android Programming Glossary: notnullvalue
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed LoginFragment startFragment fragment assertThat fragment notNullValue assertThat fragment.getActivity notNullValue private void startFragment.. fragment notNullValue assertThat fragment.getActivity notNullValue private void startFragment LoginFragment fragment FragmentManager.. .findViewById assertThat idEditText notNullValue This is my first test class for Fragment class. It throws java.lang.IllegalStateException..
How do you test an Android application across multiple Activities? monitor 5 assertThat currentActivity is notNullValue Type into the username field... View currentView currentActivity.findViewById.. username_field assertThat currentView is notNullValue assertThat currentView instanceOf EditText.class TouchUtils.clickView.. password_field assertThat currentView is notNullValue assertThat currentView instanceOf EditText.class TouchUtils.clickView..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed LoginFragment fragment @Before public void setup fragment new LoginFragment startFragment fragment assertThat fragment notNullValue assertThat fragment.getActivity notNullValue private void startFragment LoginFragment fragment FragmentManager fragmentManager.. fragment new LoginFragment startFragment fragment assertThat fragment notNullValue assertThat fragment.getActivity notNullValue private void startFragment LoginFragment fragment FragmentManager fragmentManager new FragmentActivity .getSupportFragmentManager.. public void login EditText idEditText EditText fragment.getActivity .findViewById assertThat idEditText notNullValue This is my first test class for Fragment class. It throws java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed in..
How do you test an Android application across multiple Activities? Activity currentActivity getInstrumentation .waitForMonitorWithTimeout monitor 5 assertThat currentActivity is notNullValue Type into the username field... View currentView currentActivity.findViewById username_field assertThat currentView is notNullValue.. Type into the username field... View currentView currentActivity.findViewById username_field assertThat currentView is notNullValue assertThat currentView instanceOf EditText.class TouchUtils.clickView this currentView instrumentation.sendStringSync MyUsername.. Type into the password field... currentView currentActivity.findViewById password_field assertThat currentView is notNullValue assertThat currentView instanceOf EditText.class TouchUtils.clickView this currentView instrumentation.sendStringSync MyPassword..