

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:16:15

android Programming Glossary: intentfilter.addaction

On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites


snip IntentFilter intentFilter new IntentFilter intentFilter.addAction com.package.ACTION_LOGOUT registerReceiver new BroadcastReceiver..

Android service to check internet connectivity?


final IntentFilter intentFilter new IntentFilter intentFilter.addAction ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION registerReceiver broadcastReceiver..

Android WIFI How To Detect When WIFI Connection has been established


IntentFilter intentFilter new IntentFilter intentFilter.addAction WifiManager.SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION_CHANGE_ACTION registerReceiver..

android: Determine security type of wifi networks in range (without connecting to them)


my main object IntentFilter intentFilter new IntentFilter intentFilter.addAction WifiManager.SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION registerReceiver scanReceiver..

Receiving package install and uninstall events


.show IntentFilter intentFilter new IntentFilter intentFilter.addAction Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED intentFilter.addAction Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_INSTALL.. intentFilter.addAction Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED intentFilter.addAction Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_INSTALL registerReceiver br intentFilter.. In java code IntentFilter intentFilter new IntentFilter intentFilter.addAction Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED intentFilter.addAction Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_INSTALL..

AlarmManager with phonegap


ctx IntentFilter intentFilter new IntentFilter intentFilter.addAction Dunno what to put here if receiver null this.receiver new BroadcastReceiver..

On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites


onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState snip IntentFilter intentFilter new IntentFilter intentFilter.addAction com.package.ACTION_LOGOUT registerReceiver new BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent..

Android service to check internet connectivity?


if state State.CONNECTED onNetworkUp else onNetworkDown final IntentFilter intentFilter new IntentFilter intentFilter.addAction ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION registerReceiver broadcastReceiver intentFilter Remember to call unregisterReceiver..

Android WIFI How To Detect When WIFI Connection has been established


established or if the connection changed . Register the BroadcastReceiver IntentFilter intentFilter new IntentFilter intentFilter.addAction WifiManager.SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION_CHANGE_ACTION registerReceiver broadcastReceiver intentFilter And then in your BroadcastReceiver..

android: Determine security type of wifi networks in range (without connecting to them)


out how to determine the security type of each network. In my main object IntentFilter intentFilter new IntentFilter intentFilter.addAction WifiManager.SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION registerReceiver scanReceiver intentFilter WifiManager getSystemService Context.WIFI_SERVICE..

Receiving package install and uninstall events


here Toast.makeText context App Installed . Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show IntentFilter intentFilter new IntentFilter intentFilter.addAction Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED intentFilter.addAction Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_INSTALL registerReceiver br intentFilter This should.. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show IntentFilter intentFilter new IntentFilter intentFilter.addAction Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED intentFilter.addAction Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_INSTALL registerReceiver br intentFilter This should make a toast when a new app is installed. But.. data android scheme package intent filter receiver In java code IntentFilter intentFilter new IntentFilter intentFilter.addAction Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED intentFilter.addAction Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_INSTALL intentFilter.addDataScheme package registerReceiver..

AlarmManager with phonegap


null public void setContext PhonegapActivity ctx super.setContext ctx IntentFilter intentFilter new IntentFilter intentFilter.addAction Dunno what to put here if receiver null this.receiver new BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context context..