android Programming Glossary: lng
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] GeoPoint int start.getDouble lat 1E6 int start.getDouble lng 1E6 segment.setPoint position Set the length of this segment.. GeoPoint decoded new ArrayList GeoPoint int lat 0 int lng 0 while index len int b int shift 0 int result 0 do b.. index 63 result b 0x1f shift shift 5 while b 0x20 int dlng result 1 0 ~ result 1 result 1 lng dlng decoded.add new GeoPoint..
find current location latitude and longitude if location null double lat location.getLatitude double lng location.getLongitude latLongString Lat lat nLong lng else latLongString.. lng location.getLongitude latLongString Lat lat nLong lng else latLongString No location found myLocationText.setText.. if location null double lat location.getLatitude double lng location.getLongitude latLongString Lat lat nLong lng else..
How to emulate GPS location in the Android Emulator? value I found this site useful for finding a realistic lat lng http latlong.html If you need more then one coordinate..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) about the subject. The thing is I have data with lat and lng stored in my SQLite database and I want to get the nearest locations.. to the parameters I put in ex. my current location lat lng . I know that this is possible in MySql and I've done quite.. to make 4 new columns for cos and sin values of lat and lng but is there any other not so redundant way java android sqlite..
Android: Reverse geocoding - getFromLocation List myList myLocation.getFromLocation latPoint lngPoint 1 The issue is that I keep getting The method Geocoder.. The following code snippet is doing it for me lat and lng are doubles declared above this bit Geocoder geocoder new Geocoder..
Android : how to capture a image of GPS location private MapController mc private GeoPoint p private double lng private double lat private Address address private View mCurrentUrlMask.. new Intent this GPSMainActivity.class finish try lng address.getLongitude lat address.getLatitude GPSActivity.writeLog.. getIntent .getStringExtra address GPS co ordibnates lat lng catch Exception e p new GeoPoint int lat 1E6 int lng 1E6 mc.animateTo..
GPS not update location after close and reopen app on android gpsloc.setText Lat loc.getLatitude Lng loc.getLongitude @Override public void onProviderDisabled String.. gpsloc.setText Lat loc.getLatitude Lng loc.getLongitude @Override public void onProviderDisabled String..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? getBaseContext Location changed Lat latitude Lng longitude Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show GeoPoint p new GeoPoint.. calculateRoute Double startLat Double startLng Double targetLat Double targetLng int mode return calculateRoute.. startLat Double startLng Double targetLat Double targetLng int mode return calculateRoute startLat startLng targetLat targetLng..
Get Cell Tower Locations - Android mPhoneStateReceiver.getSignalStrength break Getting Lat Lng location information after that is a little trickier. Here's.. a post that's about Symbian but talks about Cell Tower Lat Lng conversion http forum showthread.php..
Map View draw directions using google Directions API - decoding polylines break lng result 1 0 ~ result 1 result 1 Add the new Lat Lng to the Array. out.add new GeoPoint lat 10 lng 10 return out.. break lng result 1 0 ~ result 1 result 1 Add the new Lat Lng to the Array. out cnt new GeoPoint lat 10 lng 10 return out..
Android: How To: mark the current location into a map (still image) - SOURCE CODE,TESTCASE,ACTUAL,EXPECTED OUTPUT ADDED IL double pixel_y 1559345 double pixel_x 1075954 Lat Lng of Chicago IL double lat_y 41.850033 double lng_x 87.65005229999997.. testPixelXYToLatitude pixel_y pixel_x lat_y lng_x testLatLngToPixelXY pixel_y pixel_x lat_y lng_x private static void testPixelXYToLatitude.. test result result private static void testLatLngToPixelXY double pixel_y double pixel_x double lat_y double lng_x..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] start_location final GeoPoint position new GeoPoint int start.getDouble lat 1E6 int start.getDouble lng 1E6 segment.setPoint position Set the length of this segment in metres final int length step.getJSONObject distance.. final String poly int len poly.length int index 0 List GeoPoint decoded new ArrayList GeoPoint int lat 0 int lng 0 while index len int b int shift 0 int result 0 do b poly.charAt index 63 result b 0x1f shift shift 5 while b.. 1 result 1 lat dlat shift 0 result 0 do b poly.charAt index 63 result b 0x1f shift shift 5 while b 0x20 int dlng result 1 0 ~ result 1 result 1 lng dlng decoded.add new GeoPoint int lat 1E6 1E5 int lng 1E6 1E5 return decoded
find current location latitude and longitude TextView findViewById String latLongString if location null double lat location.getLatitude double lng location.getLongitude latLongString Lat lat nLong lng else latLongString No location found myLocationText.setText Your Current.. if location null double lat location.getLatitude double lng location.getLongitude latLongString Lat lat nLong lng else latLongString No location found myLocationText.setText Your Current Position is n latLongString After running it on.. TextView findViewById String latLongString if location null double lat location.getLatitude double lng location.getLongitude latLongString Lat lat nLong lng else latLongString No location found myLocationText.setText Your..
