android Programming Glossary: localactivitymanager
start Activity from an other Activity with Tabs public void push String id Intent intent Window window getLocalActivityManager .startActivity id intent.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP.. window.getDecorView public void pop if stack.size 1 finish LocalActivityManager manager getLocalActivityManager manager.destroyActivity stack.pop.. pop if stack.size 1 finish LocalActivityManager manager getLocalActivityManager manager.destroyActivity stack.pop true if stack.size 0 Intent..
Updated - Android Facebook api 3.0 error: Cannot call LoginActivity with a null calling package String Id Intent intent Window window getLocalActivityManager .startActivity Id intent.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP.. be null. In the method startChildActivity I use the getLocalActivityManager .startActivity in TabsGroupActivity that extends ActivityGroup.. http reference android app LocalActivityManager.html#startActivity java.lang.String android.content.Intent This..
Android: start an intent into a framelayout for the container activity the one displaying the tabs and LocalActivityManager to manage the different embedded activities you want to use... the idea is that you have a container view and you use LocalActivityManager to load the activity get it's View and place it inside the container.. Excerpt from public View getContentView if mLocalActivityManager null throw new IllegalStateException Did you forget to call..
Android: TabHost without TabActivity R.layout.mylayout Resources res getResources LocalActivityManager mlam new LocalActivityManager this false TabHost tabHost TabHost.. Resources res getResources LocalActivityManager mlam new LocalActivityManager this false TabHost tabHost TabHost findViewById LinearLayout TabHost I read somewhere that I have to use a LocalActivityManager I assume that I am missing something there. Anyone an idea Thanks..
android: using ActivityGroup to embed activities clicks one of the buttons you'd get a reference to the LocalActivityManager and use it to start and embed the inner activity. Something.. to start and embed the inner activity. Something like this LocalActivityManager mgr getLocalActivityManager Intent i new Intent this SomeActivity.class.. activity. Something like this LocalActivityManager mgr getLocalActivityManager Intent i new Intent this SomeActivity.class Window w mgr.startActivity..
Android Exception: Did you forget to call 'public void setup (LocalActivityManager activityGroup)' Exception Did you forget to call 'public void setup LocalActivityManager activityGroup ' MyCode public class MainActivity extends Activity.. final TabHost tabHost TabHost findViewById LocalActivityManager mLocalActivityManager new LocalActivityManager this false tabHost.setup.. TabHost findViewById LocalActivityManager mLocalActivityManager new LocalActivityManager this false tabHost.setup TabSpec tabSpecCheckIn..
Android. How to change Activity within a Tab @Override public void onClick View v I also tried to use LocalActivityManager TabActivity parentTabActivity TabActivity getParent LocalActivityManager.. TabActivity parentTabActivity TabActivity getParent LocalActivityManager manager parentTabActivity.getLocalActivityManager manager.destroyActivity.. LocalActivityManager manager parentTabActivity.getLocalActivityManager manager.destroyActivity tab_3 true manager.startActivity tab_3..
Android - Tabhost working in Activity class Did you forget to call 'public void setup LocalActivityManager activityGroup ' 11 17 16 49 51.552 ERROR AndroidRuntime 1302.. Did you forget to call 'public void setup LocalActivityManager activityGroup ' 11 17 16 49 51.552 ERROR AndroidRuntime 1302.. replacing the call to setup the call below but no luck. LocalActivityManager mLocalActivityManager new LocalActivityManager this false host.setup..
start Activity from an other Activity with Tabs Activity child pop @Override public void onBackPressed pop public void push String id Intent intent Window window getLocalActivityManager .startActivity id intent.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP if window null stack.push id setContentView window.getDecorView.. if window null stack.push id setContentView window.getDecorView public void pop if stack.size 1 finish LocalActivityManager manager getLocalActivityManager manager.destroyActivity stack.pop true if stack.size 0 Intent lastIntent manager.getActivity.. id setContentView window.getDecorView public void pop if stack.size 1 finish LocalActivityManager manager getLocalActivityManager manager.destroyActivity stack.pop true if stack.size 0 Intent lastIntent manager.getActivity stack.peek .getIntent Window..
Updated - Android Facebook api 3.0 error: Cannot call LoginActivity with a null calling package found the implementation of startChildActivity public void startChildActivity String Id Intent intent Window window getLocalActivityManager .startActivity Id intent.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP if window null mIdList.add Id setContentView window.getDecorView.. form that includes a request code then the calling package will be null. In the method startChildActivity I use the getLocalActivityManager .startActivity in TabsGroupActivity that extends ActivityGroup to handle tab activities. http reference.. that extends ActivityGroup to handle tab activities. http reference android app LocalActivityManager.html#startActivity java.lang.String android.content.Intent This method does not what the notes says. It does not expect..
