android Programming Glossary: persons
Access contacts and get email address a person from contacts and the person's email adress should be write on a edittext. I can receive the email from the persons which user select. But I cant set it to the edittext. static String email imgbtnaddfromcontacts.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener..
get contact info from android contact picker contact info from android contact picker I'm trying to call the contact picker get the persons name phone and e mail into strings and send them to another activity using an intent. So far this works Intent intent new..
How to monitor each of Sent SMS status? to monitor each of Sent SMS status I developed codes to send SMS to more than one persons. But current problem is that I cannot know which person is got the message and which is sent failed. I want to know each..
Is it possible to apply primary key on the text fields in android database key on the text fields in android database I have created a simple table that contains the name and email id's of the persons. When i am giving the create query like this create table contacts name text not null email text primary key not null But..
How would one implement a NumberPicker in Android API 7? identical to the Android 4 time picker which is what the OP was asking for. I am pointing to a possible solution to a persons problem. I am NOT advocating that Android apps should look like IOS apps and I personally hate Android apps that are badly..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off Other users have reported this also happens with their phones from different brands but same Android version. Other persons have no problem at all strongly indicating that this is not a problem with the stock version of android but from the implementations..