android Programming Glossary: isfinishing
How to intercept incoming calls android 2.3.x protected void onPause super.onPause unHookReceiver if isFinishing debugLog system forced pause occured scheduling delayed restart..
Android licensing application not works? void allow int reason TODO Auto generated method stub if isFinishing Don't update UI if Activity is finishing. return Toast.makeText.. dontAllow int reason TODO Auto generated method stub if isFinishing Don't update UI if Activity is finishing. return Toast.makeText..
What to do with AsyncTask in onPause()? How do I let the task keep running if just rotating if isFinishing false ... So if the user is rotating the device onPause will..
How to handle an AsyncTask during Screen Rotation? some AsyncTasks that are simply started again and call the isFinishing method of the activity and if the activity is finishing they..
Android: TabHost without TabActivity
How do I pause Flash content in an Android WebView when my activity isn't visible? void onPause super.onPause mWebView.pauseTimers if isFinishing mWebView.loadUrl about blank setContentView new FrameLayout..
Handle force close? that lets you know if onDestroy is called and further if isFinishing is invoked. The path to Menu Settings Applications Manage applications..
Bonjour implementation on Android null @Override protected void onPause super.onPause if isFinishing lock.release Basically I am adding them in a list so that..
Application Launch Count regardless of you start the app or you resume the app but isFinishing returns true if and only iff the user or you called finish on..
How to crop image in android not found return null private void startFaceDetection if isFinishing Toast.makeText this Inside Face Detection Toast.LENGTH_LONG..
Problem to load flv video in webview callHiddenWebViewMethod onPause webView.pauseTimers if isFinishing webView.loadUrl about blank setContentView new FrameLayout this.. callHiddenWebViewMethod onPause webView.pauseTimers if isFinishing webView.loadUrl about blank setContentView new FrameLayout this..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? You can distinguish between these two scenarios with the isFinishing method. EDIT When the Activity first time loads the events are..
Detect home button press in android One suggestion I have seen is to override onPause and call isFinishing but this will return false when pressing the home button just..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview like so @Override public void onPause super.onPause if isFinishing Unload the page if mWebView null Log.i TAG Destroying WebView..
MediaPlayer.setDataSource causes IOException for valid file if player.getAudioSessionId 0 player.pause if isFinishing player.stop player.release Notice the final String variable..
How to intercept incoming calls android 2.3.x schedule restart if not exiting at the users request @Override protected void onPause super.onPause unHookReceiver if isFinishing debugLog system forced pause occured scheduling delayed restart Intent i new Intent getApplicationContext CallAnswerIntentService.class..
Android licensing application not works? implements LicenseCheckerCallback @Override public void allow int reason TODO Auto generated method stub if isFinishing Don't update UI if Activity is finishing. return Toast.makeText Splash.this Success Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Intent intent.. Should allow user access. so do nothing @Override public void dontAllow int reason TODO Auto generated method stub if isFinishing Don't update UI if Activity is finishing. return Toast.makeText Splash.this Fail Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show createDialog..
What to do with AsyncTask in onPause()? mTask.execute @Override protected void onPause super.onPause How do I let the task keep running if just rotating if isFinishing false ... So if the user is rotating the device onPause will get called but I don't want to cancel the task just because..
How to handle an AsyncTask during Screen Rotation? works best for retrieving results of an AsyncTask. I have some AsyncTasks that are simply started again and call the isFinishing method of the activity and if the activity is finishing they wont update anything. The problem is that I have one Task that..
Android: TabHost without TabActivity
How do I pause Flash content in an Android WebView when my activity isn't visible? mobile setContentView mWebView @Override protected void onPause super.onPause mWebView.pauseTimers if isFinishing mWebView.loadUrl about blank setContentView new FrameLayout this @Override protected void onResume super.onResume ..
Handle force close? To check you could create an app that has a single Activity that lets you know if onDestroy is called and further if isFinishing is invoked. The path to Menu Settings Applications Manage applications app name Force Close in the source in case it helps..
Bonjour implementation on Android catch SocketException ex Log.e ListDevices ex.toString return null @Override protected void onPause super.onPause if isFinishing lock.release Basically I am adding them in a list so that I can display a list of all available devices. Now when I am..
Application Launch Count numRun c .commit do other stuff... OnCreate is called regardless of you start the app or you resume the app but isFinishing returns true if and only iff the user or you called finish on the app and it was not being destroyed by the manager This..
How to crop image in android in catch FileNotFoundException e Log.e TAG file path not found return null private void startFaceDetection if isFinishing Toast.makeText this Inside Face Detection Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show return Toast.makeText this Outside Face Detection Toast.LENGTH_LONG..
Problem to load flv video in webview html UTF 8 null @Override protected void onPause super.onPause callHiddenWebViewMethod onPause webView.pauseTimers if isFinishing webView.loadUrl about blank setContentView new FrameLayout this @Override protected void onResume super.onResume callHiddenWebViewMethod.. asset folder @Override protected void onPause super.onPause callHiddenWebViewMethod onPause webView.pauseTimers if isFinishing webView.loadUrl about blank setContentView new FrameLayout this @Override protected void onResume super.onResume callHiddenWebViewMethod..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? destroying this instance of the activity to save space. You can distinguish between these two scenarios with the isFinishing method. EDIT When the Activity first time loads the events are called as below onCreate onStart onResume When you click..
Detect home button press in android by a new activity launching or by pressing back home. One suggestion I have seen is to override onPause and call isFinishing but this will return false when pressing the home button just as it would if a new activity is starting so this fails to..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview jQuery '#froog_container' .html '' Which can be inserted like so @Override public void onPause super.onPause if isFinishing Unload the page if mWebView null Log.i TAG Destroying WebView mWebView.destroy finish The second bit is where the video..
MediaPlayer.setDataSource causes IOException for valid file void onResume super.onResume protected void onPause super.onPause if player.getAudioSessionId 0 player.pause if isFinishing player.stop player.release Notice the final String variable near the top of the code snippet. If I replace that line..