android Programming Glossary: intent.hasextra
|FINALLY SOLVED| How to force stop Intent Service in progress int onStartCommand Intent intent int flags int startId if intent.hasExtra action Set the canceling flag isCanceled intent.getStringExtra.. Intent intent Clean up the possible queue if intent.hasExtra action boolean cancel intent.getStringExtra action .equals..
Setting up Alarm Manager is creating 2 Instances of my Main Activity TAG IN onResume super.onResume Intent intent getIntent if intent.hasExtra playMusic intent.hasExtra mPos playMusicFlag intent.getStringExtra.. Intent intent getIntent if intent.hasExtra playMusic intent.hasExtra mPos playMusicFlag intent.getStringExtra playMusic mPos intent.getIntExtra..
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException TAG StreamingMediaPlayer onStart context this setupVars if intent.hasExtra audiourl raiseThreadPriority processHasStarted true processHasPaused..
Android: How do I force the update of all widgets of a particular kind public void onReceive Context context Intent intent if intent.hasExtra WIDGET_IDS_KEY int ids intent.getExtras .getIntArray WIDGET_IDS_KEY.. int ids intent.getExtras .getIntArray WIDGET_IDS_KEY if intent.hasExtra WIDGET_DATA_KEY Object data intent.getExtras .getParcelable..
|FINALLY SOLVED| How to force stop Intent Service in progress extends IntentService boolean isCanceled @Override public int onStartCommand Intent intent int flags int startId if intent.hasExtra action Set the canceling flag isCanceled intent.getStringExtra action .equals cancel return super.onStartCommand intent.. intent flags startId @Override protected void onHandleIntent Intent intent Clean up the possible queue if intent.hasExtra action boolean cancel intent.getStringExtra action .equals cancel if cancel return ... Get your inputStream from HttpUrlConnection..
Setting up Alarm Manager is creating 2 Instances of my Main Activity in the main @Override public void onResume if VERBOSE Log.v TAG IN onResume super.onResume Intent intent getIntent if intent.hasExtra playMusic intent.hasExtra mPos playMusicFlag intent.getStringExtra playMusic mPos intent.getIntExtra mPos 0 if playMusicFlag.equalsIgnoreCase.. void onResume if VERBOSE Log.v TAG IN onResume super.onResume Intent intent getIntent if intent.hasExtra playMusic intent.hasExtra mPos playMusicFlag intent.getStringExtra playMusic mPos intent.getIntExtra mPos 0 if playMusicFlag.equalsIgnoreCase Y if..
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException super.onStart intent startId final String TAG StreamingMediaPlayer onStart context this setupVars if intent.hasExtra audiourl raiseThreadPriority processHasStarted true processHasPaused false audiourl intent.getStringExtra audiourl station..
Android: How do I force the update of all widgets of a particular kind String WIDGET_DATA_KEY mywidgetproviderwidgetdata @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent if intent.hasExtra WIDGET_IDS_KEY int ids intent.getExtras .getIntArray WIDGET_IDS_KEY if intent.hasExtra WIDGET_DATA_KEY Object data intent.getExtras.. context Intent intent if intent.hasExtra WIDGET_IDS_KEY int ids intent.getExtras .getIntArray WIDGET_IDS_KEY if intent.hasExtra WIDGET_DATA_KEY Object data intent.getExtras .getParcelable WIDGET_DATA_KEY this.update context AppWidgetManager.getInstance..