android Programming Glossary: ll
How to implement search in CustomListView based on class item of POJO class in Android? LayoutInflater mInflater ArrayList PostData mPostingData null private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 private Bitmap mIcon3.. getCount TODO Auto generated method stub if mPostingData null return mPostingData.size else return 0 public void setData ArrayList.. getItemViewType arg0 Log.i Aru get View if mPostingData null return null if convertView null convertView mInflater.inflate..
Android Viewpager as Image Slide Gallery Viewpager as Image Slide Gallery I am using Jake's ViewPageIndicator and want to display.. and want to display Images like a swipe gallery. Any refernce link where i can get started. I have implemented.. to display a String array i.e. this is a text and you ll pass this text from which extends FragmentPagerAdapter..
How to show multiple markers on MapFragment in Google Map API v2? Google Map API v2 in my application to show Maps. I have followed all the steps that is to be followed to enable Google Map.. API v2 in my application to show Maps. I have followed all the steps that is to be followed to enable Google Map in my.. show Maps. I have followed all the steps that is to be followed to enable Google Map in my application. public class PinLocationOnMapView..
List View Filter Android above the list and when the user enter text the list will be filtered according to user input can anyone tell me please.. list will be filtered according to user input can anyone tell me please if their is a way to filter the list adapter in android.. an OnTextChangeListener to your edit text and inside its callback method apply filter to your listview's adapter. EDIT To..
how to add button dynamically in android? to add button dynamically in android how to add button dynamically in android android.. button dynamically in android how to add button dynamically in android android share improve this question Button.. new Button this myButton.setText Push Me LinearLayout ll LinearLayout findViewById LayoutParams lp..
Set margins in a LinearLayout programmatically margins in a LinearLayout programmatically I'm trying to use Java not XML to create a LinearLayout with.. Java not XML to create a LinearLayout with buttons that fill the screen and have margins. Here is code that works without.. Here is a little code to accomplish it LinearLayout ll new LinearLayout this ll.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL..
Android - LinearLayout Horizontal with wrapping children there a property to set for Android's LinearLayout that will enable it to properly wrap child controls Meaning I have changeable.. number of children and would like to lay out them horizontally like Example Control1 Control2 Control3 ... I do that by setting.. Control1 Control2 Control3 ... I do that by setting ll.setOrientation LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL foreach Child c in children..
Android save view to jpg or png or png I would like to write an android app that basically layers an overlay on image on another image and then I would.. save the picture with the overlay as a jpg or png. Basically this will be the whole view that I would like to save. Sample.. picture with the overlay as a jpg or png. Basically this will be the whole view that I would like to save. Sample code would..
tabStripEnabled for TabWidget in Older API's private void SetupTabs TabHost tabHost LinearLayout ll LinearLayout tabHost.getChildAt 0 TabWidget tw TabWidget ll.getChildAt.. LinearLayout tabHost.getChildAt 0 TabWidget tw TabWidget ll.getChildAt 0 Field mBottomLeftStrip Field mBottomRightStrip..
Android get width returns 0 get width returns 0 I creating all of the elements in my android project dynamically. I am trying.. creating all of the elements in my android project dynamically. I am trying to get the width and height of the button so that.. public class AnimateScreen extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void..
ZipCode from location zipcode share improve this question Yes you can...All you need to do is extract the http maps geo.. need to do is extract the http maps geo ll latitude longitude http maps geo ll 10.345561.. geo ll latitude longitude http maps geo ll 10.345561 123.896932 Or try experimenting this solutions.I can..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread callback handling I want to record the live audio and play it.As.. AudioRecorder extends Activity private String LOG_TAG null variables which are required to generate and manage the UI of.. the UI of the App private RecordButton mRecordButton null private Button recordBtn stopBtn playBtn variables which are..
Hiding Title in a Fullscreen mode? Title in a Fullscreen mode Is there a way to hide the window title so that.. to hide the window title so that it won't get shown in fullscreen mode getWindow .setFlags LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN.. LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN but then will appear upon getWindow .clearFlags LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN..
Get JSONArray without array name? lat 14.0129 In the tutorial based on the answers from @M LL and @Cody Caughlan I was able to reformat the JSONFunctions.getJSONFromURL..
Android — How to position View off-screen? private ImageView myImageView private LinearLayout LL @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. myImageView ImageView this.findViewById LL LinearLayout this.findViewById finally.. R.anim.slide_in_quickplay anim.setAnimationListener this LL.startAnimation anim @Override public void onAnimationEnd Animation..
