android Programming Glossary: mylist.add
Get JSONArray without array name? eqid map.put magnitude Magnitude e.getString magnitude mylist.add map My question is how can I use json.getJSONArray if my JSON.. eqid map.put magnitude Magnitude e.getString magnitude mylist.add map You can't use exactly the same methods as in the tutorial..
using AsyncTask to display data in ListView Location e.getString location Status e.getString status mylist.add map catch JSONException e Log.e log_tag Error parsing data.. Location e.getString location Status e.getString status mylist.add map return mylist catch JSONException e Log.e log_tag Error..
How to parse Sub JSONArray and display image? state map.put summary Description e.getString summary mylist.add map Set set map.entrySet Get an iterator Iterator o set.iterator..
How to parse same name tag in Android XML DOM Parsing nl.item i map.put KEY_ITEM parser.getValue e KEY_ITEM mylist.add map My XML Parser Class import import nl.item i map.put KEY_ITEM parser.getValue e KEY_ITEM mylist.add map android dom xml parsing android xml share improve this..
use android dynamicaly load more items to the listview need help img bitmap http Usage thumbnails mylist.add map catch JSONException e Log.e log_tag Error parsing data.. img bitmap http Usage thumbnails mylist.add map catch JSONException e Log.e log_tag Error parsing data..
OutOfMemoryException when parsing large JSON responses e.getString ServUser map.put email e.getString ServURL mylist.add map catch JSONException e Log.e log_tag Error parsing data.. e.getString ServUser map1.put email e.getString ServURL mylist.add map1 catch JSONException e TODO Auto generated catch block..
calling image from server in android e.getString starttime To e.getString endtime mylist.add map catch JSONException e Log.e log_tag Error parsing data..
setting up dynamic listactivity b getUserPic imageid iv.setImageBitmap b map.put img b mylist.add map catch JSONException e Log.e log_tag Error parsing data..
Setting up async task for loading Json into a listview c.getString run_date map.put image http c.getString url mylist.add map catch JSONException e ListAdapter adapter new JsonAdapter.. ts c.getString run_date map.put image http c.getString url mylist.add map catch JSONException e return mylist .... share improve..
Show Progress Dialog Android e name map.put Score XMLfunctions.getValue e score mylist.add map ListAdapter adapter new SimpleAdapter this mylist R.layout.parsexml..
Get JSONArray without array name? id String.valueOf i map.put name Earthquake name e.getString eqid map.put magnitude Magnitude e.getString magnitude mylist.add map My question is how can I use json.getJSONArray if my JSON is just simple as below I can convert the rest of the code.. id String.valueOf i map.put name Earthquake name e.getString eqid map.put magnitude Magnitude e.getString magnitude mylist.add map You can't use exactly the same methods as in the tutorial because the JSON you're dealing with needs to be parsed into..
using AsyncTask to display data in ListView i map.put data1 e.getString date map.put data2 Location e.getString location Status e.getString status mylist.add map catch JSONException e Log.e log_tag Error parsing data e.toString ListAdapter adapter new SimpleAdapter this mylist.. String.valueOf i map.put data1 e.getString date map.put data2 Location e.getString location Status e.getString status mylist.add map return mylist catch JSONException e Log.e log_tag Error parsing data e.toString return null @Override protected void..
How to parse Sub JSONArray and display image? name e.getString title map.put state Condition e.getString state map.put summary Description e.getString summary mylist.add map Set set map.entrySet Get an iterator Iterator o set.iterator Display elements while o.hasNext Map.Entry me Map.Entry..
How to parse same name tag in Android XML DOM Parsing String String map new HashMap String String Element e Element nl.item i map.put KEY_ITEM parser.getValue e KEY_ITEM mylist.add map My XML Parser Class import import import String String map new HashMap String String Element e Element nl.item i map.put KEY_ITEM parser.getValue e KEY_ITEM mylist.add map android dom xml parsing android xml share improve this question Your getValue method gets MyResource element from..
use android dynamicaly load more items to the listview need help BitmapFactory.decodeStream pictureURL.openStream map.put img bitmap http Usage thumbnails mylist.add map catch JSONException e Log.e log_tag Error parsing data e.toString catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated.. BitmapFactory.decodeStream pictureURL.openStream map.put img bitmap http Usage thumbnails mylist.add map catch JSONException e Log.e log_tag Error parsing data e.toString catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated..
OutOfMemoryException when parsing large JSON responses i map.put id String.valueOf i map.put name e.getString ServUser map.put email e.getString ServURL mylist.add map catch JSONException e Log.e log_tag Error parsing data e.toString try JSONObject newObject json.getJSONObject subscription.. i map1.put id String.valueOf i map1.put name e.getString ServUser map1.put email e.getString ServURL mylist.add map1 catch JSONException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace ListAdapter adapter new SimpleAdapter..
calling image from server in android e.getString employeepic map.put serviceinfo e.getString employeename e.getString starttime To e.getString endtime mylist.add map catch JSONException e Log.e log_tag Error parsing data e.toString ListAdapter adapter new SimpleAdapter this mylist..
setting up dynamic listactivity ImageView iv ImageView findViewById Bitmap b getUserPic imageid iv.setImageBitmap b map.put img b mylist.add map catch JSONException e Log.e log_tag Error parsing data e.toString SimpleAdapter adapter new SimpleAdapter this mylist..
Setting up async task for loading Json into a listview title map.put text c.getString title map.put ts c.getString run_date map.put image http c.getString url mylist.add map catch JSONException e ListAdapter adapter new JsonAdapter this mylist R.layout.list new String name text ts new int..
Show Progress Dialog Android id XMLfunctions.getValue e id map.put name XMLfunctions.getValue e name map.put Score XMLfunctions.getValue e score mylist.add map ListAdapter adapter new SimpleAdapter this mylist R.layout.parsexml new String name Score new int
how to save image taken from camera and show it to listview - crashes with “IllegalStateException” ByteArrayInputStream inputStream new ByteArrayInputStream blob Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream inputStream myList.add theItems How should I handle the imageblob Right now when I start my application is crashes with IllegalStateException at..
Maintain cookie session in Android on selections in a spinner user theUserLogin pwd theUserPassword List NameValuePair myList new ArrayList NameValuePair myList.add new BasicNameValuePair user_field user myList.add new BasicNameValuePair pwd_field pwd HttpParams params new BasicHttpParams.. List NameValuePair myList new ArrayList NameValuePair myList.add new BasicNameValuePair user_field user myList.add new BasicNameValuePair pwd_field pwd HttpParams params new BasicHttpParams DefaultHttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient..
Help with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity address frank new address frank florida address mary new address mary maryland address monty new address monty montana myList.add frank myList.add mary myList.add monty add the myList ArrayList the the extras for the intent OnClickListener ocl new OnClickListener.. address frank florida address mary new address mary maryland address monty new address monty montana myList.add frank myList.add mary myList.add monty add the myList ArrayList the the extras for the intent OnClickListener ocl new OnClickListener @Override.. address mary new address mary maryland address monty new address monty montana myList.add frank myList.add mary myList.add monty add the myList ArrayList the the extras for the intent OnClickListener ocl new OnClickListener @Override public void..