android Programming Glossary: interest
Application works in debug / run from Eclipse, but .APK gives .classNotFoundException when parsing XML layout that contains a custom View and leads to a .classNotFoundException . The two lines of interest from the Logcat error trace are 04 09 21 29 01.101 E AndroidRuntime.. understand how to configure Proguard For the sake of interest looking at the following lines keepclasseswithmembers class..
android span click event y int off layout.getOffsetForHorizontal line x get you interest span here get ImageSpan that you click Object spans buffer.getSpans.. handler URLSpan.class Get interest span here is URLSpan. In you handler handleMessage method you..
Access the SIM Card with an Android Application? this question SmartCard API for Android might be of interest for you http p seek for android share improve..
Given GPS coordinates, how do I find nearby landmarks or points-of-interest? coordinates how do I find nearby landmarks or points of interest I just bought a Google Nexus One smartphone and I want to write.. can I programmatically find nearby landmarks or points of interest within some radius Is there an API to get GPS geo tagged landmarks.. and lon maxlon which will give you all your points of interest within the box. Then using the Location class in the Android..
What should I use Android AccountManager for? [closed] This question is a bit old but I think it is still of good interest. AccountManager SyncAdapter and ContentProvider go together...
Launching Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent not working on saved image file Any ideas EDIT As noted in the comment here is the part of interest in adb logcat. Also i should note that i changed the way i create..
How to call SOAP web service in Android but I haven't had to. Google has shown to date little interest in adding a SOAP library to Android. My suspicion for this is..
Clojure on Android [on hold] a high priority right now but neither have people lost interest. I personally would not recommend writing an Android app in.. if you intend to release it right away. But if you're interested experimenting with Clojure on Android and making it better..
Repackage APK file to contain custom assets - what build tool to use? option that I have not listed discovered which I would be interested in hearing about. I realize that delving into the gears that.. SO users can do many of these things and I hope I get the interest of some of them. Thanks for any help. Eclipse 3.6 on Mac Snow..
Need sample Android REST Client project which implements Virgil Dobjanschi REST implementation pattern rest share improve this question OverView Edit Anyone interest also consider taking a look at RESTful android this might give.. it locally. A Sample Application Of course Also if you are interesting on a test application you look at Eli G it might not be the..
Android Homescreen it and use the bits relevant to me. This one was of interest but I just can't get it to work. I use Eclipse and the SDK is..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? Account account String authority int syncable might be of interest here. setSyncAutomatically controls whether an account authority..
Android crash when app is closed and reopened public Panel Context context super context register our interest in hearing about changes to our surface SurfaceHolder holder..
How to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development distance traveled by Android device between points of interest. If it is possible then how can I implement it I have seen a..
NFC card emulation Android playing a smokescreen game. They claim about the lack of interest in card emulation and they difficulties developers could face..
Lame MP3 Encoder compile for Android compiled. Also the following question on SO might be of interest for you as it deals with some issues after compiling lame for..
Delete first N rows in android sqlite database on Android and can't be activated but this might be of interest to people using SQLite on other systems DELETE FROM table_name..
Application works in debug / run from Eclipse, but .APK gives .classNotFoundException when parsing XML layout that contains a custom View name in a layout XML file apparently cannot be found and leads to a .classNotFoundException . The two lines of interest from the Logcat error trace are 04 09 21 29 01.101 E AndroidRuntime 2157 Caused by android.view.InflateException Binary.. type instructions. I will now make more of an effort to actually understand how to configure Proguard For the sake of interest looking at the following lines keepclasseswithmembers class public init android.content.Context android.util.AttributeSet..
android span click event layout widget.getLayout int line layout.getLineForVertical y int off layout.getOffsetForHorizontal line x get you interest span here get ImageSpan that you click Object spans buffer.getSpans off off spanClass if spans.length 0 if action MotionEvent.ACTION_UP.. for textview etc textview.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethodExt.getInstance handler URLSpan.class Get interest span here is URLSpan. In you handler handleMessage method you can do like this private Handler handler new Handler public..
