android Programming Glossary: phone.type
Android Contact Picker With Checkbox Phone.IS_SUPER_PRIMARY RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE Phone.TYPE Phone.LABEL Data.MIMETYPE new String Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE..
Add number to contact on Android 2.0 .withValue Phone.NUMBER testNumber .withValue Phone.TYPE Phone.TYPE_CUSTOM .withValue Phone.LABEL testLabel .build ContentProviderResult.. .withValue Phone.NUMBER testNumber .withValue Phone.TYPE Phone.TYPE_CUSTOM .withValue Phone.LABEL testLabel .build ContentProviderResult.. values.put Phone.NUMBER dataValue values.put Phone.TYPE Phone.TYPE_CUSTOM values.put Phone.LABEL customLabel Uri dataUri..
How to update contact number using Android AND Data.MIMETYPE ' Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE ' AND Phone.TYPE String phoneArgs new String contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_WORK.. String phoneArgs new String contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_WORK ops.add ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate Data.CONTENT_URI..
getting all phone book contact details into an array in android context String contactNumber null int contactNumberType Phone.TYPE_MOBILE String nameOfContact null if ApplicationConstants.phoneContacts.size.. contactNumberType phones.getInt phones .getColumnIndex Phone.TYPE Log.i TAG ...Contact Name .... nameOfContact
How to get contact email id? emailType emails.getInt emails .getColumnIndex Phone.TYPE emails.close end of contact name cursor cur.close Donot..
Android Contacts - Update Note Home selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_HOME else if type.equals Mobile selectArgs2 new String contactId.. Mobile selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_MOBILE else if type.equals Work selectArgs2 new String contactId.. Work selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_WORK else if type.equals Fax Work selectArgs2 new String contactId..
Get Contacts mobile number only int phoneType phones.getInt phones.getColumnIndex Phone.TYPE if phoneType Phone.TYPE_MOBILE phoneNumber phones.getString.. phones.getColumnIndex Phone.TYPE if phoneType Phone.TYPE_MOBILE phoneNumber phones.getString phones.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.DATA.. the phones for an individual contact and if the type is Phone.TYPE_MOBILE then it takes this one. Hope this helps someone with..
getting null pointer exception? String Data._ID ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME Phone.TYPE Cursor cur cr.query ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI projection.. int indexPhoneType cur.getColumnIndexOrThrow Phone.TYPE while cur.moveToNext int i 1 String id cur.getString indexID.. String Data._ID ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME Phone.TYPE Cursor cur cr.query ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI projection..
How to create a contact programmatically [duplicate] values.put Phone.NUMBER 1 800 GOOG 411 values.put Phone.TYPE Phone.TYPE_CUSTOM values.put Phone.LABEL free directory assistance.. Phone.NUMBER 1 800 GOOG 411 values.put Phone.TYPE Phone.TYPE_CUSTOM values.put Phone.LABEL free directory assistance Uri..
Android Contact Picker With Checkbox Cursor c cr.query dataUri new String Phone._ID Phone.NUMBER Phone.IS_SUPER_PRIMARY RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE Phone.TYPE Phone.LABEL Data.MIMETYPE new String Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE null if c null c.moveToFirst return c return null And the..
Add number to contact on Android 2.0 rawConcactReferenceID .withValue Data.MIMETYPE Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE .withValue Phone.NUMBER testNumber .withValue Phone.TYPE Phone.TYPE_CUSTOM .withValue Phone.LABEL testLabel .build ContentProviderResult result contentResolver.applyBatch ContactsContract.AUTHORITY.. .withValue Data.MIMETYPE Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE .withValue Phone.NUMBER testNumber .withValue Phone.TYPE Phone.TYPE_CUSTOM .withValue Phone.LABEL testLabel .build ContentProviderResult result contentResolver.applyBatch ContactsContract.AUTHORITY.. contactId .intValue values.put Data.MIMETYPE Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE values.put Phone.NUMBER dataValue values.put Phone.TYPE Phone.TYPE_CUSTOM values.put Phone.LABEL customLabel Uri dataUri getContentResolver .insert Data.CONTENT_URI values share..
How to update contact number using Android ContentProviderOperation String selectPhone Data.CONTACT_ID AND Data.MIMETYPE ' Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE ' AND Phone.TYPE String phoneArgs new String contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_WORK ops.add ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate Data.CONTENT_URI.. AND Data.MIMETYPE ' Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE ' AND Phone.TYPE String phoneArgs new String contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_WORK ops.add ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate Data.CONTENT_URI .withSelection selectPhone phoneArgs .withValue Phone.NUMBER..
getting all phone book contact details into an array in android its working fine public static void getContactNumbers Context context String contactNumber null int contactNumberType Phone.TYPE_MOBILE String nameOfContact null if ApplicationConstants.phoneContacts.size 0 ContentResolver cr context.getContentResolver.. phones.getString phones .getColumnIndex Phone.NUMBER contactNumberType phones.getInt phones .getColumnIndex Phone.TYPE Log.i TAG ...Contact Name .... nameOfContact Number... contactNumber phones.close end of contact name..
How to get contact email id? Name .... contactName Number... emailIdOfContact emailType emails.getInt emails .getColumnIndex Phone.TYPE emails.close end of contact name cursor cur.close Donot forget to vote my answer if it is helpful for you. Thanks Deepak..
Android Contacts - Update Note builder.withValue data value if key.equals Phone if type.equals Home selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_HOME else if type.equals Mobile selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_MOBILE else if type.equals Work.. contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_HOME else if type.equals Mobile selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_MOBILE else if type.equals Work selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_WORK else if type.equals Fax.. contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_MOBILE else if type.equals Work selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_WORK else if type.equals Fax Work selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Phone.TYPE_FAX_WORK else if type.equals..
Get Contacts mobile number only I changed part of my code above to this while phones.moveToNext int phoneType phones.getInt phones.getColumnIndex Phone.TYPE if phoneType Phone.TYPE_MOBILE phoneNumber phones.getString phones.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.DATA.. code above to this while phones.moveToNext int phoneType phones.getInt phones.getColumnIndex Phone.TYPE if phoneType Phone.TYPE_MOBILE phoneNumber phones.getString phones.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.DATA phoneNumber phoneNumber.replaceAll..
getting null pointer exception? ContentResolver cr getContentResolver String projection new String Data._ID ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME Phone.TYPE Cursor cur cr.query ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI projection null null null if cur null cur.moveToFirst try int indexID.. cur.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME int indexPhoneType cur.getColumnIndexOrThrow Phone.TYPE while cur.moveToNext int i 1 String id cur.getString indexID HERE LIES NULL POINTER EXCEPTION name i cur.getString indexName.. ContentResolver cr getContentResolver String projection new String Data._ID ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME Phone.TYPE Cursor cur cr.query ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI projection null null null if cur null cur.moveToFirst try int indexID..
How to create a contact programmatically [duplicate] 001 values.put Data.MIMETYPE Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE values.put Phone.NUMBER 1 800 GOOG 411 values.put Phone.TYPE Phone.TYPE_CUSTOM values.put Phone.LABEL free directory assistance Uri dataUri getContentResolver .insert android.provider.ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI.. 001 values.put Data.MIMETYPE Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE values.put Phone.NUMBER 1 800 GOOG 411 values.put Phone.TYPE Phone.TYPE_CUSTOM values.put Phone.LABEL free directory assistance Uri dataUri getContentResolver .insert android.provider.ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI..