices in android should be viewed in. ExifInterface ei new ExifInterface photoPath int orientation ei.getAttributeInt ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION..
Trouble working with the camera in onActivityResult public class photoActivity extends Activity private String photoPath private ImageView imgView ... My camera listener bPicFromCam.setOnClickListener.. state long captureTime System.currentTimeMillis photoPath Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory MYAPP captureTime .jpg.. Then my code to start the camera intent note that the photoPath is correct public void getPicFromCam View view System.out.println..
Reading an image file into bitmap from sdcard? Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile photoPath options selected_photo.setImageBitmap bitmap or http
why image captured using camera intent gets rotated on some devices in android populate the EXIF data with the orientation that the photo should be viewed in. ExifInterface ei new ExifInterface photoPath int orientation ei.getAttributeInt ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL switch orientation case..
Trouble working with the camera in onActivityResult image view after its been saved. Defined my photo location public class photoActivity extends Activity private String photoPath private ImageView imgView ... My camera listener bPicFromCam.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick.. if Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals state long captureTime System.currentTimeMillis photoPath Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory MYAPP captureTime .jpg getPicFromCam v else Toast.makeText getApplicationContext.. a picture from your gallery instead. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Then my code to start the camera intent note that the photoPath is correct public void getPicFromCam View view System.out.println photoPath photoPath Outputs the CORRECT location try Intent..
Reading an image file into bitmap from sdcard? new BitmapFactory.Options options.inPreferredConfig Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile photoPath options selected_photo.setImageBitmap bitmap or http 2009 09 displaying images from sd card in.html..