android Programming Glossary: null
Saving Activity state in Android mTextView new TextView this if savedInstanceState null mTextView.setText Welcome to HelloAndroid else mTextView.setText.. back. setContentView mTextView private TextView mTextView null I thought that might be all one needed to do for the simplest..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app this.type type public String getContentType if type null return application octet stream else return type public.. return null ADD 3 jars found in the following link to your Android Project..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? from MyLocation to user code. locationResult result if lm null lm LocationManager context.getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE.. lm.removeUpdates locationListenerNetwork Location net_loc null gps_loc null if gps_enabled gps_loc lm.getLastKnownLocation.. locationListenerNetwork Location net_loc null gps_loc null if gps_enabled gps_loc lm.getLastKnownLocation LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView drawable Drawable.createFromStream is src if drawable null drawableMap.put urlString drawable Log.d this.getClass .getSimpleName.. this.getClass .getSimpleName fetchDrawable failed e return null catch IOException e Log.e this.getClass .getSimpleName fetchDrawable.. this.getClass .getSimpleName fetchDrawable failed e return null public void fetchDrawableOnThread final String urlString final..
Android: How to declare global variables? R.layout.main ... loadSettings if strSessionString null login ... The onActivityResult method which is executed when..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] DataBaseHelper Context context super context DB_NAME null 1 1 its Database Version if android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT.. mPath mPath mDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mPath null SQLiteDatabase.CREATE_IF_NECESSARY mDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase.. mDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mPath null SQLiteDatabase.NO_LOCALIZED_COLLATORS return mDataBase null..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? Received message message null message.getBody NULL Log.i CHAT USER Received message is message.getBody and..
Rotating a bitmap using JNI & NDK 0 LOGE AndroidBitmap_getInfo failed error d ret return NULL LOGD width d height d stride d info.width info.height info.stride.. LOGE Bitmap format is not RGBA_8888 return NULL read pixels of bitmap into native memory LOGD reading bitmap.. 0 LOGE AndroidBitmap_lockPixels failed error d ret return NULL uint32_t src uint32_t bitmapPixels uint32_t tempPixels new uint32_t..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] _bitmapInfo JniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels NULL crops the bitmap within to be smaller. note that no validations.. handle if jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels NULL return uint32_t previousData jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels uint32_t.. handle if jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels NULL return uint32_t previousData jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels AndroidBitmapInfo..
Calling a java method from c++ in Android string const char str env GetStringUTFChars jstring result NULL printf s n str Clean up env ReleaseStringUTFChars jstr str Shutdown.. const char str env GetStringUTFChars env jstring result NULL should be released but what a heck it's a tutorial printf s..
How to get IP address of the device? Get utf8 byte array. @param str @return array of NULL if error was found public static byte getUTF8Bytes String str.. given interface name. @param interfaceName eth0 wlan0 or NULL use first interface @return mac address or empty string public..
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments context activity if context null Log.e IS NULL NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL else Log.d IS NOT.. context activity if context null Log.e IS NULL NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL else Log.d IS NOT NULL.. context activity if context null Log.e IS NULL NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL else Log.d IS NOT NULL NOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOT..
SMS Delivery Report in Android Toast.makeText getBaseContext Null PDU Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF..
Android SupportMapFragment Exception Error main 12 10 01 44 54.416 E AndroidRuntime 32716 java.lang.NullPointerException 12 10 01 44 54.416 E AndroidRuntime 32716 at.. Basically i need to Reference the Map with out getting the Null error. android android support library google play services..
Android PendingIntent extras, not received by BroadcastReceiver Toast.makeText getBaseContext Null PDU Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF.. SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU Toast.makeText context Null PDU Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF..
Using cookies with Android volley library @param params A @link HashMap to post with the request. Null is allowed and indicates no parameters will be posted along..
What is the best way to debug the android code in Eclipse? is a way like Visual Studio. What I means is I have got Null pointer Exception but even after putting Breakpoint i am confused.. com.paad.whereami com.paad.whereami.WhereAmI java.lang.NullPointerException 05 18 18 29 44.160 ERROR AndroidRuntime 2145.. 18 29 44.160 ERROR AndroidRuntime 2145 Caused by java.lang.NullPointerException 05 18 18 29 44.160 ERROR AndroidRuntime 2145..
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] if mBusy holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon1 Null tag means the view has the correct data holder.icon.setTag null..