Android - multi-line linear layout 20 LinearLayout.LayoutParams params LinearLayout newLL new LinearLayout mContext newLL.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams.. params LinearLayout newLL new LinearLayout mContext newLL.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT.. newLL.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT newLL.setGravity Gravity.LEFT..
How to implement search in CustomListView based on class item of POJO class in Android? class CustomListView extends ArrayAdapter Context context LayoutInflater mInflater ArrayList PostData mPostingData null private Bitmap mIcon1 private Bitmap mIcon2 private Bitmap mIcon3 PostData mp public CustomListView Context c super c 0.. c.getResources R.drawable.video_icon public int getCount TODO Auto generated method stub if mPostingData null return mPostingData.size else return 0 public void setData ArrayList PostData mPpst mPostingData mPpst public Object getItem.. View convertView ViewGroup parent ViewHolder holder int type getItemViewType arg0 Log.i Aru get View if mPostingData null return null if convertView null convertView mInflater.inflate R.layout.listviewimg null convertView.setLayoutParams new..
Android Viewpager as Image Slide Gallery Viewpager as Image Slide Gallery I am using Jake's ViewPageIndicator and want to display Images like a swipe gallery. Any refernce link where i can get.. Viewpager as Image Slide Gallery I am using Jake's ViewPageIndicator and want to display Images like a swipe gallery. Any refernce link where i can get started. I have implemented the basic viewpager and now want to implement image viewpaper.. In Jake's ViewPageIndicator he has implemented View pager to display a String array i.e. this is a text and you ll pass this text from which extends FragmentPagerAdapter to the which returns a View to..
How to show multiple markers on MapFragment in Google Map API v2? markers on MapFragment in Google Map API v2 I am using Google Map API v2 in my application to show Maps. I have followed all the steps that is to be followed to enable Google Map in my application. public class PinLocationOnMapView extends.. on MapFragment in Google Map API v2 I am using Google Map API v2 in my application to show Maps. I have followed all the steps that is to be followed to enable Google Map in my application. public class PinLocationOnMapView extends FragmentActivity.. Map API v2 I am using Google Map API v2 in my application to show Maps. I have followed all the steps that is to be followed to enable Google Map in my application. public class PinLocationOnMapView extends FragmentActivity private double mLatitude..
List View Filter Android have created a list view in android and I want to add edit text above the list and when the user enter text the list will be filtered according to user input can anyone tell me please if their is a way to filter the list adapter in android android.. edit text above the list and when the user enter text the list will be filtered according to user input can anyone tell me please if their is a way to filter the list adapter in android android listview search filter android listview share.. afterTextChanged Editable arg0 The basic here is to add an OnTextChangeListener to your edit text and inside its callback method apply filter to your listview's adapter. EDIT To get filter to your custom BaseAdapter you ll need to implement..
how to add button dynamically in android? to add button dynamically in android how to add button dynamically in android android share improve this question Button myButton new Button.. to add button dynamically in android how to add button dynamically in android android share improve this question Button myButton new Button this myButton.setText Push Me LinearLayout.. android android share improve this question Button myButton new Button this myButton.setText Push Me LinearLayout ll LinearLayout findViewById LayoutParams lp new LayoutParams LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT..
Set margins in a LinearLayout programmatically margins in a LinearLayout programmatically I'm trying to use Java not XML to create a LinearLayout with buttons that fill the screen and have margins. Here is code.. in a LinearLayout programmatically I'm trying to use Java not XML to create a LinearLayout with buttons that fill the screen and have margins. Here is code that works without margins LinearLayout buttonsView new LinearLayout this buttonsView.setOrientation.. java android layout view margin share improve this question Here is a little code to accomplish it LinearLayout ll new LinearLayout this ll.setOrientation LinearLayout.VERTICAL LinearLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams new LinearLayout.LayoutParams..
Android - LinearLayout Horizontal with wrapping children LinearLayout Horizontal with wrapping children Is there a property to set for Android's LinearLayout that will enable it to properly wrap child controls Meaning I have changeable number of children and would like to lay out them horizontally.. to properly wrap child controls Meaning I have changeable number of children and would like to lay out them horizontally like Example Control1 Control2 Control3 ... I do that by setting ll.setOrientation LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL foreach Child.. children and would like to lay out them horizontally like Example Control1 Control2 Control3 ... I do that by setting ll.setOrientation LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL foreach Child c in children ll.addView c However if I have large number of children..