How to emulate GPS location in the Android Emulator? to run in the console is geo fix longitude value latitude value I found this site useful for finding a realistic lat lng http latlong.html If you need more then one coordinate you can use a kml file with a route as well it is a..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) I don't know if I'm wierd but I haven't found any topic about the subject. The thing is I have data with lat and lng stored in my SQLite database and I want to get the nearest locations to the parameters I put in ex. my current location.. in my SQLite database and I want to get the nearest locations to the parameters I put in ex. my current location lat lng . I know that this is possible in MySql and I've done quite some research that SQLite needs a custom external function for.. query to get records based on radius in sqlite It's suggesting to make 4 new columns for cos and sin values of lat and lng but is there any other not so redundant way java android sqlite geolocation share improve this question 1 At first..
Android: Reverse geocoding - getFromLocation like this should work Geocoder myLocation Geocoder Locale.getDefault List myList myLocation.getFromLocation latPoint lngPoint 1 The issue is that I keep getting The method Geocoder Locale is undefined for the type savemaplocation Any assistance.. reverse geocoding street address share improve this question The following code snippet is doing it for me lat and lng are doubles declared above this bit Geocoder geocoder new Geocoder this Locale.getDefault List Address addresses geocoder.getFromLocation..
Android : how to capture a image of GPS location class TestGPSActivity extends MapActivity MapView mapView private MapController mc private GeoPoint p private double lng private double lat private Address address private View mCurrentUrlMask private File imageFile class MapOverlay extends.. catch Exception e flash Unable to locate given address startActivity new Intent this GPSMainActivity.class finish try lng address.getLongitude lat address.getLatitude GPSActivity.writeLog getIntent .getStringExtra address GPS co ordibnates lat.. lat address.getLatitude GPSActivity.writeLog getIntent .getStringExtra address GPS co ordibnates lat lng catch Exception e p new GeoPoint int lat 1E6 int lng 1E6 mc.animateTo p mc.setZoom 17 Add a location marker MapOverlay..
GPS not update location after close and reopen app on android Location loc if loc null TextView gpsloc TextView findViewById gpsloc.setText Lat loc.getLatitude Lng loc.getLongitude @Override public void onProviderDisabled String provider TODO Auto generated method stub TextView gpsloc.. Location loc if loc null TextView gpsloc TextView findViewById gpsloc.setText Lat loc.getLatitude Lng loc.getLongitude @Override public void onProviderDisabled String provider TextView gpsloc TextView findViewById
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? loc.getLatitude 1E6 longitude loc.getLongitude 1E6 Toast.makeText getBaseContext Location changed Lat latitude Lng longitude Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show GeoPoint p new GeoPoint int loc.getLatitude 1E6 int loc.getLongitude 1E6 mc.animateTo.. new String b 0 n return out.toString public static NavigationDataSet calculateRoute Double startLat Double startLng Double targetLat Double targetLng int mode return calculateRoute startLat startLng targetLat targetLng mode public static.. public static NavigationDataSet calculateRoute Double startLat Double startLng Double targetLat Double targetLng int mode return calculateRoute startLat startLng targetLat targetLng mode public static NavigationDataSet calculateRoute..
Get Cell Tower Locations - Android System.out.println state.getLac System.out.println mPhoneStateReceiver.getSignalStrength break Getting Lat Lng location information after that is a little trickier. Here's a link to a post that's about Symbian but talks about Cell..
Map View draw directions using google Directions API - decoding polylines index ' ' result b 31 shift shift 5 if b 32 break lng result 1 0 ~ result 1 result 1 Add the new Lat Lng to the Array. out.add new GeoPoint lat 10 lng 10 return out catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return out EDIT OLD CODE.. index ' ' result b 31 shift shift 5 if b 32 break lng result 1 0 ~ result 1 result 1 Add the new Lat Lng to the Array. out cnt new GeoPoint lat 10 lng 10 return out catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return out public static..
Android: How To: mark the current location into a map (still image) - SOURCE CODE,TESTCASE,ACTUAL,EXPECTED OUTPUT ADDED public static void main String args Pixel Coordinate of Chicago IL double pixel_y 1559345 double pixel_x 1075954 Lat Lng of Chicago IL double lat_y 41.850033 double lng_x 87.65005229999997 testPixelXYToLatitude pixel_y pixel_x lat_y lng_x testLatLngToPixelXY.. IL double lat_y 41.850033 double lng_x 87.65005229999997 testPixelXYToLatitude pixel_y pixel_x lat_y lng_x testLatLngToPixelXY pixel_y pixel_x lat_y lng_x private static void testPixelXYToLatitude double pixel_y double pixel_x double lat_y.. expectedstr_lng_x PASSED FAILED System.out.println PixelXYToLatitude test result result private static void testLatLngToPixelXY double pixel_y double pixel_x double lat_y double lng_x double actual_pixel_y MercatorProjectionClass.latitudeToPixelY..