android Programming Glossary: myobj
How to pass object to an activity? implements Serializable getter and setters And then pass the Custom Object with the Intent. intent.putExtra myobj customObj To retrieve your Object Custom custom Custom data.getSerializableExtra myobj UPDATE To pass your custom Object.. the Intent. intent.putExtra myobj customObj To retrieve your Object Custom custom Custom data.getSerializableExtra myobj UPDATE To pass your custom Object to the previous Activity while you are using startActivityForResult Intent data new Intent.. using startActivityForResult Intent data new Intent Custom value new Custom value.setName StackOverflow data.putExtra myobj value setResult Activity.RESULT_OK data finish To retrieve the custom Object on the Previous Activity if requestCode MyRequestCode..
how to get Hash table Arraylist to other intent? String String list new ArrayList Hashtable String String Custom custom new Custom custom.setList list intent.putExtra myobj custom To retrieve in next Activity Intent intent getIntent Custom custom Custom intent.getSerializableExtra myobj List..