android Programming Glossary: intent.getparcelableextra
How to check the Internet Connection periodically in whole application? false NetworkInfo currentNetworkInfo NetworkInfo intent.getParcelableExtra ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO NetworkInfo otherNetworkInfo.. NetworkInfo otherNetworkInfo NetworkInfo intent.getParcelableExtra ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_OTHER_NETWORK_INFO if currentNetworkInfo.isConnected..
USB device access pop-up supression? Parcelable usbDevice intent.getParcelableExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE Create a new intent and put the usb..
MediaButtonIntentReceiver not working in Android 4.0+ intentAction return event KeyEvent intent.getParcelableExtra Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT if event null return try int action..
Android Device Bluetooth pairing object from the Intent BluetoothDevice device intent.getParcelableExtra BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE If it's already paired skip it.. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show BluetoothDevice device intent.getParcelableExtra BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE try device.getClass .getMethod..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset BluetoothDevice.ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED mConnectedHeadset intent.getParcelableExtra BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE BluetoothClass bluetoothClass.. state BluetoothHeadset.STATE_CONNECTED mConnectedHeadset intent.getParcelableExtra BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE Calling startVoiceRecognition..
ProgressBar in asynctask is not showing on upload findViewById Bitmap image Bitmap intent.getParcelableExtra picture String comment intent.getStringExtra comment locationListener..
Bitmap and outOfMemory in android memory with my bitmap. This is code Uri bitmapPictureUri intent.getParcelableExtra TaskActivity.PHOTO Bitmap bitmap null try bitmap MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap..
How can I pass a Bitmap object from one activity to another
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog url ResultReceiver receiver ResultReceiver intent.getParcelableExtra receiver try URL url new URL urlToDownload URLConnection connection..
Restful API service onHandleIntent Intent intent final ResultReceiver receiver intent.getParcelableExtra receiver String command intent.getStringExtra command Bundle..
Using ResultReceiver in Android and fetch in IntentService like ResultReceiver rec intent.getParcelableExtra receiverTag and send anything to activity using rec as Bundle..
How to programmatically tell if a Bluetooth device is connected? (Android 2.2) String action intent.getAction BluetoothDevice device intent.getParcelableExtra BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE if BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND.equals..
How to programmatically pair a bluetooth device on Android Context context Intent intent ... BluetoothDevice dev intent.getParcelableExtra BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE ... if dev.getBluetoothClass .getDeviceClass..
Android - registering a headset button click with BroadcastReceiver intentAction return KeyEvent event KeyEvent intent.getParcelableExtra Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT if event null return int action event.getAction..
How can I get the ADK DemoKit example working on a Google I/O Galaxy Tab 10.1? intent UsbAccessory accessory UsbAccessory intent.getParcelableExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_ACCESSORY 139c138 UsbAccessory accessory UsbManager.getAccessory.. intent UsbAccessory accessory UsbAccessory intent.getParcelableExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_ACCESSORY 152c151 mUsbManager UsbManager.getInstance..
How to pass bitmap from one activity to another BitmapImage bitmap for getting Bitmap bitmap Bitmap intent.getParcelableExtra BitmapImage i am getting this error FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION..
How to check the Internet Connection periodically in whole application? intent.getBooleanExtra ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_IS_FAILOVER false NetworkInfo currentNetworkInfo NetworkInfo intent.getParcelableExtra ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO NetworkInfo otherNetworkInfo NetworkInfo intent.getParcelableExtra ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_OTHER_NETWORK_INFO.. NetworkInfo intent.getParcelableExtra ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO NetworkInfo otherNetworkInfo NetworkInfo intent.getParcelableExtra ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_OTHER_NETWORK_INFO if currentNetworkInfo.isConnected Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Connected..
USB device access pop-up supression? getIntent if intent null if intent.getAction .equals UsbManager.ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED Parcelable usbDevice intent.getParcelableExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE Create a new intent and put the usb device in as an extra Intent broadcastIntent new Intent ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED..
MediaButtonIntentReceiver not working in Android 4.0+ intent String intentAction intent.getAction if Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON.equals intentAction return event KeyEvent intent.getParcelableExtra Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT if event null return try int action event.getAction switch action case KeyEvent.ACTION_UP Log.d..
