

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:19:54

android Programming Glossary: mypath

Android SQLite and huge data sets


Android: Accessing assets folder sqlite database file with .sqlite extension


checkdb null boolean checkdb false try String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME File dbfile new File myPath checkdb SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase.. try String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME File dbfile new File myPath checkdb SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE.. new File myPath checkdb SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE checkdb dbfile.exists catch..

What is a Full Android Database Helper class for an existing SQLite database? [closed]


database public SQLiteDatabase getDatabase String myPath DB_PATH DATABASE_NAME return SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath.. DB_PATH DATABASE_NAME return SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY private boolean checkDataBase.. checkDataBase SQLiteDatabase checkDB null try String myPath DB_PATH DATABASE_NAME checkDB SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath..

Database not copying from assets


checkDataBase SQLiteDatabase checkDB null try String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME checkDB SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null.. myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME checkDB SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY catch SQLiteException e database.. openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath..

Android take screen shot programatically


Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString File myPath new File extr test.jpg FileOutputStream fos null try fos new.. FileOutputStream fos null try fos new FileOutputStream myPath b.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 100 fos fos.flush fos.close.. Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString File myPath new File extr getString R.string.free_tiket .jpg FileOutputStream..

Android: Accessing assets folder sqlite database file with .sqlite extension


opendatabase throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath.. DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE public synchronized void..

adding your own SQLite database to an android application


opendatabase throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath.. DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE public synchronized void..

Save internal file in my own internal folder in Android


out try File path new File getFilesDir myfolder File mypath new File path myfile.txt if mypath.exists out new OutputStreamWriter.. myfolder File mypath new File path myfile.txt if mypath.exists out new OutputStreamWriter openFileOutput mypath.getAbsolutePath.. if mypath.exists out new OutputStreamWriter openFileOutput mypath.getAbsolutePath MODE_PRIVATE out.write test out.close Second..

Database not copying from assets


opendatabase throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath.. DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE public synchronized void..

how to display SQLite DataBase table?


opendatabase throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath.. DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE public synchronized void..

Android SQLite and huge data sets


Android: Accessing assets folder sqlite database file with .sqlite extension


Error copying database private boolean checkdatabase SQLiteDatabase checkdb null boolean checkdb false try String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME File dbfile new File myPath checkdb SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE.. checkdatabase SQLiteDatabase checkdb null boolean checkdb false try String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME File dbfile new File myPath checkdb SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE checkdb dbfile.exists catch SQLiteException.. checkdb false try String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME File dbfile new File myPath checkdb SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE checkdb dbfile.exists catch SQLiteException e System.out.println Database doesn't exist..

What is a Full Android Database Helper class for an existing SQLite database? [closed]


copyDataBase catch IOException e throw new Error Error copying database public SQLiteDatabase getDatabase String myPath DB_PATH DATABASE_NAME return SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY private boolean checkDataBase.. database public SQLiteDatabase getDatabase String myPath DB_PATH DATABASE_NAME return SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY private boolean checkDataBase SQLiteDatabase checkDB null try String myPath DB_PATH.. myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY private boolean checkDataBase SQLiteDatabase checkDB null try String myPath DB_PATH DATABASE_NAME checkDB SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY catch SQLiteException..

Database not copying from assets


@return true if it exists false if it doesn't private boolean checkDataBase SQLiteDatabase checkDB null try String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME checkDB SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY catch SQLiteException e database.. checkDataBase SQLiteDatabase checkDB null try String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME checkDB SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY catch SQLiteException e database does't exist yet. if checkDB null checkDB.close return.. myInput.close Opening the Database public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY Finally overriding a few..

Android take screen shot programatically


true Bitmap b v.getDrawingCache String extr Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString File myPath new File extr test.jpg FileOutputStream fos null try fos new FileOutputStream myPath b.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG.. .toString File myPath new File extr test.jpg FileOutputStream fos null try fos new FileOutputStream myPath b.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 100 fos fos.flush fos.close MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage getContentResolver.. true Bitmap b v.getDrawingCache String extr Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString File myPath new File extr getString R.string.free_tiket .jpg FileOutputStream fos null try fos new FileOutputStream myPath b.compress..

Android: Accessing assets folder sqlite database file with .sqlite extension


myoutput.flush myoutput.close myinput.close public void opendatabase throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE public synchronized void.. throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE public synchronized void close if myDataBase null myDataBase.close super.close share..

adding your own SQLite database to an android application


myoutput.flush myoutput.close myinput.close public void opendatabase throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE public synchronized void.. throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE public synchronized void close if myDataBase null myDataBase.close super.close share..

Save internal file in my own internal folder in Android


the scenario different or is it same First Way OutputStreamWriter out try File path new File getFilesDir myfolder File mypath new File path myfile.txt if mypath.exists out new OutputStreamWriter openFileOutput mypath.getAbsolutePath MODE_PRIVATE.. First Way OutputStreamWriter out try File path new File getFilesDir myfolder File mypath new File path myfile.txt if mypath.exists out new OutputStreamWriter openFileOutput mypath.getAbsolutePath MODE_PRIVATE out.write test out.close Second way.. getFilesDir myfolder File mypath new File path myfile.txt if mypath.exists out new OutputStreamWriter openFileOutput mypath.getAbsolutePath MODE_PRIVATE out.write test out.close Second way OutputStreamWriter out try ContextWrapper cw new ContextWrapper..

Database not copying from assets


myoutput.flush myoutput.close myinput.close public void opendatabase throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE public synchronized void.. throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE public synchronized void close if myDataBase null myDataBase.close super.close share..

how to display SQLite DataBase table?


myoutput.flush myoutput.close myinput.close public void opendatabase throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE public synchronized void.. throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE public synchronized void close if myDataBase null myDataBase.close super.close @Override..