android Programming Glossary: myoutput.close
Copy Database from assets folder in unrooted device
DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated? buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open..
How can I display Latin words in Android? buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close catch IOException e Log.v data e.toString .concat..
How can I change the color of AlertDialog title and the color of the line under it
copy database from assets to databases folder [duplicate] buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length myOutput.close myOutput.flush myInput.close Log.i Database New database..
How to use my own sqlite database? buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public static SQLiteDatabase getStaticDb return..
What is a Full Android Database Helper class for an existing SQLite database? [closed] buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException..
missing table in SQLite with specific version of HTC DESIRE HD buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close I think that the copydatabase function has a problem..
Sqlite issues with HTC Desire HD myOutput.flush Guarantee Write myOutput.getFD .sync myOutput.close myInput.close Not grab the newly written file File fileObj context.getFileStreamPath..
How can I embed an SQLite database into an application? buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException String..
Database not copying from assets buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close Opening the Database public void openDataBase..
onUpgrade database - oldVersion - newVersion buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open..
Access the phone internal storage to push in SQLite database file buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close catch Exception e Log.e error e.toString share..
How to initialize sqlite database once from a helper class in Android buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close Log.i TAG DB databaseName copied Method to..
Why is onUpgrade() not being invoked on Android sqlite database? buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close myDataBase.setVersion DB_VERSION public void openDataBaseForRead..
Android Database Transaction buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close Open the database @throws SQLException public..
Copy Database from assets folder in unrooted device
DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated? 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase..
How can I display Latin words in Android? buffer new byte 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close catch IOException e Log.v data e.toString .concat sql public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open..
How can I change the color of AlertDialog title and the color of the line under it
copy database from assets to databases folder [duplicate] myOutput new FileOutputStream DB_PATH DB_NAME while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length myOutput.close myOutput.flush myInput.close Log.i Database New database has been copied to device catch IOException e e.printStackTrace..
How to use my own sqlite database? 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public static SQLiteDatabase getStaticDb return SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase DB_PATH DB_NAME null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY..
What is a Full Android Database Helper class for an existing SQLite database? [closed] 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH DATABASE_NAME mDb..
missing table in SQLite with specific version of HTC DESIRE HD length while length buffer 1 if length 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close I think that the copydatabase function has a problem but I don't see. This code works fine with all devices..
Sqlite issues with HTC Desire HD buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush Guarantee Write myOutput.getFD .sync myOutput.close myInput.close Not grab the newly written file File fileObj context.getFileStreamPath dbName and open the database return..
How can I embed an SQLite database into an application? byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException String dbPath DATABASE_PATH DATABASE_NAME dataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase..
Database not copying from assets 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close Opening the Database public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH..
onUpgrade database - oldVersion - newVersion 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase..
Access the phone internal storage to push in SQLite database file
How to initialize sqlite database once from a helper class in Android 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close Log.i TAG DB databaseName copied Method to check if database exists in application's data directory @param..
Why is onUpgrade() not being invoked on Android sqlite database? 2048 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close myDataBase.setVersion DB_VERSION public void openDataBaseForRead throws SQLException Open the database String..
Android Database Transaction 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close Open the database @throws SQLException public void openDataBase throws SQLException String myPath DB_PATH..