android Programming Glossary: literal
SDCard content exist but cant see them from last year ...the MTP contents are not based on the literal contents of external storage. Instead MTP contents are based..
passing objects to wcf soap service from android using ksoap2; it sends and receives 0 IService1 ksoapAdd wsdl input soap body use literal wsdl input wsdl output soap body use literal wsdl output wsdl.. soap body use literal wsdl input wsdl output soap body use literal wsdl output wsdl operation wsdl operation name addParam soap.. IService1 addParam wsdl input soap body use literal wsdl input wsdl output soap body use literal wsdl output wsdl..
Android intent filter for a particular file extension? These strings require double escaping so . matches a literal period. Then you end with your file extension. One caveat with..
getting HTTP request failed, HTTP status: 404 in ksoap2 while passing xml data to soap1.2 android Service style document wsdl input soap12 body use literal wsdl input wsdl output soap12 body use literal wsdl output wsdl.. body use literal wsdl input wsdl output soap12 body use literal wsdl output wsdl operation wsdl binding wsdl service name SilentManagerAPI..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off my custom lockscreen activity. I found that changing the literal brightness system setting doesn't work like this and won't get..
How to call a WCF service using ksoap2 on android? IService1 SayHello style document wsdl input soap body use literal wsdl input wsdl output soap body use literal wsdl output wsdl.. soap body use literal wsdl input wsdl output soap body use literal wsdl output wsdl operation wsdl binding wsdl service name Service1..
How to send objects through bundle of what that data means or points to. You can't literally pass an object but what you can do is one of three things.. if you pass it through Binder to a different context it's literal value will be an arbitrary number in fact these arbitrary numbers..
What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain? at runtime. Peephole optimizations like power reduction on literal operands for mul div. In Gingerbread we added simple inlining..
How to create SOAP request via ksoap2 FReadStatus soap operation soapAction input soap body use literal input output soap body use literal output fault name InvalidDeviceAddressException.. input soap body use literal input output soap body use literal output fault name InvalidDeviceAddressException soap fault name.. soap fault name InvalidDeviceAddressException use literal fault fault name InternalServiceException soap fault name InternalServiceException..
SDCard content exist but cant see them via MediaScannerConnection . Quoting myself from a blog post from last year ...the MTP contents are not based on the literal contents of external storage. Instead MTP contents are based on what files have been scanned by MediaScannerConnection...
passing objects to wcf soap service from android using ksoap2; it sends and receives 0 name ksoapAdd soap operation style document soapAction http IService1 ksoapAdd wsdl input soap body use literal wsdl input wsdl output soap body use literal wsdl output wsdl operation wsdl operation name addParam soap operation style.. soapAction http IService1 ksoapAdd wsdl input soap body use literal wsdl input wsdl output soap body use literal wsdl output wsdl operation wsdl operation name addParam soap operation style document soapAction http IService1.. name addParam soap operation style document soapAction http IService1 addParam wsdl input soap body use literal wsdl input wsdl output soap body use literal wsdl output wsdl operation wsdl binding wsdl service name Service1 wsdl port..
Android intent filter for a particular file extension? .kdb . The . at the beginning matches any squence of characters. These strings require double escaping so . matches a literal period. Then you end with your file extension. One caveat with pathPattern is that . is not a greedy match like you would..
getting HTTP request failed, HTTP status: 404 in ksoap2 while passing xml data to soap1.2 android soap12 operation soapAction http ISilentManagerAPI Service style document wsdl input soap12 body use literal wsdl input wsdl output soap12 body use literal wsdl output wsdl operation wsdl binding wsdl service name SilentManagerAPI.. ISilentManagerAPI Service style document wsdl input soap12 body use literal wsdl input wsdl output soap12 body use literal wsdl output wsdl operation wsdl binding wsdl service name SilentManagerAPI wsdl port name WSHttpBinding_ISilentManagerAPI..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off than 0 1.0 means max bright . I'm very lucky this works for my custom lockscreen activity. I found that changing the literal brightness system setting doesn't work like this and won't get the screen off. check out my other source over on my project..
How to call a WCF service using ksoap2 on android? name SayHello soap operation soapAction http IService1 SayHello style document wsdl input soap body use literal wsdl input wsdl output soap body use literal wsdl output wsdl operation wsdl binding wsdl service name Service1 wsdl port.. IService1 SayHello style document wsdl input soap body use literal wsdl input wsdl output soap body use literal wsdl output wsdl operation wsdl binding wsdl service name Service1 wsdl port name BasicHttpBinding_IService1 binding tns..
How to send objects through bundle bundles is plain data everything else is based on interpretations of what that data means or points to. You can't literally pass an object but what you can do is one of three things 1 You can break the object down to its constitute data and if.. that will be a handle you can invoke or dereference. But if you pass it through Binder to a different context it's literal value will be an arbitrary number in fact these arbitrary numbers count sequentially from startup . You can't do anything..
What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain? entry inline cache per virtual callsite w dynamic patching at runtime. Peephole optimizations like power reduction on literal operands for mul div. In Gingerbread we added simple inlining for getters setters. Since the underlying JIT frontend is..
How to create SOAP request via ksoap2 soap http style document ... operation name FReadStatus soap operation soapAction input soap body use literal input output soap body use literal output fault name InvalidDeviceAddressException soap fault name InvalidDeviceAddressException.. ... operation name FReadStatus soap operation soapAction input soap body use literal input output soap body use literal output fault name InvalidDeviceAddressException soap fault name InvalidDeviceAddressException use literal fault fault name.. body use literal output fault name InvalidDeviceAddressException soap fault name InvalidDeviceAddressException use literal fault fault name InternalServiceException soap fault name InternalServiceException use literal fault operation ... binding..