android Programming Glossary: loadurl
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview 'ended' _ytrp_html5_video_ended js webView.loadUrl js Notify full screen change if toggledFullscreenCallback.. must be called before any loadData loadDataWithBaseURL or loadUrl method. @author Cristian Perez http public class VideoEnabledWebView.. data mimeType encoding historyUrl @Override public void loadUrl String url addJavascriptInterface super.loadUrl url @Override..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? resource integrity 07 08 19 51 48.102 D CordovaWebView 664 loadUrl file data data com.AccordFintech files www skinLoader.html 07.. 664 init 07 08 19 51 48.112 D CordovaWebView 664 loadUrlNow 07 08 19 51 48.592 D DroidGap 664 onMessage onPageStarted.. spinner stop 07 08 19 51 50.492 D CordovaWebView 664 loadUrl file data data com.AccordFintech files www default AccordFintech.html..
In Android Webview, am I able to modify a webpage's DOM? webview.setWebChromeClient new MyWebChromeClient webview.loadUrl http Is it possible for me to inject something into.. new WebView webview.setWebViewClient new WebClient webview.loadUrl then in WebClient public class WebClient extends.. shouldOverrideUrlLoading WebView view String url view.loadUrl url return true @Override public void onPageFinished WebView..
How do I get the web page contents from a WebView? JavaScript to put in this call to get the contents webview.loadUrl javascript function document.getElementsByTagName 'body' 0.. HTMLOUT WebViewClient must be set BEFORE calling loadUrl browser.setWebViewClient new WebViewClient @Override public.. into the page which just finished loading. browser.loadUrl javascript window.HTMLOUT.processHTML ' head ' document.getElementsByTagName..
Load an SWF into a WebView directly in the browser it works fine. If I attempt to use loadUrl on an SWF file it stays blank and loads nothing. android flash..
Android Webview Anchor Link (Jump link) not working anchor. This also does not work if I use the WebView's loadUrl method to load a page that contains anchor links. However if.. WebView findViewById helpTextView.loadUrl baseUrl Ignores Anchor I added the timer like this final String.. new TimerTask @Override public void run helpTextView.loadUrl baseUrl 400 Note Shorter delays such as 100ms failed to navigate..
How to get return value from javascript in webview of android? I can do it with iPhone but I can't with Android. I used loadUrl but it returned void instead of an object. Can anybody help.. return true Now in your javascript call do webView.loadUrl javascript alert functionThatReturnsSomething Now in the onJsAlert..
How to set the initial zoom/width for a webview setContentView R.layout.BrowserLayout String loadUrl http webhp hl en output html initialize the browser.. .setUseWideViewPort true try load the url browser.loadUrl loadUrl catch Exception e e.printStackTrace share improve.. .setUseWideViewPort true try load the url browser.loadUrl loadUrl catch Exception e e.printStackTrace share improve this answer..
Displaying Android asset files in a WebView? files stored in the project assets. I have found that wv.loadUrl file android_asset html_no_copy demo_welcome.html displays that.. the file name or absolute the same form as fed to loadUrl don't work. They get a Web page not available error displayed.. WebView wv WebView this.findViewById wv.loadUrl file android_asset html_no_copy test.html Works or wv.loadUrl..
Android webview, loading javascript file in assets folder public void onPageFinished WebView view String url view.loadUrl javascript function document.bgColor '#FF0000' turns to red.. null jscontent line is.close catch Exception e view.loadUrl javascript jscontent with the jstest.js simply containing function.. thing loading a bookmarklet the javascript code in your loadUrl call into a third party page. My bookmarklet also depends on..
Problem to load flv video in webview onPause webView.pauseTimers if isFinishing webView.loadUrl about blank setContentView new FrameLayout this @Override protected.. file and loaded that directly from the assets folder using loadUrl . There seems to be something blocking access to the application.. Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED Log.d TAG No SDCARD else webView.loadUrl file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory FLVplayer index.html..
shouldOverrideUrlLoading in WebView for Android not running Inocorrect callback URL format. else wView.loadUrl url return true view.loadUrl urlAuthorize.toExternalForm Thing.. URL format. else wView.loadUrl url return true view.loadUrl urlAuthorize.toExternalForm Thing is even System.out.println.. does not get called when You load a URL like loadUrl http The browser redirects the user automatically..