Android: start an intent into a framelayout to display you're going to have to extend ActivityGroup for the container activity the one displaying the tabs and LocalActivityManager to manage the different embedded activities you want to use. It's kind of complicated and not documented. I had to read.. TabHost . Search for class IntentContentStrategy . Basically the idea is that you have a container view and you use LocalActivityManager to load the activity get it's View and place it inside the container view. Excerpt from public View getContentView.. get it's View and place it inside the container view. Excerpt from public View getContentView if mLocalActivityManager null throw new IllegalStateException Did you forget to call 'public void setup LocalActivityManager activityGroup ' final..
Android: TabHost without TabActivity savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.mylayout Resources res getResources LocalActivityManager mlam new LocalActivityManager this false TabHost tabHost TabHost findViewById tabHost.setup mlam TabHost.TabSpec.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.mylayout Resources res getResources LocalActivityManager mlam new LocalActivityManager this false TabHost tabHost TabHost findViewById tabHost.setup mlam TabHost.TabSpec spec Intent intent intent.. fill_parent android paddingTop 5dip FrameLayout LinearLayout TabHost I read somewhere that I have to use a LocalActivityManager I assume that I am missing something there. Anyone an idea Thanks android android tabhost share improve this question..
android: using ActivityGroup to embed activities will be the container of your other Activities. When the user clicks one of the buttons you'd get a reference to the LocalActivityManager and use it to start and embed the inner activity. Something like this LocalActivityManager mgr getLocalActivityManager Intent.. get a reference to the LocalActivityManager and use it to start and embed the inner activity. Something like this LocalActivityManager mgr getLocalActivityManager Intent i new Intent this SomeActivity.class Window w mgr.startActivity unique_per_activity_string.. LocalActivityManager and use it to start and embed the inner activity. Something like this LocalActivityManager mgr getLocalActivityManager Intent i new Intent this SomeActivity.class Window w mgr.startActivity unique_per_activity_string i View wd w null w.getDecorView..
Android Exception: Did you forget to call 'public void setup (LocalActivityManager activityGroup)' Exception Did you forget to call 'public void setup LocalActivityManager activityGroup ' MyCode public class MainActivity extends Activity @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main final TabHost tabHost TabHost findViewById LocalActivityManager mLocalActivityManager new LocalActivityManager this false tabHost.setup TabSpec tabSpecCheckIn tabHost.newTabSpec getResources.. setContentView R.layout.main final TabHost tabHost TabHost findViewById LocalActivityManager mLocalActivityManager new LocalActivityManager this false tabHost.setup TabSpec tabSpecCheckIn tabHost.newTabSpec getResources .getText R.string.button_check_in..
Android. How to change Activity within a Tab BtnWeiter.setOnClickListener this @Override public void onClick View v I also tried to use LocalActivityManager TabActivity parentTabActivity TabActivity getParent LocalActivityManager manager parentTabActivity.getLocalActivityManager.. void onClick View v I also tried to use LocalActivityManager TabActivity parentTabActivity TabActivity getParent LocalActivityManager manager parentTabActivity.getLocalActivityManager manager.destroyActivity tab_3 true manager.startActivity tab_3 new Intent.. TabActivity parentTabActivity TabActivity getParent LocalActivityManager manager parentTabActivity.getLocalActivityManager manager.destroyActivity tab_3 true manager.startActivity tab_3 new Intent this FourthActivity.class finish startActivity..
Android - Tabhost working in Activity class com.my_proto com.my_proto.my_proto java.lang.IllegalStateException Did you forget to call 'public void setup LocalActivityManager activityGroup ' 11 17 16 49 51.552 ERROR AndroidRuntime 1302 at 51.552 ERROR AndroidRuntime 1302 Caused by java.lang.IllegalStateException Did you forget to call 'public void setup LocalActivityManager activityGroup ' 11 17 16 49 51.552 ERROR AndroidRuntime 1302 at android.widget.TabHost IntentContentStrategy.getContentView.. that needs some kind of LocalActivityMananger. I have tried replacing the call to setup the call below but no luck. LocalActivityManager mLocalActivityManager new LocalActivityManager this false host.setup mLocalActivityManager edit The call above didn't work..