Android save view to jpg or png save view to jpg or png I would like to write an android app that basically layers an overlay on image on another image and then I would like to save the picture with the overlay as a jpg or png... an overlay on image on another image and then I would like to save the picture with the overlay as a jpg or png. Basically this will be the whole view that I would like to save. Sample code would be very helpful. EDIT I tried out your suggestions.. on image on another image and then I would like to save the picture with the overlay as a jpg or png. Basically this will be the whole view that I would like to save. Sample code would be very helpful. EDIT I tried out your suggestions and am..
tabStripEnabled for TabWidget in Older API's Older versions of Android android share improve this question private void SetupTabs TabHost tabHost LinearLayout ll LinearLayout tabHost.getChildAt 0 TabWidget tw TabWidget ll.getChildAt 0 Field mBottomLeftStrip Field mBottomRightStrip.. private void SetupTabs TabHost tabHost LinearLayout ll LinearLayout tabHost.getChildAt 0 TabWidget tw TabWidget ll.getChildAt 0 Field mBottomLeftStrip Field mBottomRightStrip try mBottomLeftStrip tw.getClass .getDeclaredField mBottomLeftStrip..
Android get width returns 0 get width returns 0 I creating all of the elements in my android project dynamically. I am trying to get the width and height of the button so that I can rotate.. get width returns 0 I creating all of the elements in my android project dynamically. I am trying to get the width and height of the button so that I can rotate the button around. Just trying to learn how.. import android.widget.Button import android.widget.LinearLayout public class AnimateScreen extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState..
ZipCode from location from location or lat or long. If so how android location zipcode share improve this question Yes you can...All you need to do is extract the http maps geo ll latitude longitude http maps geo ll 10.345561.. zipcode share improve this question Yes you can...All you need to do is extract the http maps geo ll latitude longitude http maps geo ll 10.345561 123.896932 Or try experimenting this solutions.I can give.. you need to do is extract the http maps geo ll latitude longitude http maps geo ll 10.345561 123.896932 Or try experimenting this solutions.I can give you an idea. You can have a city right WIth this json..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread callback handling I want to record the live audio and play it.As far as UI is concerned the app just has three buttons and one.. My Program looks like.... @author amit public class AudioRecorder extends Activity private String LOG_TAG null variables which are required to generate and manage the UI of the App private RecordButton mRecordButton null private Button.. null variables which are required to generate and manage the UI of the App private RecordButton mRecordButton null private Button recordBtn stopBtn playBtn variables which are required for the actual functioning of the recording and playing..
Hiding Title in a Fullscreen mode? Title in a Fullscreen mode Is there a way to hide the window title so that it won't get shown in fullscreen mode getWindow .setFlags LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN.. Title in a Fullscreen mode Is there a way to hide the window title so that it won't get shown in fullscreen mode getWindow .setFlags LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN but then will appear upon getWindow.. get shown in fullscreen mode getWindow .setFlags LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN but then will appear upon getWindow .clearFlags LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE is not an option..
Get JSONArray without array name? lng 92.9226 src us datetime 2009 08 10 17 55 39 depth 33.1 lat 14.0129 In the tutorial based on the answers from @M LL and @Cody Caughlan I was able to reformat the JSONFunctions.getJSONFromURL into a JSONArray instead of a JSONObject. Here..
Android — How to position View off-screen? class QuickPlay extends Activity implements AnimationListener private ImageView myImageView private LinearLayout LL @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState this.setContentView R.layout.quick_play_screen.. savedInstanceState this.setContentView R.layout.quick_play_screen myImageView ImageView this.findViewById LL LinearLayout this.findViewById finally Animation anim AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.slide_in_quickplay.. finally Animation anim AnimationUtils.loadAnimation this R.anim.slide_in_quickplay anim.setAnimationListener this LL.startAnimation anim @Override public void onAnimationEnd Animation animation @Override public void onAnimationRepeat Animation..
Android - multi-line linear layout .getDefaultDisplay ll.removeAllViews int maxWidth display.getWidth 20 LinearLayout.LayoutParams params LinearLayout newLL new LinearLayout mContext newLL.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT newLL.setGravity.. int maxWidth display.getWidth 20 LinearLayout.LayoutParams params LinearLayout newLL new LinearLayout mContext newLL.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT newLL.setGravity Gravity.LEFT newLL.setOrientation.. params LinearLayout newLL new LinearLayout mContext newLL.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT newLL.setGravity Gravity.LEFT newLL.setOrientation LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL int widthSoFar..