Android - How To Override the “Back” button so it doesn't Finish() my Activity? via the Notification. But when a USER tries this I get Null Pointers as its trying to start a new activity rather than bringing..
Android Http get Session Cookie request.setHeader Cookie sessionCookie else Log.i TAG Null session request get HttpResponse response client.execute request..
Null Issue with NeighboringCellInfo, CID and LAC Issue with NeighboringCellInfo CID and LAC For a while I was..
How to monitor each of Sent SMS status? Toast.makeText getBaseContext Null PDU Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF..
How do I respond to a tap on an Android MapView, but ignore pinch-zoom? p return true We handled the tap else return false Null GeoPoint @Override public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent..
How can I programmatically open/close notifications in Android? use that method name for 4.2.2 and above you will get a Null Pointer Exception. So the code should be Object sbservice getSystemService..
Getting multiple broadcasts from intents? Toast.makeText getBaseContext Null PDU Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF..
Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android correct or the signatures did not match. but if i send as Null in this its Redirecting to Twitter Login Page but after successful..
How to send sms to multiple contacts and get the result code for each of them in android Toast.makeText getBaseContext Null PDU Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF..
Android AsyncTask and SQLite DB instance I have published my app I received number of errors with Null Exception in doInBackground where I try to access the DB helper...
Sending text messages programmatically in android Toast.makeText getBaseContext Null PDU Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF..
Converting YUV->RGB(Image processing)->YUV during onPreviewFrame in android? if data null Log.i DEBUG data Not Null Preprocessing Log.i DEBUG Try For Image Processing Camera.Parameters..
Positing user current location and show it in Google maps location. if time 100000 latitude 0 longitude 0 catch NullPointerException e TODO handle exception System.out.println.. e TODO handle exception System.out.println Null e.printStackTrace catch Exception e TODO handle exception..
Saving Activity state in Android onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mTextView new TextView this if savedInstanceState null mTextView.setText Welcome to HelloAndroid else mTextView.setText Welcome back. setContentView mTextView private TextView.. Welcome to HelloAndroid else mTextView.setText Welcome back. setContentView mTextView private TextView mTextView null I thought that might be all one needed to do for the simplest case but it always gives me the first message no matter how..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app data super data public void setType String type this.type type public String getContentType if type null return application octet stream else return type public InputStream getInputStream throws IOException return new ByteArrayInputStream.. put TrustManagerFactory.X509 org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse.TrustManagerFactoryImpl return null ADD 3 jars found in the following link to your Android Project mail.jar activation.jar additionnal.jar Click here How..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? I use LocationResult callback class to pass location value from MyLocation to user code. locationResult result if lm null lm LocationManager context.getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE exceptions will be thrown if provider is not permitted... public void run lm.removeUpdates locationListenerGps lm.removeUpdates locationListenerNetwork Location net_loc null gps_loc null if gps_enabled gps_loc lm.getLastKnownLocation LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER if network_enabled net_loc lm.getLastKnownLocation.. run lm.removeUpdates locationListenerGps lm.removeUpdates locationListenerNetwork Location net_loc null gps_loc null if gps_enabled gps_loc lm.getLastKnownLocation LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER if network_enabled net_loc lm.getLastKnownLocation..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView image url urlString try InputStream is fetch urlString Drawable drawable Drawable.createFromStream is src if drawable null drawableMap.put urlString drawable Log.d this.getClass .getSimpleName got a thumbnail drawable drawable.getBounds drawable.getIntrinsicHeight.. return drawable catch MalformedURLException e Log.e this.getClass .getSimpleName fetchDrawable failed e return null catch IOException e Log.e this.getClass .getSimpleName fetchDrawable failed e return null public void fetchDrawableOnThread.. failed e return null catch IOException e Log.e this.getClass .getSimpleName fetchDrawable failed e return null public void fetchDrawableOnThread final String urlString final ImageView imageView if drawableMap.containsKey urlString..
Android: How to declare global variables? savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main ... loadSettings if strSessionString null login ... The onActivityResult method which is executed when the login form terminates looks like this @Override public..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] SQLiteDatabase mDataBase private final Context mContext public DataBaseHelper Context context super context DB_NAME null 1 1 its Database Version if android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 17 DB_PATH context.getApplicationInfo .dataDir databases else.. throws SQLException String mPath DB_PATH DB_NAME Log.v mPath mPath mDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mPath null SQLiteDatabase.CREATE_IF_NECESSARY mDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mPath null SQLiteDatabase.NO_LOCALIZED_COLLATORS.. SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mPath null SQLiteDatabase.CREATE_IF_NECESSARY mDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mPath null SQLiteDatabase.NO_LOCALIZED_COLLATORS return mDataBase null @Override public synchronized void close if mDataBase null..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? void processMessage Chat chat Message message System.out.println Received message message null message.getBody NULL Log.i CHAT USER Received message is message.getBody and this class SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism How can i login..
