android Programming Glossary: loaddata
How to justify text on a TextView made easy- Android do something like this WebView view new WebView this view.loadData my html with text justification text html utf 8 But it gets.. loading UTF 8 strings into the view. See the comments in reloadData for details. public class JustifiedTextView extends WebView.. public void setText String s this.text s reloadData @SuppressLint NewApi private void reloadData loadData ... has..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview false . setWebChromeClient must be called before any loadData loadDataWithBaseURL or loadUrl method. @author Cristian Perez.. . setWebChromeClient must be called before any loadData loadDataWithBaseURL or loadUrl method. @author Cristian Perez http super.setWebChromeClient client @Override public void loadData String data String mimeType String encoding addJavascriptInterface..
Android. WebView and loadData WebView and loadData It's possible to use following method for content's setting.. use following method for content's setting of a web view loadData String data String mimeType String encoding How to handle the.. encoding webview share improve this question myWebView.loadData myHtmlString text html charset UTF 8 null This works flawlessly..
How to display image with WebView loaddata? This is data read in from an HttpURLConnection webview.loadDataWithBaseURL urlStr pageData mimeType encoding urlStr but when.. proper way to handle displaying an image in a WebView with loadData Edit Is there a way to do this without passing pageData as img.. as img src http my.jpg It seems silly that loadData takes a mime type if it can only handle text html . Especially..
is there a way to play streaming youtube video from my activity? What I am doing in the meantime is using a WebView with loadData and passing in an IFrame as stated on the YoUTube API page... and then embed the JavaScript in the HTMl you pass into loadData. I tried the Media Controller and couldn't get it to work even..
webview shouldinterceptrequest example reference to the css file with your own and finally call loadData String data String mimeType String encoding or loadDataWithBaseURL.. loadData String data String mimeType String encoding or loadDataWithBaseURL String baseUrl String data String mimeType String..
(ActionBar) Tabs + Pager + detail Fragments inside ViewPager container null if mDualPane a mTabs.get tab.getPosition responder.loadData a map.get a @Override public void onTabUnselected Tab tab.. argument using class.getName method @Override public void loadData String type int index DetailFragment viewer DetailFragment getSupportFragmentManager..
Android WebView - 1st LoadData() works fine, subsequent calls do not update display WebView 1st LoadData works fine subsequent calls do not update display After the.. calls do not update display After the 1st call to LoadData the event onLoadResource fires as it should and the display.. I want to refresh the screen with a new page when I use LoadData the second time the page does not update and onLoadResource..
Android AsyncTask Progress bar [duplicate] share improve this question Please try this public class LoadData extends AsyncTask Void Void Void ProgressDialog progressDialog..
How to justify text on a TextView made easy- Android made a custom view for this I'm well aware that I can do something like this WebView view new WebView this view.loadData my html with text justification text html utf 8 But it gets ugly when you want to set the size the color or other common.. addresses Problems when setting transparent background and loading UTF 8 strings into the view. See the comments in reloadData for details. public class JustifiedTextView extends WebView private String core html body style 'text align justify color.. attrs super context attrs this.setWebChromeClient new WebChromeClient public void setText String s this.text s reloadData @SuppressLint NewApi private void reloadData loadData ... has a bug showing utf 8 correctly. That's why we need to set it..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview and must not be disabled with getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled false . setWebChromeClient must be called before any loadData loadDataWithBaseURL or loadUrl method. @author Cristian Perez http public class VideoEnabledWebView extends WebView.. not be disabled with getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled false . setWebChromeClient must be called before any loadData loadDataWithBaseURL or loadUrl method. @author Cristian Perez http public class VideoEnabledWebView extends WebView public.. VideoEnabledWebChromeClient client super.setWebChromeClient client @Override public void loadData String data String mimeType String encoding addJavascriptInterface super.loadData data mimeType encoding @Override public..
Android. WebView and loadData WebView and loadData It's possible to use following method for content's setting of a web view loadData String data String mimeType String encoding.. WebView and loadData It's possible to use following method for content's setting of a web view loadData String data String mimeType String encoding How to handle the problem with unknown encoding of html data Is there a list.. like ä ö ü. I'll be very thankful for any advice. android encoding webview share improve this question myWebView.loadData myHtmlString text html charset UTF 8 null This works flawlessly especially on Android 4.0 which apparently ignores character..
How to display image with WebView loaddata? String mimeType image jpeg String encoding null String pageData This is data read in from an HttpURLConnection webview.loadDataWithBaseURL urlStr pageData mimeType encoding urlStr but when I run this all I see is a blue question mark instead of my.. is a blue question mark instead of my image. What is the proper way to handle displaying an image in a WebView with loadData Edit Is there a way to do this without passing pageData as img src http my.jpg It seems silly that loadData.. Edit Is there a way to do this without passing pageData as img src http my.jpg It seems silly that loadData takes a mime type if it can only handle text html . Especially since the javadoc lists image jpeg as an example mime type..
is there a way to play streaming youtube video from my activity? YouTube in the coming months so hopefully by the end of 2012. What I am doing in the meantime is using a WebView with loadData and passing in an IFrame as stated on the YoUTube API page. The Iframe is quite limited most parameters don't even work.. like controlling the view then use the JavaScript API and then embed the JavaScript in the HTMl you pass into loadData. I tried the Media Controller and couldn't get it to work even though YouTube use it in there own app. The other thing to..
webview shouldinterceptrequest example url to avoid loading the page fetch it manually replace the reference to the css file with your own and finally call loadData String data String mimeType String encoding or loadDataWithBaseURL String baseUrl String data String mimeType String encoding.. the reference to the css file with your own and finally call loadData String data String mimeType String encoding or loadDataWithBaseURL String baseUrl String data String mimeType String encoding String historyUrl on the WebView passing in the manipulated..
(ActionBar) Tabs + Pager + detail Fragments inside ViewPager container ft mViewPager.setCurrentItem tab.getPosition String a null if mDualPane a mTabs.get tab.getPosition responder.loadData a map.get a @Override public void onTabUnselected Tab tab FragmentTransaction ft Log.i TAG Tab is released now.... @Override.. you want to show detail pass the class name in the type argument using class.getName method @Override public void loadData String type int index DetailFragment viewer DetailFragment getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentById
Android WebView - 1st LoadData() works fine, subsequent calls do not update display WebView 1st LoadData works fine subsequent calls do not update display After the 1st call to LoadData the event onLoadResource fires as it should.. WebView 1st LoadData works fine subsequent calls do not update display After the 1st call to LoadData the event onLoadResource fires as it should and the display is fine. Next I want to refresh the screen with a new page when.. fires as it should and the display is fine. Next I want to refresh the screen with a new page when I use LoadData the second time the page does not update and onLoadResource DOES NOT FIRE. Then second call to LoadData onlyfires onPageFinished..
Android AsyncTask Progress bar [duplicate] for that. Thanks in advance. android android asynctask share improve this question Please try this public class LoadData extends AsyncTask Void Void Void ProgressDialog progressDialog declare other objects as per your need @Override protected..