Fill fields in webview automatically this can be done by doing a java injection with the loadUrl javascript but I don't know what the java commands would be.. for instance String username cristian webview.loadUrl javascript document.getElementById 'username' .value ' username..
phonegap - splash screen for Android app line should show up under super.onCreate but before super.loadUrl . Then you'll need to modify your loadUrl method to pause for.. but before super.loadUrl . Then you'll need to modify your loadUrl method to pause for 5 seconds before loading up the main page... loading up the main page. It would look like this super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html 5000 That should do it for..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview of VideoEnableWebView js js _ytrp_html5_video.addEventListener 'ended' _ytrp_html5_video_ended js webView.loadUrl js Notify full screen change if toggledFullscreenCallback null toggledFullscreenCallback.toggledFullscreen true @Override.. getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled false . setWebChromeClient must be called before any loadData loadDataWithBaseURL or loadUrl method. @author Cristian Perez http public class VideoEnabledWebView extends WebView public class JavascriptInterface.. addJavascriptInterface super.loadDataWithBaseURL baseUrl data mimeType encoding historyUrl @Override public void loadUrl String url addJavascriptInterface super.loadUrl url @Override public void loadUrl String url Map String String additionalHttpHeaders..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? 07 08 19 51 48.012 D WLDroidGap 664 no need to check web resource integrity 07 08 19 51 48.102 D CordovaWebView 664 loadUrl file data data com.AccordFintech files www skinLoader.html 07 08 19 51 48.102 D PluginManager 664 init 07 08 19 51 48.112.. files www skinLoader.html 07 08 19 51 48.102 D PluginManager 664 init 07 08 19 51 48.112 D CordovaWebView 664 loadUrlNow 07 08 19 51 48.592 D DroidGap 664 onMessage onPageStarted file data data com.AccordFintech files www skinLoader.html.. networkconnection 3g 07 08 19 51 50.352 D DroidGap 664 onMessage spinner stop 07 08 19 51 50.492 D CordovaWebView 664 loadUrl file data data com.AccordFintech files www default AccordFintech.html 07 08 19 51 50.492 D PluginManager 664 init 07 08..
In Android Webview, am I able to modify a webpage's DOM? webview.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true webview.setWebChromeClient new MyWebChromeClient webview.loadUrl http Is it possible for me to inject something into this WebView to replace the ebay logo with my own javascript.. To expand on CommonsWare's correct answer WebView webview new WebView webview.setWebViewClient new WebClient webview.loadUrl then in WebClient public class WebClient extends WebViewClient @Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading.. class WebClient extends WebViewClient @Override public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading WebView view String url view.loadUrl url return true @Override public void onPageFinished WebView view String url Obvious next step is document.forms 0 .submit..
How do I get the web page contents from a WebView? it does not. If I enable JavaScript what is the appropriate JavaScript to put in this call to get the contents webview.loadUrl javascript function document.getElementsByTagName 'body' 0 .style.color 'red' android share improve this question.. HTMLOUT browser.addJavascriptInterface new MyJavaScriptInterface HTMLOUT WebViewClient must be set BEFORE calling loadUrl browser.setWebViewClient new WebViewClient @Override public void onPageFinished WebView view String url This call inject.. onPageFinished WebView view String url This call inject JavaScript into the page which just finished loading. browser.loadUrl javascript window.HTMLOUT.processHTML ' head ' document.getElementsByTagName 'html' 0 .innerHTML ' head ' load a web page..
Load an SWF into a WebView a WebView I'm having problems with this. If I go to an SWF directly in the browser it works fine. If I attempt to use loadUrl on an SWF file it stays blank and loads nothing. android flash swf webview share improve this question Figured it out...
Android Webview Anchor Link (Jump link) not working it becomes highlighted but does not scroll to the corresponding anchor. This also does not work if I use the WebView's loadUrl method to load a page that contains anchor links. However if I load the same URL in the browser the anchor links do work... help.html#helplinkcontacts final WebView helpTextView WebView findViewById helpTextView.loadUrl baseUrl Ignores Anchor I added the timer like this final String baseUrl file android_asset help.html#helplinkcontacts final.. Timer timer new Timer timer.schedule new TimerTask @Override public void run helpTextView.loadUrl baseUrl 400 Note Shorter delays such as 100ms failed to navigate to the link. It turns out that so many of us have our WebViews..
