android Programming Glossary: notification_text_color
Custom notification layouts and text colors . Here's the code that extracts the default text color and text size in scaled density pixels sp . private Integer notification_text_color null private float notification_text_size 11 private final String COLOR_SEARCH_RECURSE_TIP SOME_SAMPLE_TEXT private boolean.. text TextView gp.getChildAt i final String szText text.getText .toString if COLOR_SEARCH_RECURSE_TIP.equals szText notification_text_color text.getTextColors .getDefaultColor notification_text_size text.getTextSize DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics.. i instanceof ViewGroup return recurseGroup ViewGroup gp.getChildAt i return false private void extractColors if notification_text_color null return try Notification ntf new Notification ntf.setLatestEventInfo this COLOR_SEARCH_RECURSE_TIP Utest null LinearLayout..