Rotating a bitmap using JNI & NDK info int ret if ret AndroidBitmap_getInfo env bitmap info 0 LOGE AndroidBitmap_getInfo failed error d ret return NULL LOGD width d height d stride d info.width info.height info.stride if info.format ANDROID_BITMAP_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 LOGE Bitmap.. info.height info.stride if info.format ANDROID_BITMAP_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 LOGE Bitmap format is not RGBA_8888 return NULL read pixels of bitmap into native memory LOGD reading bitmap pixels... void bitmapPixels if ret AndroidBitmap_lockPixels.. if ret AndroidBitmap_lockPixels env bitmap bitmapPixels 0 LOGE AndroidBitmap_lockPixels failed error d ret return NULL uint32_t src uint32_t bitmapPixels uint32_t tempPixels new uint32_t info.height info.width int stride info.stride int pixelsCount..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] class JniBitmap public uint32_t _storedBitmapPixels AndroidBitmapInfo _bitmapInfo JniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels NULL crops the bitmap within to be smaller. note that no validations are done JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_jni_bitmap_1operations_JniBitmapHolder_jniCropBitmap.. right uint32_t bottom JniBitmap jniBitmap JniBitmap env GetDirectBufferAddress handle if jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels NULL return uint32_t previousData jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels uint32_t oldWidth jniBitmap _bitmapInfo.width uint32_t newWidth.. obj jobject handle JniBitmap jniBitmap JniBitmap env GetDirectBufferAddress handle if jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels NULL return uint32_t previousData jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels AndroidBitmapInfo bitmapInfo jniBitmap _bitmapInfo uint32_t newBitmapPixels..
Calling a java method from c++ in Android result env CallObjectMethod jstr messageMe Get a C style string const char str env GetStringUTFChars jstring result NULL printf s n str Clean up env ReleaseStringUTFChars jstr str Shutdown the VM. vm DestroyJavaVM return env NewStringUTF Hello.. jobject result env CallObjectMethod env obj messageMe jstr const char str env GetStringUTFChars env jstring result NULL should be released but what a heck it's a tutorial printf s n str return env NewStringUTF env str And next code for java..
How to get IP address of the device? Integer.toHexString intVal .toUpperCase return sbuf.toString Get utf8 byte array. @param str @return array of NULL if error was found public static byte getUTF8Bytes String str try return str.getBytes UTF 8 catch Exception ex return null.. try is.close catch Exception ex Returns MAC address of the given interface name. @param interfaceName eth0 wlan0 or NULL use first interface @return mac address or empty string public static String getMACAddress String interfaceName try List..
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments activity super.onAttach activity Log.w TAG ATTACHATTACHATTACHATTACHATTACH context activity if context null Log.e IS NULL NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL else Log.d IS NOT NULL NOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOT @Override public void onActivityCreated.. super.onAttach activity Log.w TAG ATTACHATTACHATTACHATTACHATTACH context activity if context null Log.e IS NULL NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL else Log.d IS NOT NULL NOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOT @Override public void onActivityCreated.. super.onAttach activity Log.w TAG ATTACHATTACHATTACHATTACHATTACH context activity if context null Log.e IS NULL NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL else Log.d IS NOT NULL NOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOT @Override public void onActivityCreated..
SMS Delivery Report in Android No service Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU Toast.makeText getBaseContext Null PDU Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF Toast.makeText getBaseContext Radio off Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
Android SupportMapFragment Exception Error 12 10 01 44 54.416 E AndroidRuntime 32716 FATAL EXCEPTION main 12 10 01 44 54.416 E AndroidRuntime 32716 java.lang.NullPointerException 12 10 01 44 54.416 E AndroidRuntime 32716 at Unknown Source 12 10 01 44 54.416 E AndroidRuntime.. not able to Reference the Map and Change the Map to Hybrid. Basically i need to Reference the Map with out getting the Null error. android android support library google play services mapfragment supportmapfragment share improve this question..
