android Programming Glossary: list_selector
ListView selected item drawable layout_marginTop 5dp android listSelector @drawable list_selector android divider @color Gray android listview share improve..
How to implement getfilter() with custom adapter that extends baseadapter android dividerHeight 1dp android listSelector @drawable list_selector LinearLayout how do i get the getfilter function working or..
Change Selection in a ListView from Orange to Green
ListSelector applies to the entire list ListView in my layout xml android listSelector @drawable list_selector android drawSelectorOnTop true Now it works exactly how I want..
Android ListView State List not showing default item background android dividerHeight 1dp android listSelector @drawable list_selector TextView android id @android id empty android layout_width fill_parent.. in the SDK android platforms android 8 data res drawable list_selector_background.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns.. State List correctly via android listSelector @drawable list_selector I also needed to set the background for the list item to another..
Android GridView draw dividers orientation horizontal android background @drawable list_selector Cell contents LinearLayout list_selector.xml xml version 1.0.. @drawable list_selector Cell contents LinearLayout list_selector.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http..
listview border's selector border's corner changed as seen in the emulator 1 I use list_selector for that. What should I do here for keeping border's rounded..
ListView selected item drawable android cacheColorHint @android color transparent android layout_marginTop 5dp android listSelector @drawable list_selector android divider @color Gray android listview share improve this question In touch mode there is no selected or focused..
How to implement getfilter() with custom adapter that extends baseadapter android layout_height wrap_content android divider #040404 android dividerHeight 1dp android listSelector @drawable list_selector LinearLayout how do i get the getfilter function working or is there any simpler way to implement filtering in my listview..
Change Selection in a ListView from Orange to Green
ListSelector applies to the entire list selector Then I added my listSelector attributes to my ListView in my layout xml android listSelector @drawable list_selector android drawSelectorOnTop true Now it works exactly how I want it to work. Including using the D pad to select a row and..
Android ListView State List not showing default item background android fadingEdgeLength 5dp android divider #000000 android dividerHeight 1dp android listSelector @drawable list_selector TextView android id @android id empty android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android gravity.. borrowed largely from the default Android State List found in the SDK android platforms android 8 data res drawable list_selector_background.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http apk res android the window.. while I was setting the listSelector for the ListView to the State List correctly via android listSelector @drawable list_selector I also needed to set the background for the list item to another State List via android background @drawable list_background..
Android GridView draw dividers layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android orientation horizontal android background @drawable list_selector Cell contents LinearLayout list_selector.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http fill_parent android orientation horizontal android background @drawable list_selector Cell contents LinearLayout list_selector.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http apk res android item android state_selected..
listview border's selector it's fine for me but when I try scrolling the listview the border's corner changed as seen in the emulator 1 I use list_selector for that. What should I do here for keeping border's rounded everytime when I try scroll the listview The code of this example..