android Programming Glossary: mlayout
How to horizontally align some programmatically added views? ExampleActivity extends Activity private LinearLayout mLayout private EditText mEditText private Button mButton @Override.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main mLayout LinearLayout findViewById mEditText EditText.. new OnClickListener public void onClick View v mLayout.addView createNewTextView mEditText.getText .toString mLayout.addView..
Android: Issue with newView and bindView in custom SimpleCursorAdapter OnClickListener private Context mContext private int mLayout public FriendAdapter Context context int layout Cursor c String.. super context layout c from to this.mContext context this.mLayout layout @Override public View newView Context context Cursor.. LayoutInflater.from context View v inflater.inflate mLayout parent false String name c.getString c.getColumnIndex WhipemDBAdapter.KEY_NAME..
Android - Add textview to layout when button is pressed the text will add to the LinearLayout private LinearLayout mLayout private EditText mEditText private Button mButton @Override.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main mLayout LinearLayout findViewById mEditText EditText.. new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v mLayout.addView createNewTextView mEditText.getText .toString private..
Multiple screen resolution layout_height match_parent LinearLayout android id @ id mLayout android layout_width 280px android layout_height 300px RelativeLayout.. and height in terms of percentage final ViewTreeObserver mLayoutObserver mLayout.getViewTreeObserver mLayoutObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener.. terms of percentage final ViewTreeObserver mLayoutObserver mLayout.getViewTreeObserver mLayoutObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener..
IllegalArgumentException: No view found for id for fragment when fast switching ActionBar Tabs Fragment implements ActionBar.TabListener private int mLayout private Fragment mFrags private TabData mTabData private Activity.. Activity act int layout TabData td boolean frags mLayout layout mTabData td mAct act mNoNewFrags frags mFrags new Fragment.. the tabs set the view for this tab mAct.setContentView mLayout for int i 0 i mFrags.length i this will be null when the tab..
Android ICS 4.0 Placing Flash WebView into full screen calls hideAll Method? client mWebView.getWebChromeClient client.onShowCustomView mLayout mOrientation mCallback void hideAll if mHidden return for ChildView..
How to horizontally align some programmatically added views? View when user clicks a button The code public class ExampleActivity extends Activity private LinearLayout mLayout private EditText mEditText private Button mButton @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main mLayout LinearLayout findViewById mEditText EditText findViewById mButton Button findViewById mButton Button findViewById mButton.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v mLayout.addView createNewTextView mEditText.getText .toString mLayout.addView createNewButton private TextView createNewTextView..
Android: Issue with newView and bindView in custom SimpleCursorAdapter public class FriendAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter implements OnClickListener private Context mContext private int mLayout public FriendAdapter Context context int layout Cursor c String from int to super context layout c from to this.mContext.. Context context int layout Cursor c String from int to super context layout c from to this.mContext context this.mLayout layout @Override public View newView Context context Cursor cursor ViewGroup parent Cursor c getCursor final LayoutInflater.. ViewGroup parent Cursor c getCursor final LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater.from context View v inflater.inflate mLayout parent false String name c.getString c.getColumnIndex WhipemDBAdapter.KEY_NAME String fb_id c.getString c.getColumnIndex..
Android - Add textview to layout when button is pressed show an EditText and a Button after you click on the button the text will add to the LinearLayout private LinearLayout mLayout private EditText mEditText private Button mButton @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main mLayout LinearLayout findViewById mEditText EditText findViewById mButton Button findViewById New text private OnClickListener onClick return new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v mLayout.addView createNewTextView mEditText.getText .toString private TextView createNewTextView String text final LayoutParams..
Multiple screen resolution apk res android android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent LinearLayout android id @ id mLayout android layout_width 280px android layout_height 300px RelativeLayout Notice I have used px for fixed sized layout's width.. take value as pixels Here is an example code of setting width and height in terms of percentage final ViewTreeObserver mLayoutObserver mLayout.getViewTreeObserver mLayoutObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener new OnGlobalLayoutListener @Override public.. Here is an example code of setting width and height in terms of percentage final ViewTreeObserver mLayoutObserver mLayout.getViewTreeObserver mLayoutObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener new OnGlobalLayoutListener @Override public void onGlobalLayout..
IllegalArgumentException: No view found for id for fragment when fast switching ActionBar Tabs the code for my TabListener private class BTabListener T extends Fragment implements ActionBar.TabListener private int mLayout private Fragment mFrags private TabData mTabData private Activity mAct private boolean mNoNewFrags public BTabListener Activity.. private Activity mAct private boolean mNoNewFrags public BTabListener Activity act int layout TabData td boolean frags mLayout layout mTabData td mAct act mNoNewFrags frags mFrags new Fragment mTabData.fragTags.length for int i 0 i mFrags.length i.. to watch out because tab 0 always gets selected when adding the tabs set the view for this tab mAct.setContentView mLayout for int i 0 i mFrags.length i this will be null when the tab is first selected if mFrags i null mFrags i Fragment.instantiate..
Android ICS 4.0 Placing Flash WebView into full screen calls hideAll Method? null mWebView.getViewManager .hideAll WebChromeClient client mWebView.getWebChromeClient client.onShowCustomView mLayout mOrientation mCallback void hideAll if mHidden return for ChildView v mChildren v.mView.setVisibility View.GONE mHidden..