Android PendingIntent extras, not received by BroadcastReceiver No service Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU Toast.makeText getBaseContext Null PDU Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF Toast.makeText getBaseContext Radio off Toast.LENGTH_SHORT.. context No service Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU Toast.makeText context Null PDU Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF Toast.makeText context Radio off Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
Using cookies with Android volley library final Map String String _params @param method @param url @param params A @link HashMap to post with the request. Null is allowed and indicates no parameters will be posted along with request. @param listener @param errorListener public StringRequest..
What is the best way to debug the android code in Eclipse? want to know what cause error in my apps. I wonder if their is a way like Visual Studio. What I means is I have got Null pointer Exception but even after putting Breakpoint i am confused what cause error happen. Because I am new most of time.. Unable to start activity ComponentInfo com.paad.whereami com.paad.whereami.WhereAmI java.lang.NullPointerException 05 18 18 29 44.160 ERROR AndroidRuntime 2145 at 2145 at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main Native Method 05 18 18 29 44.160 ERROR AndroidRuntime 2145 Caused by java.lang.NullPointerException 05 18 18 29 44.160 ERROR AndroidRuntime 2145 at com.example.project.MainActivity.updateWithNewLocation
Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate] to the TextView and the ImageView. holder ViewHolder convertView.getTag if mBusy holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon1 Null tag means the view has the correct data holder.icon.setTag null else holder.icon.setImageBitmap mIcon2 Non null tag means..
Android - How To Override the “Back” button so it doesn't Finish() my Activity? be able to press back but still be able to get to the Activity via the Notification. But when a USER tries this I get Null Pointers as its trying to start a new activity rather than bringing back the old one. So essentially I want the Back button..
Android Http get Session Cookie url if sessionCookie null Log.d TAG Setting Cookie sessionCookie request.setHeader Cookie sessionCookie else Log.i TAG Null session request get HttpResponse response client.execute request Header headers response.getAllHeaders for int i 0 i headers.length..
Null Issue with NeighboringCellInfo, CID and LAC Issue with NeighboringCellInfo CID and LAC For a while I was trying to get CellID and LAC of near base stations. Unfortunately..
How to monitor each of Sent SMS status? No service Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU Toast.makeText getBaseContext Null PDU Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF Toast.makeText getBaseContext Radio off ..
How do I respond to a tap on an Android MapView, but ignore pinch-zoom? isPinch return false else Log.i TAG TAP if p null handleGeoPoint p return true We handled the tap else return false Null GeoPoint @Override public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent e MapView mapView int fingers e.getPointerCount if e.getAction..
How can I programmatically open/close notifications in Android? method was changed to expandNotificationsPanel . If you don't use that method name for 4.2.2 and above you will get a Null Pointer Exception. So the code should be Object sbservice getSystemService statusbar Class statusbarManager Class.forName..
Getting multiple broadcasts from intents? No service Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU Toast.makeText getBaseContext Null PDU Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF Toast.makeText getBaseContext Radio off ..
Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android with a 401 . This can happen if the consumer key was not correct or the signatures did not match. but if i send as Null in this its Redirecting to Twitter Login Page but after successful Authorization it doesn't returns back to my Application...
How to send sms to multiple contacts and get the result code for each of them in android No service Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU Toast.makeText getBaseContext Null PDU Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF Toast.makeText getBaseContext Radio off ..
Android AsyncTask and SQLite DB instance . I also check if it has been initialized in onResume . Since I have published my app I received number of errors with Null Exception in doInBackground where I try to access the DB helper. I know that this is happens because the DB is closed onStop..
Sending text messages programmatically in android No service Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU Toast.makeText getBaseContext Null PDU Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF Toast.makeText getBaseContext Radio off ..
Converting YUV->RGB(Image processing)->YUV during onPreviewFrame in android? byte data Camera camera Point cameraResolution configManager.getCameraResolution if data null Log.i DEBUG data Not Null Preprocessing Log.i DEBUG Try For Image Processing Camera.Parameters mParameters camera.getParameters Size mSize mParameters.getPreviewSize..
Positing user current location and show it in Google maps if time is not more than 1minute than i am not updating the location. if time 100000 latitude 0 longitude 0 catch NullPointerException e TODO handle exception System.out.println Null e.printStackTrace catch Exception e TODO handle exception.. if time 100000 latitude 0 longitude 0 catch NullPointerException e TODO handle exception System.out.println Null e.printStackTrace catch Exception e TODO handle exception e.printStackTrace runAsyncTask @Override protected void onDestroy..