How to get return value from javascript in webview of android? I want to get a return value from Javascript in Android. I can do it with iPhone but I can't with Android. I used loadUrl but it returned void instead of an object. Can anybody help me Thanks. android return share improve this question Here's.. message JsResult result Log.d LogTag message result.confirm return true Now in your javascript call do webView.loadUrl javascript alert functionThatReturnsSomething Now in the onJsAlert call message will contain the returned value. share..
How to set the initial zoom/width for a webview void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.BrowserLayout String loadUrl http webhp hl en output html initialize the browser object WebView browser WebView findViewById
Displaying Android asset files in a WebView? to be able to use a webview to display html and included css files stored in the project assets. I have found that wv.loadUrl file android_asset html_no_copy demo_welcome.html displays that file okay but links in demo_welcome.html either local no.. okay but links in demo_welcome.html either local no url prefixing the file name or absolute the same form as fed to loadUrl don't work. They get a Web page not available error displayed on the view. WebView wv WebView this.findViewById get a Web page not available error displayed on the view. WebView wv WebView this.findViewById wv.loadUrl file android_asset html_no_copy test.html Works or wv.loadUrl file android_asset html_no_copy demo_welcome.html Works But..
Android webview, loading javascript file in assets folder color And here's where I try to load the JS @Override public void onPageFinished WebView view String url view.loadUrl javascript function document.bgColor '#FF0000' turns to red the background color var script document.createElement 'script'.. br new BufferedReader isr String line while line br.readLine null jscontent line is.close catch Exception e view.loadUrl javascript jscontent with the jstest.js simply containing function document.bgColor #00FF00 javascript android webview.. webview share improve this question I tried the same thing loading a bookmarklet the javascript code in your loadUrl call into a third party page. My bookmarklet also depends on other assets javascript and css files which would not load..
Problem to load flv video in webview protected void onPause super.onPause callHiddenWebViewMethod onPause webView.pauseTimers if isFinishing webView.loadUrl about blank setContentView new FrameLayout this @Override protected void onResume super.onResume callHiddenWebViewMethod.. the html was statically loaded i.e when I created an html file and loaded that directly from the assets folder using loadUrl . There seems to be something blocking access to the application directory when html data is loaded using the loadDataBaseUrl.. reasons. if Environment.getExternalStorageState .equals Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED Log.d TAG No SDCARD else webView.loadUrl file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory FLVplayer index.html And here is the html file DOCTYPE html html lang en head..
shouldOverrideUrlLoading in WebView for Android not running params 5 verifExtrctr 1 return true else System.out.println Inocorrect callback URL format. else wView.loadUrl url return true view.loadUrl urlAuthorize.toExternalForm Thing is even System.out.println url which I'm using to debug.. 1 return true else System.out.println Inocorrect callback URL format. else wView.loadUrl url return true view.loadUrl urlAuthorize.toExternalForm Thing is even System.out.println url which I'm using to debug doesn't run So I'm pretty much.. despite what most of the tutorials out there say shouldOverrideUrlLoading does not get called when You load a URL like loadUrl http The browser redirects the user automatically via an HTTP Redirect. It does however get called when you..
Fill fields in webview automatically button on the login page will be activated. From what I understand this can be done by doing a java injection with the loadUrl javascript but I don't know what the java commands would be to fill in the fields. The same question was asked for iOS but.. You don't need to use java commands ... but instead JavaScript... for instance String username cristian webview.loadUrl javascript document.getElementById 'username' .value ' username ' So basically what you have to do is a big string of JavaScript..
phonegap - splash screen for Android app super.setIntegerProperty splashscreen R.drawable.splash this line should show up under super.onCreate but before super.loadUrl . Then you'll need to modify your loadUrl method to pause for 5 seconds before loading up the main page. It would look like.. this line should show up under super.onCreate but before super.loadUrl . Then you'll need to modify your loadUrl method to pause for 5 seconds before loading up the main page. It would look like this super.loadUrl file android_asset.. to modify your loadUrl method to pause for 5 seconds before loading up the main page. It would look like this super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html 5000 That should do it for you. I've recently made some updates to how the SplashScreen..