Android Device Bluetooth pairing if BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND.equals action Get the BluetoothDevice object from the Intent BluetoothDevice device intent.getParcelableExtra BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE If it's already paired skip it because it's been listed already if device.getBondState BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED.. action Toast.makeText context ACTION_FOUND Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show BluetoothDevice device intent.getParcelableExtra BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE try device.getClass .getMethod setPairingConfirmation boolean.class .invoke device true..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset intent String action intent.getAction if action.equals BluetoothDevice.ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED mConnectedHeadset intent.getParcelableExtra BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE BluetoothClass bluetoothClass mConnectedHeadset.getBluetoothClass if bluetoothClass null.. TAG nAction action nState state NON NLS 1 NON NLS 2 if state BluetoothHeadset.STATE_CONNECTED mConnectedHeadset intent.getParcelableExtra BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE Calling startVoiceRecognition always returns false here that why a count down timer is implemented..
ProgressBar in asynctask is not showing on upload TextView findViewById submit Button findViewById Bitmap image Bitmap intent.getParcelableExtra picture String comment intent.getStringExtra comment locationListener MyLocationListener intent.getSerializableExtra location..
Bitmap and outOfMemory in android and outOfMemory in android I have problem with out of memory with my bitmap. This is code Uri bitmapPictureUri intent.getParcelableExtra TaskActivity.PHOTO Bitmap bitmap null try bitmap MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap this.getContentResolver bitmapPictureUri..
How can I pass a Bitmap object from one activity to another
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog onHandleIntent Intent intent String urlToDownload intent.getStringExtra url ResultReceiver receiver ResultReceiver intent.getParcelableExtra receiver try URL url new URL urlToDownload URLConnection connection url.openConnection connection.connect this will be..
Restful API service class QueryService extends IntentService protected void onHandleIntent Intent intent final ResultReceiver receiver intent.getParcelableExtra receiver String command intent.getStringExtra command Bundle b new Bundle if command.equals query receiver.send STATUS_RUNNING..
Using ResultReceiver in Android to the intentService via intent.putExtra receiverTag mReceiver and fetch in IntentService like ResultReceiver rec intent.getParcelableExtra receiverTag and send anything to activity using rec as Bundle b new Bundle rec.send 0 b this will be received in onReceiveResult..
How to programmatically tell if a Bluetooth device is connected? (Android 2.2) @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent String action intent.getAction BluetoothDevice device intent.getParcelableExtra BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE if BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND.equals action ... Device found else if BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED.equals..
How to programmatically pair a bluetooth device on Android data on request on the onReceive callback public void onReceive Context context Intent intent ... BluetoothDevice dev intent.getParcelableExtra BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE ... if dev.getBluetoothClass .getDeviceClass 1344 ... Once filtered I choose the first keyboard..
Android - registering a headset button click with BroadcastReceiver String intentAction intent.getAction if Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON.equals intentAction return KeyEvent event KeyEvent intent.getParcelableExtra Intent.EXTRA_KEY_EVENT if event null return int action event.getAction if action KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN do something Toast.makeText..
How can I get the ADK DemoKit example working on a Google I/O Galaxy Tab 10.1? 128c127 UsbAccessory accessory UsbManager.getAccessory intent UsbAccessory accessory UsbAccessory intent.getParcelableExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_ACCESSORY 139c138 UsbAccessory accessory UsbManager.getAccessory intent UsbAccessory accessory UsbAccessory.. 139c138 UsbAccessory accessory UsbManager.getAccessory intent UsbAccessory accessory UsbAccessory intent.getParcelableExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_ACCESSORY 152c151 mUsbManager UsbManager.getInstance this mUsbManager UsbManager getSystemService Context.USB_SERVICE..
How to pass bitmap from one activity to another Intent intent new Intent this NewActivity.class intent.putExtra BitmapImage bitmap for getting Bitmap bitmap Bitmap intent.getParcelableExtra BitmapImage i am getting this error FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION . how can i solve this problem. android bitmap share improve..