android Programming Glossary: loadingview
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview private ViewGroup activityVideoView private View loadingView private VideoEnabledWebView webView private boolean isVideoFullscreen.. this.activityVideoView activityVideoView this.loadingView null this.webView null this.isVideoFullscreen false Builds.. you would like this to fill the whole layout. @param loadingView A View to be shown while the video is loading typically only..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview boolean fullscreen private View activityNonVideoView private ViewGroup activityVideoView private View loadingView private VideoEnabledWebView webView private boolean isVideoFullscreen Indicates if the video is being displayed using a.. activityVideoView this.activityNonVideoView activityNonVideoView this.activityVideoView activityVideoView this.loadingView null this.webView null this.isVideoFullscreen false Builds a video enabled WebChromeClient. @param activityNonVideoView.. in the activity's layout that will display the video. Typically you would like this to fill the whole layout. @param loadingView A View to be shown while the video is loading typically only used in API level 11 . Must be already inflated and without..