android Programming Glossary: notifydatasetchanged
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically 6 this data adapter.setData data adapter.notifyDataSetChanged pager.invalidate pager.setCurrentItem 0 MyFragmentAdapter class.. The right solution is to override getItemPosition . When notifyDataSetChanged is called ViewPager calls getItemPosition on all the items in.. This is a completely legitimate fix This fix makes notifyDataSetChanged behave like a regular Adapter without view recycling. If you..
How to refresh Android listview? listview refresh share improve this question Call notifyDataSetChanged on your Adapter . Some additional specifics on how when to call.. Adapter . Some additional specifics on how when to call notifyDataSetChanged can be viewed in this Google I O video . share improve this..
Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter the UI thread. filtered ArrayList Manga results.values notifyDataSetChanged However when I call filter 'test' on the filter nothing happens.. the UI thread. filtered ArrayList Manga results.values notifyDataSetChanged clear for int i 0 l filtered.size i l i add filtered.get..
notifyDataSetChanged example example I'm trying to use in my Android Application the notifyDataSetChanged.. example I'm trying to use in my Android Application the notifyDataSetChanged method for an ArrayAdapter but it doesn't work for me. I found.. but it doesn't work for me. I found as answer here that notifyDataSetChanged should run in the main thread but there was no example for that...
ViewPager PagerAdapter not updating the View I've tried all sorts of things like calling mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged mViewPager.invalidate even creating a brand new adapter each.. data.add X data.add Y data.add Z myViewPager.getAdapter .notifyDataSetChanged private class MyViewPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter private.. Object object return POSITION_NONE This way when you call notifyDataSetChanged the view pager will remove all views and reload them all. As..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager ... public void updateFragments Attempt 1 mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged mPager.setAdapter mAdapter Attempt 2 HomeListFragment fragment.. getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE To make notifyDataSetChanged do something public class HomeListFragment extends ListFragment.. return f ... Now as you can see my first attempt was to notifyDataSetChanged on the entire FragmentPagerAdapter and this showed to update..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager to make ViewPager repopulate the pages you need to call notifyDataSetChanged that resides in the base class of your adapter. Second ViewPager.. .commit mFragmentAtPos0 NextFragment.newInstance notifyDataSetChanged return mFragmentAtPos0 else return SecondPageFragment.newInstance..
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result TODO Auto generated method stub Log.d TAG publishResults notifyDataSetChanged @Override protected FilterResults performFiltering CharSequence.. List String results.values has the filtered values notifyDataSetChanged notifies the data with new filtered values @Override protected..
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically changed5 changed6 adapter new MyFragmentAdapter getSupportFragmentManager 6 this data adapter.setData data adapter.notifyDataSetChanged pager.invalidate pager.setCurrentItem 0 MyFragmentAdapter class MyFragmentAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter private int.. doesn't work with fragments so it's not a good match. The right solution is to override getItemPosition . When notifyDataSetChanged is called ViewPager calls getItemPosition on all the items in its adapter to see whether they need to be moved to a different.. of removing and recreating every single item in your adapter. This is a completely legitimate fix This fix makes notifyDataSetChanged behave like a regular Adapter without view recycling. If you implement this fix and performance is satisfactory you're off..
How to refresh Android listview? dynamic data. Can any one tell me how to achieve this android listview refresh share improve this question Call notifyDataSetChanged on your Adapter . Some additional specifics on how when to call notifyDataSetChanged can be viewed in this Google I O video..
Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter FilterResults results NOTE this function is always called from the UI thread. filtered ArrayList Manga results.values notifyDataSetChanged However when I call filter 'test' on the filter nothing happens at all or the background thread is run but the list isn't..
notifyDataSetChanged example example I'm trying to use in my Android Application the notifyDataSetChanged method for an ArrayAdapter but it doesn't.. example I'm trying to use in my Android Application the notifyDataSetChanged method for an ArrayAdapter but it doesn't work for me. I found as answer here that notifyDataSetChanged should run in the.. the notifyDataSetChanged method for an ArrayAdapter but it doesn't work for me. I found as answer here that notifyDataSetChanged should run in the main thread but there was no example for that. Could anybody send an example or at least a link android..
ViewPager PagerAdapter not updating the View figuring out how to update the ViewPager with a new set of Views. I've tried all sorts of things like calling mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged mViewPager.invalidate even creating a brand new adapter each time I want to use a new List of data. Nothing has helped the.. v updateViewPager private void updateViewPager data.clear data.add X data.add Y data.add Z myViewPager.getAdapter .notifyDataSetChanged private class MyViewPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter private List String data private Context ctx public MyViewPagerAdapter.. in your PagerAdapter like this public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE This way when you call notifyDataSetChanged the view pager will remove all views and reload them all. As so the reload effect is obtained. The second option suggested..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager int requestCode int resultCode Intent data ... updateFragments ... public void updateFragments Attempt 1 mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged mPager.setAdapter mAdapter Attempt 2 HomeListFragment fragment HomeListFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentById.. position frag.getId return frag @Override public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE To make notifyDataSetChanged do something public class HomeListFragment extends ListFragment ... public static HomeListFragment newInstance int num.. int num HomeListFragment f new HomeListFragment ... return f ... Now as you can see my first attempt was to notifyDataSetChanged on the entire FragmentPagerAdapter and this showed to update the data sometimes but others I got an IllegalStateException..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager code causes nothing to happen. I will explain why First of all to make ViewPager repopulate the pages you need to call notifyDataSetChanged that resides in the base class of your adapter. Second ViewPager uses the getItemPosition abstract method to check which.. mFragmentManager.beginTransaction .remove mFragmentAtPos0 .commit mFragmentAtPos0 NextFragment.newInstance notifyDataSetChanged return mFragmentAtPos0 else return SecondPageFragment.newInstance @Override public int getCount return NUM_ITEMS @Override..
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result CharSequence constraint FilterResults results TODO Auto generated method stub Log.d TAG publishResults notifyDataSetChanged @Override protected FilterResults performFiltering CharSequence prefix FilterResults results new FilterResults ArrayList.. CharSequence constraint FilterResults results arrayList List String results.values has the filtered values notifyDataSetChanged notifies the data with new filtered values @Override protected FilterResults performFiltering CharSequence constraint..