Access the SIM Card with an Android Application?
Given GPS coordinates, how do I find nearby landmarks or points-of-interest? GPS coordinates how do I find nearby landmarks or points of interest I just bought a Google Nexus One smartphone and I want to write a small Android application for fun. Suppose I can get.. Suppose I can get my current GPS coordinates so then how can I programmatically find nearby landmarks or points of interest within some radius Is there an API to get GPS geo tagged landmarks like in Google Earth's database For example if I'm in.. from your db where lat maxlat and lat minlat and lon minlon and lon maxlon which will give you all your points of interest within the box. Then using the Location class in the Android api you can get it to calculate the bearing and distance to..
What should I use Android AccountManager for? [closed] android accountmanager share improve this question This question is a bit old but I think it is still of good interest. AccountManager SyncAdapter and ContentProvider go together. You cannot use an AccountManager without a SyncAdapter . You..
Launching Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent not working on saved image file am creating the intent Or when i am creating the image file Any ideas EDIT As noted in the comment here is the part of interest in adb logcat. Also i should note that i changed the way i create the image file. Since i want to create a file that reflects..
How to call SOAP web service in Android have been able to compile and use kSOAP2 in their own projects but I haven't had to. Google has shown to date little interest in adding a SOAP library to Android. My suspicion for this is that they'd rather support the current trends in Web Services..
Clojure on Android [on hold] a Clojure core member in December 2010. I wouldn't say it's a high priority right now but neither have people lost interest. I personally would not recommend writing an Android app in Clojure if you intend to release it right away. But if you're..
Repackage APK file to contain custom assets - what build tool to use? Applications android sdk mac_86 . There might be some other option that I have not listed discovered which I would be interested in hearing about. I realize that delving into the gears that are normally covered up by my ide can lead to diffuculties... ide can lead to diffuculties. But I know that a lot of the SO users can do many of these things and I hope I get the interest of some of them. Thanks for any help. Eclipse 3.6 on Mac Snow Leopard 10.6 64 bit PS I am not able to post more than 1 hyperlink..
Need sample Android REST Client project which implements Virgil Dobjanschi REST implementation pattern Android restful API service java android design patterns rest share improve this question OverView Edit Anyone interest also consider taking a look at RESTful android this might give you a better look about it. What i learned from the experience.. It's in charged of parsing the response and insert it locally. A Sample Application Of course Also if you are interesting on a test application you look at Eli G it might not be the best example but it follow the Service REST approach it is..
Android Homescreen a noob So I need a working project so I can look at it and dissect it and use the bits relevant to me. This one was of interest but I just can't get it to work. I use Eclipse and the SDK is that what everyone else uses Developing an Android Homescreen..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? and worthy of some thought. ContentResolver.setIsSyncable Account account String authority int syncable might be of interest here. setSyncAutomatically controls whether an account authority pair is checked or unchecked whereas setIsSyncable provides..
Android crash when app is closed and reopened SurfaceHolder.Callback private TutorialThread _thread public Panel Context context super context register our interest in hearing about changes to our surface SurfaceHolder holder getHolder holder.addCallback this _thread new TutorialThread..
How to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development I want to know how I can use accelerometer to determine distance traveled by Android device between points of interest. If it is possible then how can I implement it I have seen a similar question how do I measure the distance traveled by..
NFC card emulation Android secretive about it. Engineers in charge of the API are IMHO playing a smokescreen game. They claim about the lack of interest in card emulation and they difficulties developers could face but the fact is that they want to keep the hen of the golden..
Lame MP3 Encoder compile for Android ndk build and you're done you'll have compiled. Also the following question on SO might be of interest for you as it deals with some issues after compiling lame for Android Invoking native functions of ported library share..
Delete first N rows in android sqlite database statement without a sub query. That option is not enabled on Android and can't be activated but this might be of interest to people using SQLite on other systems DELETE FROM table_name ORDER BY sort_column LIMIT 3 share improve this answer..