android Programming Glossary: phone._id
Android Contact Picker With Checkbox Uri.withAppendedPath baseUri ContactsContract.Contacts.Data.CONTENT_DIRECTORY Cursor c cr.query dataUri new String Phone._ID Phone.NUMBER Phone.IS_SUPER_PRIMARY RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE Phone.TYPE Phone.LABEL Data.MIMETYPE new String Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE..
How to filter results of AutoCompleteTextView? cursor getContentResolver .query ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI new String Phone._ID Phone.DISPLAY_NAME Phone.NUMBER null null null startManagingCursor cursor String from new String Phone.DISPLAY_NAME Phone.NUMBER.. constraint.toString ' ' return getContentResolver .query ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI new String Phone._ID Phone.DISPLAY_NAME Phone.NUMBER Phone.DISPLAY_NAME ' LIKE OR ' Phone.NUMBER ' LIKE ' new String s s null The code above..
Add a custom field to a phone number . I tried using Phone._id but I got a java.nullpointerexception error. This is the code I have now try phoneId get Phone._ID from cursor ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put Data.DATA1 yes int state getContentResolver .update Phone.CONTENT_URI.. values new ContentValues values.put Data.DATA1 yes int state getContentResolver .update Phone.CONTENT_URI values Phone._ID phoneId AND Data.MIMETYPE ' MIMETYPE_WHITELIST_CONTACT ' null if state 0 values.put Phone._ID phoneId values.put Data.DATA1.. values Phone._ID phoneId AND Data.MIMETYPE ' MIMETYPE_WHITELIST_CONTACT ' null if state 0 values.put Phone._ID phoneId values.put Data.DATA1 yes values.put Data.MIMETYPE MIMETYPE_WHITELIST_CONTACT getContentResolver .insert Data.CONTENT_URI..