android Programming Glossary: phone.type_mobile
New contacts created using ContactsContract do not appear in Contacts app .withValue ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER 9090 .withValue ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE Phone.TYPE_MOBILE .build getContentResolver .applyBatch ContactsContract.AUTHORITY ops I've searched hard but have yet to find the answer...
Contact API storing contact as an invisible contact: How to make it visible? .withValue ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER phone .withValue ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE Phone.TYPE_MOBILE .build op_list.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert Data.CONTENT_URI .withValueBackReference Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID 0 .withValue..
getting all phone book contact details into an array in android its working fine public static void getContactNumbers Context context String contactNumber null int contactNumberType Phone.TYPE_MOBILE String nameOfContact null if ApplicationConstants.phoneContacts.size 0 ContentResolver cr context.getContentResolver Cursor..
Android Contacts - Update Note contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_HOME else if type.equals Mobile selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_MOBILE else if type.equals Work selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_WORK else if type.equals Fax Work ..
Get Contacts mobile number only code above to this while phones.moveToNext int phoneType phones.getInt phones.getColumnIndex Phone.TYPE if phoneType Phone.TYPE_MOBILE phoneNumber phones.getString phones.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.DATA phoneNumber phoneNumber.replaceAll..